Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.192 March 2022
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                 6. For any use of cannabidiol extracts as ingredient in food        authority as dictated by Paragraph 1 of Article 31. Only when
              products that does not fall under the conditions specified by the        the certificate of food recipe registration is issued, will said
              Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.429) B.E.2564 (2021),        manufacturers or importers be allowed to produce or import
              this use shall be evaluated for safety aspect and approved by the        the food products in question. Any violation of the regulation
              Food and Drug Administration. Manufacturer or importer must be        shall be deemed incompliant with Article 64 of the Food Act
              submitted along with supporting documents and details as specified        B.E.2522 (1979), and violators shall be subject to imprisonment
              in the Public Handbook Re: Required documents or evidences for        of no more than 2 years or a fine of no more than THB 20,000
              food safety assessment which not fall in scope of novel food under        or both. Any party found to sell unregistered specifically
              the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.376) B.E.2559,        controlled foods shall be deemed incompliant with Article 65
              Re: Novel Food.                                               of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979) and be subject to a fine from
                 7. The use of containers for food products containing cannabidiol        THB 1,000 to THB 20,000.
              extracts  shall  comply  with  the  Notification  of  MOPH  regarding     (2)  Authorized manufacturers or importers of specifically controlled
              containers.                                                   foods shall produce or import their products in agreement with
                 8. The labeling of food products containing cannabidiol extracts        the specifications in the food recipe registration as dictated
              shall comply with the following requirements:                 by Article 34. Any violation of the regulation shall be deemed
                   8.1 The label shall be displayed in accordance with the        incompliant with Article 66 of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979),
                      Notification of MOPH regarding the labeling of prepackaged        and violators shall be subject to imprisonment of no more than
                      foods.                                                1 year or a fine of no more than THB 10,000 or both.
                   8.2  The following texts shall be displayed:          (3) Any labeling practice not adhering to this Notification shall be
                      (1) The text “Warning” shall be displayed with no smaller         deemed as an act of violation of Article 6(10). Violators shall
                         1.5 mm font size within a square frame. The color of        be subject to a fine of no more than THB 30,000 as specified
                         the letters shall be in contrast with that of the        by Article 51 of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979).
                         background within the frame, and the color of the frame     (4) Any usage of food additives not adhering to the requirements
                         shall be in contrast with that of the background of the        in this Notification shall be deemed as an act of violation of
                         label.                                             Article 6(4)(5) and (9). Violators shall be subject to a fine of
                      (2)  The text “Not suitable for children and pregnant or        no more than THB 20,000 as dictated by Article 47 of the Food
                         breast-feeding women.”                             Act B.E.2522 (1979). If said food additives are proven to
                      (3)  The text “Stop consuming in case of adverse effect.”       exceed the maximum limits permitted by law and possibly
                      (4)  The text “Persons sensitive to THC or CBD should take        pose short- or long-term health risks to consumers, the
                         precaution before consumption.”                    implicated food shall be deemed impure in accordance with
                      (5)  The text “May cause drowsiness. Use care when        Article 25(1) of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979). Violators shall
                         operating a car, a vehicle, or dangerous machinery.”       consequently be subject to imprisonment of no more than 2
                      (6)  The texts “Cannabidiol extract,” “Cannabidiol,” “CBD,”        years or a fine of no more than THB 20,000 or both.
                         or any word with similar meaning shall be displayed as     (5) Any usage of containers not adhering to the requirements in
                         part of or attached to the names of food products.         this Notification shall be deemed as an act of violation of Article
                   8.3  In case that certain food product falls under the conditions        6(6). Violators shall be subject to imprisonment of no more
                      stipulated in any of the Notification of MOPH regarding        than 2 years or a fine of no more than THB 20,000 or both as
                      labeling requirements, the label of the food product in        dictated by Article 48 of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979).
                      question shall be displayed in agreement with the     (6) Any quality control of manufacturing processes not adhering
                      corresponding notifications, such as the Notification of        to the requirements in this Notification shall be deemed as an
                      MOPH regarding food supplements or beverages in sealed        act of violation of Article 6(7). Violators shall be subject to a
                      containers.                                           fine of no more than THB 10,000 or both as dictated by Article
                   8.4  The display of nutrition claim on the label of a food product        49 of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979).
                      containing cannabidiol extracts shall comply with the     (7) Any production of food that does not comply with the standards
                      Notification of MOPH regarding nutrition labels.       prescribed in Article 28 shall be deemed as an act of violation
                   8.5  The display of health claims on the label of a food product        of Article 25(3). Violators shall be subject to a fine of no more
                      containing cannabidiol extracts shall comply with the        than THB 50,000 as dictated by Article 49 of the Food Act
                      Notification of MOPH regarding food health claims.       B.E.2522 (1979).
                 9. This Notification shall come into force on the 28th of August of   Additional information regarding the application procedure for
              B.E.2564 (2021) onward.                               permission of a food product containing cannabidiol extract acquired
                 10. Punitive Measures                              on the website of the Food Division [Via
                 Violators of this Notification of the Ministry of Public Health shall   sites/food/SitePages/cannabis.aspx]
              be subject to the following punishments:
                   (1) Manufacturers or importers of specifically controlled foods
                      with permission granted by Article 14 or Article 15 shall apply   More Information  Service Info C001
                      for the food recipe registration with the corresponding

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