Page 97 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
P. 97


                     Mitigating Environmental Crisis to Create          protein.  Despite  potentially  higher  costs,  these  advanced
                     New  Opportunities  in  the  Future  Food          extraction techniques require shorter extraction times. The
                     Market                                             efficacy of these methods depends on several factors, including
                     In terms of economic sustainability, Wolffia is both a   raw material particle sizes, solvent properties, solvent-to-solid
                     promising future food and a current megatrend in the   ratio, ultrasound wave frequency, and extraction temperature
                     food industry. The government is encouraging Wolffia   (Figure 4).
                     production in both agricultural and industrial sectors to   Figure 5 illustrates the extraction process of Wolffia protein
                     increase business opportunities and generate more   using UAE. This method yields a protein extract (PE) with
                     revenue for local communities. This support is due to   sufficient solubility, emulsifying ability, and emulsion stability.
                     Wolffia’s minimal space requirements, year-round   Following this, the produced protein concentrate hydrolysate
                     growth  capability,  and  short  production  time.   (PCH) possesses antimicrobial properties, effectively inhibits
                     Environmentally, Wolffia-based protein production   Candida albicans, and is rich in total amino acids, particularly
                     emits significantly less greenhouse gas than other   aspartic and glutamic acids.
                     plant- or animal-derived proteins. For instance, Wolffia   Furthermore, solid waste from Wolffia protein extraction
                     protein production releases half the greenhouse gases   contains up to 19.9 percent fiber, which can be repurposed to
                     of seaweed protein production and 22 times less than   add value. In line with the Zero Waste principle, Wolffia waste
                     Nile tilapia fish protein production (Figure 2). Additionally,   can be transformed into products such as Wolffia fiber food
                     Wolffia can absorb carbon dioxide and contaminants in   supplements, crispy rice puff with Wolffia, or animal feed.
                     post-production wastewater. This wastewater can be   Regarding chemical composition, nutritional value, production
                     repurposed according to Zero Waste principles, such   processes, and environmental sustainability, Wolffia alternative
                     as watering plants or cultivating other duckweed   protein performs effectively across all these dimensions and
                     varieties for animal feed. Overall, the data indicate that   merits endorsement from both industrial and commercial sectors.
                     Wolffia protein production is more environmentally   However, a significant challenge remains: scaling up Wolffia
                     sustainable than other plant- or animal-based protein   protein production for larger industrial applications to ensure it
                     sources.                                           can compete with other plant-based alternative proteins in the
                     Challenges in Wolffia-derived Protein
                     Although Wolffia-derived  protein  offers significant
                     advantages in terms of nutritional value, environmental     More Information        Service Info C016
                     impact, and sustainability, other factors such as
                     production and consumer safety must also be
                     considered. Wolffia-based protein production can be
                     divided into two methods as follows:
                        1) Chemical or enzymatic extraction is a traditional
                     technique that breaks down the structure of the cell wall
                     (Figure 3). Although this method requires longer
                     production time and yields a lower amount of alternative
                     proteins, it is cost-effective and widely used in the
                     industrial sector. In this process, “protein hydrolysate”
                     is produced by polypeptide chain cleavages into free
                     amino acids or short-chain peptides using alkaline
                     solutions, acidic solutions, or enzymes. As a result, the
                     nutritional value is enhanced, nutrients are more easily
                     and rapidly absorbed, and the protein’s physical
                     properties, such as solubility, emulsifying ability, and
                     foamability, are improved.
                        2) Extraction via advanced technologies, such
                     as  microwave-assisted extraction (MAE)  or
                     ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), offers efficient
                     alternatives to traditional methods. 1) MAE employs a
                     microwave frequency of 0.3-300 GHz in combination
                     with organic solvents to extract proteins. The microwave-
                     generated heat causes the solvent molecules to vibrate,
                     leading to cell breakage and the release of active
                     compounds from within the cells. 2) UAE, on the other
                     hand, uses ultrasonic frequencies higher than 20 kHz.
                     These ultrasonic waves create bubbles through acoustic
                     cavitation.  Then these bubbles collapse during
                     compression and expansion forces from these waves,
                     causing the rupture of the plant cell walls, and the
                     consequent  release  of  the  intracellular  proteins.
                     However, high-frequency sound waves may alter the
                     secondary structure and functional properties of the

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