Page 50 - FoodFocusThailand No.181 April 2021
P. 50


            Technologies to

            Extend the Food & Beverage Shelf Life

            Shelf life is the time duration of the food, throughout which the food quality and its nutrients stay intact, fresh,
            and safe to consume. In the food manufacturing industry, shelf life plays a major role in determining the quality
            of the food. Where in the industry, the food is continuously exposed to the fluctuating environment, it usually
            loses its shelf life; therefore, it is crucial to conduct regular shelf life evaluations.

               Consumers today expect to purchase high-quality fresh food items,  aim of this technique is to cause enzyme inactivation. This is mainly
            and prefer it to stay fresh for a long time. There are several processing  employed for products like vegetables. Fruits are usually not treated
            methods employed by the companies to extend the shelf life of their food  under this method.
            products.                                                According to, there are more traditional processing
               Below are a few common ways which are usually employed by the  methods to preserve food such as canning, sugaring, drying, curing,
            companies to increase their product’s shelf life.     pickling and vacuum packing. Depending on the type of food you have,
                                                                  you need to choose an appropriate method.
            Processing Methods
            Several processing methods can improve the shelf life of a food product.  Temperature
            The most common methods are pasteurization, sterilization, fermentation.  Temperature plays an essential role in determining the shelf life of a
            Scientific techniques like thermal processing or pasteurization involve  product. Food companies control the temperature during each stage of
            giving mild heat treatment of below 100  C to the food products, to  food processing and manufacturing. Manufacturing the food items in a
            decrease the microbes present in the commodity.       temperature-controlled  environment  is  the  most  commonly  used
               Another common technique of food processing is blanching, where  technique to increase the shelf life of an edible product.
            the food is pre-treated with mild heat with hot or boiling water. The prime   If at any stage during manufacturing the food product faces a
                                                                  temperature abuse, the shelf life can significantly reduce. A temperature-
                                                                  controlled environment is used during the food processing stage to give
                                                                  an accurate result.
                                                                  Chemical Usage
                                                                  Food chemicals are widely used by companies to extend the shelf life
                                                                  of their products. The companies do not use chemicals directly on their
                                                                  products, but they first combine it with other methods, so that the
                                                                  chemicals do not harm the quality.
                                                                     The  food  companies  generally  add  antioxidants  and  oxygen
                                                                  absorbers to reduce the oxidation, which enhances the product’s shelf
                                                                  life. Some companies even add the oxygen absorbers in small pouches
                                                                  with the food packets to maintain the set life of their manufactured food
                                                                  Modified Product Atmosphere
                                                                  The  packaging  of  a  product  can  define  its  shelf  life.  Usually,  the
                                                                  companies that deal in fresh food products pack their items in a controlled
                                                                  atmosphere,  free  of  oxygen. They  use  the  “Modified Atmosphere
                                                                  Packaging (MAP)” technique to contain their final product, which keeps
                                                                  the oxygen to enter the packaging.
                                                                     To protect the fresh food, the companies infuse a mixture of different
                                                                  gases other than oxygen into the pack, which keeps the food stay fresh
                                                                  for long. Some companies even use vacuum packaging to keep their
                                                                  products like fruits, vegetables fresh for long, which gives an attractive
                                                                  touch to the items and is likable by the consumers.
                                                                  Product Irradiation
                                                                  Food irradiation means to expose the food products and its packaging
                                                                  to ionizing radiation. The process of exposing the food to the radiation
                                                                  effectively destroys the microorganisms or harmful bacteria that are
                                                                  responsible for spoilage, or that can cause illness after the consumption.
                                                                     While the ionizing radiation never comes directly in contact with the
                                                                  food, it is still able to destroy the living bacteria, insect infestation, etc.
                                                                  present inside. This technology improves the safety aspects of food
                                                                  products and plays an important role in extending the shelf life of the
                                                                  products. The  process  of  product  irradiation  is  mostly  used  for
                                                                  pasteurizing milk, canned fruits, and vegetables, etc.
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