Page 29 - FoodFocusThailand No.176 November 2020
P. 29
COVID-19 pandemic in the United States purchasing power. This population tends to demand more healthy and environmentally
has affected the national economic growth, and friendly products and services from natural ingredients. It is noted that the fruit juice
disturbed a consumer confidence. It is expected products sold in the United States often process with colors, flavors, sugars, and
that the fruit juice market in the United States preservatives added to prolong shelf life. These additives have discouraged the demand
will drop to a USD 19.1 billion in 2020, or down of this specific group. Some millennials believe that consuming large quantities of flavored
by 15.52%. If looking inside, the market fruit juice products will cause the health issues such as obesity and diabetes. Therefore,
distribution by product categories can be shown they tend to reduce the consumption of fruit juice products, especially flavored fruit juices.
as follows: Orange juice is USD 7.78 billion Evidentially, the consumption of orange juice in the United States, the highest market
(40.65%). Apple juice is USD 5.1 billion share nearly 50%, has been steadily declining since 2012. It is forecasted to decline
(26.63%). Other fruit juice is USD 4.6 billion continuously at least until 2025.
(24.04%). Grape juice is USD 870 million
(4.55%). Pineapple juice is USD 557 million Statistics of the Fruit Juice Products Importing from Thailand
(2.91%). And grapefruit juice is USD 233 million Thai fruit juice products with high potential to U.S. market are tropical fruit juices such as
(1.21%). After the pandemic recovery, it is coconut, pineapple, mango, mangosteen, and guava juices, etc. Even though the overall
foreseen that the fruit juice market will gradually U.S. importing fruit juice is declining during January-May 2020 about 22.57% dropped
improve and stabilize for at least five years year over year, Thai products is escalating consistently since 2017, especially in the non-
(2021-2025) reaching the market value of USD mixed fruit juice category (HS Code 200989) which has increased by 34.07% YoY. Besides,
25.1 billion in 2025, or increasing 5.67% per the aforementioned products also have the highest export segment to U.S. market about
year. 27.36%.
Demand of Fruit Juice in U.S. SWOT Analysis
Market Strength
COVID-19 pandemic plays a major threat factor 1. Thailand has a perfect climate for tropical fruits such as coconut, pineapple, mango,
to economic expansion of mangosteen, and guava enabling a large quantity of high-quality materials to proceeding
the country. American fruit juice products. The production quantity is sufficient to meet the consumption demand
consumption overall is from international market.
more likely to scale down
its demand for goods and
services including fruit juice
products. In 2020, it is
predicted that the total
consumption of fruit juice in
the United States is at 5.63
billion liters, or 7.48%
dropped year over year, the
lowest consumption in the
last decade. After that, the
consumption will slightly
boost to 5.95 billion liters in
2025. A s f or t he
consumption per capita,
one American has an
annual consumption of
17.01 liters of fruit juice in
2020. Later on, it will build
up and maintain at average
of 17.5 liters per year until
Consumer Behavior
Millennials, or population in
Generation Y is the largest
influence of U.S. economy,
as they are biggest group
in the country. Besides,
they have the highest
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