Page 27 - FoodFocusThailand No.192 March 2022
P. 27

                                                                                                  SPECIAL TALK BY FDA

                  and less than 0.2% of THC by weight . The legalized
                  parts of hemp or cannabis, therefore, can be   4. The  qualities  and  standards  of  food  products  containing  cannabidiol
                  processed to make several health products under   extract are established as follows:
                  control of relevant laws and regulations. Regarding     (1) Amount of cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol and analytical methods
                  food industry, using parts of cannabis or hemp in        shall comply with the requirements specified in the table.
                  food produced for commercial purposes is only     (2) Use of food additives including extraction solvents shall comply with the
                  allowed under the general purpose of food and its        Notification of MOPH regarding food additives.
                  qualities and safety are controlled under the Food     (3) Pesticide residues shall not exceed the maximum limits as specified in the
                  Law based on the risk analysis principle.        Notification of MOPH regarding food containing pesticide residues.
                     In order to ensure consumer safety and to     (4) Chemical contaminants shall not exceed the maximum limits as specified
                  establish  the  appropriate  measures  and        in the Notification of MOPH regarding standards for contaminants in food.
                  requirements to control quality and standard of food     (5) Pathogenic microorganisms shall comply with the Notification of MOPH
                  products containing cannabidiol extract that could        regarding prescribing the quality or standard, principles, conditions and
                  possibly  pose  risk  to  consumers  from  health-       methods of analysis for pathogenic microorganisms in foods.
                  harming chemical intakes. The Ministry of Public     (6) Depending on the case, the quality prescriptions or standards of each specific
                  Health, by virtue of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979),        food shall be subject to its corresponding notifications of the Ministry of Public
                  issued the Notification of the Ministry of Public        Health.
                  Health  (No.429)  B.E.2564  (2021)  Re:  Food
                  Products  Containing  Cannabidiol  Extract. The   Table: Conditions for the use of cannabidiol extracts in food products
                  important points are summarized as follows:
                     1.  Food  products  containing  cannabidiol       Permitted Category and Type of Food   Maximum CBD   Maximum Total
                  extract are prescribed as specifically controlled                                (mg/kg)      THC Limit
                     2. The definitions and scopes are prescribed   13.6  Food supplements in the forms of tablet,   75.0  0.15
                  as follows:                                      capsule, and liquid (ready-to-drink only)
                     “Cannabidiol extract” means Cannabidiol
                  extracted from cannabis plant (Cannabis indica
                  or Cannabis sativa L.) that contains  Ready-to-drink carbonated water-based   75.0  0.15
                  tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) not exceed 0.2% by    flavoured  drinks,  except any similar
                  weight                                           products that may contain tea, coffee,
                     Therefore, cannabidiol obtained from synthetis   and  natural/synthetic  caffeine,  also
                  or chemical reaction is not included in the prescribed   includes electrolyte drinks.
                                                   Ready-to-drink non-carbonated water-  75.0    0.15
                       3.  The qualities and standards of          based  flavoured  drinks,  except  any
                    cannabidiol extracts  to  be  used  as               similar products that may contain tea,
                    ingredient in food products are established           coffee, and natural/synthetic caffeine,
                    as follows:                                    also includes electrolyte drinks.
                         (1) Amount of cannabidiol shall not less
                            than 30% by weight.            14.1.5  Ready-to-drink cereal and grain   75.0          0.15
                         (2)  Amount of tetrahydrocannabinol       beverages, except tea, coffee, herbal
                            shall not exceed 0.2% by weight.
                         (3) May contain or mix with other         infusion, and any similar products.
                            ingredients as processing aid which
                            shall not be a threat to health.  Remarks:
                         (4) Use of food additives including   1.  The categories and types of food shall comply with the Notification of MOPH regarding
                            extraction solvents shall comply with     food additives.
                            the Notification of MOPH regarding   2.  The calculation of the maximum limits of cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol shall be
                            food additives.                  based on the ready-to-eat basis.
                         (5) Pesticide residues shall not exceed   3.  The analysis of cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol shall adhere to the rules and
                            the maximum limits as specified in     verification methods of a laboratory that uses High Performance Liquid Chromatography
                            the Notification of MOPH regarding     (HPLC) or other more advanced techniques.
                            food containing pesticide residues   4.  “Total THC” means The total THC content of the substances Δ9 -THC, Δ8 -THC and THC
                         (6) Chemical contaminants shall not
                            exceed the maximum limits as     content, calculated by (Δ9 –THC) + (Δ8 –THC) + (0.877 x THCA)
                            specified in the Notification of MOPH
                            regarding standards for contaminants   5. Producers of foods containing cannabidiol extracts shall use legally sourced
                            in food
                         (7) Pathogenic microorganisms shall   cannabidiol extracts. The manufacturing processes shall be subject to control measures
                            comply with the Notification of   specified in the notifications of the Ministry of Public Health concerning manufacturing
                            MOPH regarding prescribing the   methods, manufacturing equipment, and food preservation processes. Manufacturers shall
                            quality or standard, principles,   keep a record of the acquired supply and usage of cannabidiol extracts in the facility where
                            conditions and methods of analysis   the production takes place.
                            for pathogenic microorganisms in
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