Page 49 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
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                    satisfy both the pets’ enjoyment of the food and the pet
                    owners’ satisfaction.                                เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                      However, using palatants in pet food must comply with   Pet Food Market Size, Growth, Share, Trends, Analysis, 2032. (n.d.).
                    legal regulations to ensure the safety and health of pets.     Retrieved from
                    Regulatory bodies, such as the Association of American     reports/pet-food-market-100554
                    Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), have established guidelines   2 ส่่งออกอาหารส่ัตว์์เลี้้�ยงฟื้้�นตัว์ ส่นค. แนะเกาะเทรนด์์ผู้้�บริโภคใกลี้�ชิิด์ เจาะตลี้าด์
                    and concentration levels for palatants. Manufacturers must     ท�าทายใหม่่ | ส่ํานักงานนโยบายแลี้ะยุทธศาส่ตร์การค�า. (n.d.). Retrieved
                    follow these regulations to prevent health risks and maintain     from
                    the quality of their products.                       3 Euromonitor International. (2023, August 9). Innovations in pet Care:
                                                                           Four growth areas. Retrieved from
                    Factors Affecting the Palatability of Food in          article/innovations-in-pet-care-four-growth-areas
                    Dogs and Cats                                        4 AFB International. (2022, December 5). Principles of Pet Food Palatabil
                    In addition to the palatability of the diet itself, several factors     ity- AFB International. Retrieved from https://www.afbinternational.
                    influence the acceptance of food in dogs and cats. Their     com/blog/white_paper/principles-of-pet-food-palatability/
                    acceptance is shaped by a variety of elements, including    Hand, Micheal.S., Thatcher, C.D., Remillard, R.L., Roudebush, P. and
                    physiological  differences,  feeding  behaviors,  and     Novotny, B.J. (2011) Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. 5th Edition, Mark
                    preferences for food components, texture, and form.     Morris Institute.
                    Factors affecting the palatability of food in dogs and cats    Hermann, Bourgeois., Denise, A., Elliott., Philippe, Marniquet., Yannick,
                    include:                                               Soulard. (2006). Dietary behavior of dogs and cats. Bulletin De L
                      Physiological  Factors:  Physiological  differences     Academie Veterinaire De France, 159(4):301-308. doi: 10.4267/2042
                    between dogs and cats result in distinct nutritional     /47848
                    requirements.  Dogs  are  omnivores,  meaning  they  can    Pavinee, Watson., David, G., Thomas., Emma, N., Bermingham.,
                    efficiently  utilize  both  plant-based  and  animal-based     Nicola, M., Schreurs., Michael, E., Parker. (2023). Drivers of Palatabil
                    ingredients. Their digestive systems are adapted to handle     ity for Cats and Dogs—What It Means for Pet Food Development.
                    a variety of nutrients from different food sources. On the     Animals, 13(7):1134-1134. doi: 10.3390/ani13071134
                    other hand, cats are classified as restricted carnivores, which    Shilpa, S., Samant., Philip, G., Crandall., Sara, E., Jarma, Arroyo., Han-
                    means their physiology is tailored to a diet primarily consisting     Seok, Seo. (2021). Dry Pet Food Flavor Enhancers and Their Impact
                    of animal products. They have specific nutritional needs,     on Palatability: A Review. Foods, 10(11):2599-. doi: 10.3390/
                    such as a higher requirement for protein, taurine (an essential     FOODS10112599
                    amino acid), and retinol (the active form of vitamin A), which
                    are predominantly found in animal-based ingredients. Due
                    to these unique needs, cats are more likely to prefer foods
                    that are high in protein and made from animal sources, as
                    these better meet their nutritional requirements.
                      Feeding Behavior: Generally, dogs are more open to a
                    variety of foods compared to cats. Dogs typically consume
                    larger meals and are usually fed 1-2 times per day. In contrast,
                    cats prefer smaller, more frequent meals, often eating around
                    10-20 times throughout the day. Additionally, cats tend to eat
                    alone and may refuse food if other animals are present,
                    whereas dogs, with their pack-feeding behavior, are generally
                    more comfortable eating in the company of other dogs. Thus,
                    the feeding environment plays a crucial role in determining
                    food acceptance for both species.
                      Preferences for Food Components, Texture, and
                    Form: Dogs choose their food based on strong smells and
                    flavors and are generally open to a variety of textures. They
                    prefer ingredients such as meat and fat and enjoy foods with
                    sweet tastes. In contrast, cats lack sweet taste receptors
                    and are specifically drawn to the aroma of meat and fish.
                    They have texture preferences, favoring options like pâté or
                    pieces in sauce, and prefer textures that resemble the feel
                    and taste of their natural prey. Cats also prefer their food to
                    be served at body temperature. Additionally, the shape of
                    kibble can influence food acceptance in cats; they typically
                    prefer rounder shapes over those with sharp corners, such
                    as star or fish shapes.
                      Thailand plays a crucial role as a leading dog and cat
                    food exporter, growing alongside the expanding global pet
                    food industry. This growth is fueled by consumer behavior,
                    with pet owners increasingly prioritizing their pets’ health and
                    well-being,  treating them  like family  members. By
                    understanding these trends and factors, businesses can
                    effectively innovate in product development, thereby boosting
                    their competitiveness in the global market.

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