Page 26 - FoodFocusThailand No.224 November 2024
P. 26
Beyond Booze:
A New Era for Alcoholic Beverages
The world of alcoholic beverages is vast and diverse, offering a tempting array of flavors and experiences.
From the classic malt-based beers, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, to the distilled spirits like whiskey,
vodka, and rum, the options are endless.
Current Trends in Alcoholic Beverages Challenges and Innovations in Alcoholic Beverages
Recent data from Statista Market Insights in June Common challenges in alcoholic beverage production have traditionally
2024 reveals a significant trend toward at-home included bitter tastes, unpleasant odors, and difficulties transporting glass
consumption of alcoholic beverages, now generating bottles. However, as demand for innovative concepts grows—driven by trends
more revenue than out-of-home consumption. China toward naturalness, sustainability, and organic certification—new hurdles
currently leads this market in revenue, and this trend emerge in areas such as shelf life, taste, appearance, and stability, all while
is expected to continue growing steadily in the coming consumers continue to expect consistently high quality.
years. Additionally, a report on global alcohol market When developing new beverages, experts must navigate three key areas:
growth in 2025 identifies India, China, and the US as technical stability, microbiological control, and sensory stability. Visual factors
key drivers of change, each moving towards like sediment, flocculation, and discoloration—though not affecting safety or
premiumization. India is leading in volume growth, flavor—can influence consumer perception and willingness to purchase,
fueled by its expanding middle class and increasing making technical stability crucial. Microbiological stability ensures the beverage
demand for premium Scotch and US whiskies. remains safe throughout production and packaging. Equally important is
Meanwhile, China’s market presents mixed results, sensory stability, which preserves the drink’s taste, aroma, and texture over
showing growth in international spirits but declines in time, especially for products with longer shelf lives or sensitive ingredients
cognac and malt Scotch. Despite a recent decline in where flavor changes could occur during storage.
volume, the US remains a crucial value driver, with Careful raw material selection is also essential to prevent undesirable
anticipated growth in tequila and ready-to-drink interactions. For instance, the alcohol content in ready-to-drink beverages
products. can react with certain ingredients, causing precipitation or color changes. To
Alongside these changing consumption patterns, ensure a stable, high-quality final product, it’s critical to meticulously coordinate
consumer preferences are evolving rapidly, prompting raw materials and manufacturing processes from the outset.
the alcohol industry to keep innovating and introducing According to the Alcoholic Beverages: Technology Innovations, Emerging
new products. Key trends to watch include: Products, IP & Market Research Report, recent innovations in alcoholic
• The rise of non-alcoholic beverages as more beverages have focused on enhancing their health benefits and sensory
people opt for reduced or no alcohol consumption. appeal. Researchers have explored incorporating antioxidant-rich ingredients
• Increasing use of flavored mixers and fermented like aronia berries and eggplant peel extract into beer, increasing phenolic
ingredients in cocktails. content and improving biological value. Additionally, innovative processing
• Diversification of product offerings, with alcohol techniques like the ohmic treatment of fruit puree have been used to enhance
brands introducing non-alcoholic versions of their the color, turbidity, and foam retention of beers while extending their shelf life.
popular drinks. There is also an increasing trend in the alcoholic beverage industry to
• The growing popularity of canned cocktails, enhance flavor and composition by incorporating fruits, spices, and hop pellets
which offer convenience and a variety of flavors. into beers. This innovation has given rise to single-serving beer infusions that
• A shift toward eco-friendly packaging in provide unique, flavorful experiences while keeping calorie counts low.
response to consumer demand. By blending these creative approaches, the industry is committed to developing
• The emergence of cannabis-infused beverages products that are not only enjoyable but also healthier and more
as a low-calorie, hangover-free alternative to sustainable.
traditional alcohol.
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