Page 15 - FoodFocusThailand No.172 July 2020
P. 15

10          August            The Focus on

                                                  Healthier Innovations

                                                   @ Jupiter Room, Challenger Hall, IMPACT

                  Consumers nowadays are increasingly becoming more “Health Conscious”  and  have
                  started paying more attention to their lifestyles and healthy diets, which has surged the
                  demand of “FUNCTIONAL F&B” across the globe.

                   The Role of Nutrition in 4.0 Era

                   Mega Trends of Food & Beverage
                   Industry in the Next Decade

                   Pathway of Product Development
                   and Marketing


                                                               R & D / QC & QA / Production /
                                                               Product Development / Sales & Marketing /   NOW !!
                                                               Executive Management / Law & Regulation /
                                                               Business Owner / Founder /
                                                               Scholar & Lecturer /                        K. Chalinee
                                                               Purchasing & Procurement                    K. Natrekha
                                                               ONE STAGE FOR ALL                           T. 0 2192 9598
                                                                                                               08 6368 0506
                                   Main Sponsor:                             Co-sponsor:

                 Education Sponsor:                       Display:                    Organizer:  Official Publication:

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