Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.221 August 2024
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                     enhancing fatty acid oxidation. However, the browning   decaffeinated green tea extract can increase the conversion
                     effect  of  proanthocyanidin  extract  from  grape  seeds   of white adipose tissue into brown-like adipose tissue by the
                     requires further study.  Apart from numerous        browning effect mechanism, thereby increasing cellular
                     proanthocyanidins research, resveratrol extract, another   energy expenditure. Additionally, studies on gene expression,
                     polyphenol from grape seeds, has been extensively studied.   the activation of the AMPK pathway, and the effects of oolong
                     Reports indicate that resveratrol can increase triglyceride   tea and Pu-erh tea have been explored. Studies on oolong
                     breakdown into free fatty acids and glycerol, boost fatty   tea and Pu-erh tea extracts have also found that these
                     acid oxidation, and enhance mitochondrial biogenesis,   extracts can convert white adipose tissue into brown-like
                     thereby promoting energy expenditure. Nevertheless,   adipose tissue and stimulate biological pathways such as
                     human  studies  on  resveratrol  consumption  still  lack   AMPK.
                     sufficient evidence to conclusively determine its      In addition to promoting the conversion of white adipose
                     effectiveness in managing obesity.                  tissue to brown-like adipose tissue, tea extracts also increase
                        Citrus  extracts  such  as  oranges,  lemons,  and   fat utilization through oxidation processes. The oxidation
                     grapefruits have been reported to boost energy expenditure.   processes  are  regulated  by  several  enzymes  such  as
                     The active compounds in citrus extracts with these   Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) and Adipocyte Triglyceride
                     properties are citrus flavonoids, which include a variety of   Lipase (ATGL). It has been reported that catechins from
                     essential  substances  such  as  hesperidin,  hesperetin,   green tea can increase the expression of the gene
                     naringenin, naringin, tangeretin, nobiletin, quercetin, and   Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamme (PPARδ), which
                     kaempferol as well as citrus carotenoids and terpenes, like   controls fat oxidation processes, along with other related
                     β-cryptoxanthin and dietary fibers. Studies on the efficacy   genes, indicating an increase in fat oxidation processes.
                     of citrus extracts in humans, along with systematic reviews   However, tea contains not only flavonoids, which are crucial
                     and meta-analyses, conclude that consuming citrus plants   active compounds, but also caffeine, which stimulates energy
                     and their extracts can reduce body mass index (BMI), waist   expenditure. Additionally, tea extracts help inhibit fat
                     circumference, hip circumference, and body weight,   synthesis and accumulation as well.
                     increasing effectiveness according to the concentration.   From the examples of plant extracts mentioned above,
                     Citrus extracts enhance energy expenditure by stimulating   it can be concluded that certain plants can be used as raw
                     β-3 cell receptors and increasing mitochondrial synthesis,   materials to extract bioactive compounds for use as functional
                     as well as converting white adipose tissue to brown adipose   food ingredients. The processes that enable these extracts
                     tissue, which further increases energy and fat metabolism.  to aid in energy expenditure often involve stimulating the
                        The final group of extracts to discuss are tea extracts.   AMPK pathway and oxidation processes and increasing the
                     Tea can be categorized based on the fermentation and   conversion of white adipose tissue to brown-like adipose
                     processing processes into white, yellow, green, oolong,   tissue, leading to increased fat oxidation. Nonetheless, some
                     black, and dark tea. Tea contains a variety of active   plant  extracts  still  require  further  human  studies  to
                     compounds, including polyphenols, polysaccharides, amino   substantiate their efficacy, necessitating additional clinical
                     acids, and alkaloids. Tea leaves have been reported to   studies.
                     have various biological properties, such as antioxidant,
                     anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating effects, as well
                     as reducing the risk of diabetes, certain cancers, and
                     obesity. Consumption data shows that drinking tea has        More Information        Service Info C007
                     minimal adverse effects on the body and is safe when
                     consumed in common amounts. Human studies have found
                     that tea consumption  can  reduce weight and body    เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     measurements due to increased energy expenditure,    -  Yuliana, N. D., Korthout, H., Wijaya, C. H., Kim, H. K., & Verpoorte,
                     reduced digestion and nutrient absorption, increased fat     R. (2013). Plant-Derived Food Ingredients for Stimulation of
                     breakdown, reduced fat synthesis, decreased fat        Energy Expenditure. Critical Reviews in Food Science and
                     accumulation in adipocytes, improved nervous system     Nutrition, 54(3), 373–388.
                     function, and balanced gut microbiota. The fat metabolism-    1.586739
                     enhancing properties of tea extracts have been widely   -  Miao Liu, Peng Yun, Ying Hu, Jiao Yang, Rim Bahadur
                     studied at the cellular level, in experimental animals, and     Khadka, Xiaochun Peng; Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin
                     in clinical studies. Animal studies have shown that     Extract on Obesity. Obes Facts 7 May 2020; 13 (2): 279–291.
                                                                          -  Fernández-Quintela, A., Milton-Laskibar, I., González, M. and
                                                                            Portillo, M.P. (2017), Antiobesity effects of resveratrol: which
                                                                            tissues are involved?. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1403: 118-131.
                                                                          -   Merve Nur Aslan, Betül Sukan-Karaçagıl, Nilüfer Acar-Tek, Roles
                                                                            of citrus fruits on energy expenditure, body weight management,
                                                                            and metabolic biomarkers: a comprehensive review, Nutrition
                                                                            Reviews, 2023;, nuad116,
                                                                          -  Xu, X. Y., Zhao, C. N., Li, B. Y., Tang, G. Y., Shang, A., Gan, R.
                                                                            Y., … Li, H. B. (2021). Effects and mechanisms of tea on
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