Page 92 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
P. 92


               6. Fermentation: Ferment the soybeans at approximately   digestion and conversion of isoflavones into forms that the
             30 °C for 24-36 hours. In the first 24 hours, the temperature of   body can absorb.
             the Tempe will be increased, causing moistute to condense   4. Prebiotics and Probiotics: Soybeans contain
             inside the Tempe bags. Excessive temperatures can lead too   polysaccharides that act as prebiotics, providing dietary fiber
             high moisture and may inhibit starter culture growth, potentially   that supports the growth of beneficial gut microorganisms.
             causing spoilage. The final product should be covered with   Research has also identified health-promoting probiotic
             white  mycelium,  forming  a  firm,  cohesive  cake  without   microorganisms in Tempe, although these probiotics are not
             crumbling.                                           officially registered according to Thailand’s Ministry of Public
               7. Storage: Tempe can be stored in the refrigerator for 7-14   Health regulations. Additionally, Tempe contains parabiotics,
             days or in the freezer for over a month. For longer shelf life   which are beneficial components of non-viable
             and to prevent spoilage, store Tempe in an airtight bag or heat   microorganisms. Studies suggest that cooked Tempe can
             it to inhibit further starter culture growth before packaging. This   stimulate immune system activity in animal models.
             will extend its shelf life and maintain product quality.
                                                                  Nutraceutical Properties of Tempe
             Nutritional Value of Tempe                           Nutraceutical properties refer to the health benefits of foods
             Tempe offers significant health benefits compared to   or nutrients in preventing, treating, and delaying bodily
             conventional soybeans and serves as a nutritious alternative   degeneration. This includes reducing the risk of diseases
             protein source. The fermentation process used to make Tempe   such as cancer and managing symptoms of menopause. As
             enhances the nutritional profile of soybeans by altering key   a functional food, Tempe exhibits several nutraceutical
             components, making Tempe a valuable dietary option. A 100-  properties that contribute  to reducing  the risk of  non-
             gram serving of Tempe provides approximately 20 grams of   communicable diseases (NCDs). The key benefits of Tempe
             protein, 13 grams of carbohydrates, and 9 grams of fat. Nutrient   include:
             levels may vary depending on the raw materials used.    1. Reduction in Cardiovascular Disease Risk (CVDs):
             Additionally,  Tempe  is  rich  in  several  essential  active   Tempe supports heart health by promoting healthy cholesterol
             compounds:                                           levels and lowering blood pressure. Additionally, it helps
               1. Amino Acids and Protein: Soybeans are a complete   reduce the absorption of saturated fats, further contributing
             protein containing all essential amino acids, making them   to cardiovascular health.
             suitable  for  animal  protein  substitutes. The  fermentation   2. Prevention of Osteoporosis: Tempe is a source of
             process in Tempe breaks down protein structures into smaller   essential minerals and vitamins, including calcium,
             sizes, improving digestibility and absorption compared to   phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin K. These nutrients
             regular soybeans. This makes Tempe especially beneficial for   play a crucial role in strengthening bones and reducing the
             the elderly, who may have reduced protein digestion efficiency   risk of bone density loss.
             and often consume insufficient protein daily.           3. Mitigation of Menopausal Symptoms: The soybeans
               2. Vitamins and Minerals: Tempe contains vitamin B12,   used  in Tempe  are  rich  in  phytoestrogens,  particularly
             produced by specific bacteria during fermentation. Vitamin B12   isoflavones, which help balance sex hormones during
             is typically found in animal products and is not commonly   menopause. Research suggests that Tempe can alleviate
             present in plant foods.                              menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, muscle aches,
               3. Isoflavones: Isoflavones are phytoestrogens found   and joint pain, which are also associated with osteoporosis
             exclusively in soybeans, the primary ingredient in Tempe. These   risk.
             compounds help balance sexual hormones in the body,     4. Cancer Risk Reduction: Tempe contains saponins
             particularly for postmenopausal women, as they have a   and isoflavones, compounds known for their anti-cancer
             chemical structure similar to female hormones. Since the body   properties. These substances inhibit cell growth and reduce
             can slightly digest and absorb natural isoflavones, they require   inflammation. Studies have shown that isoflavones in Tempe
             microbial activities in the gut for digestion and helping   can influence cancer progression by regulating angiogenesis
             absorption. The microorganisms in Tempe facilitate the   (the formation of new blood vessels in tumors). Furthermore,
                                                                  Tempe is high in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative
                                                                     Research and scientific data highlight that Tempe is a
                                                                  beneficial protein alternative for health-conscious individuals,
                                                                  vegetarians, and those looking to reduce meat consumption.
                                                                  Its nutraceutical properties support disease risk reduction
                                                                  and prevention. However, proper hygiene during Tempe
                                                                  production is crucial to avoid contamination with unwanted
                                                                  microorganisms. Tempe  should  be  thoroughly  cooked
                                                                  before consumption for safety, especially for vulnerable

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