Page 27 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 27


                  Cannabis Energy Drink

                  Counting down 120 days after February 9, 2022, the        and nitrogen hose  can help the manufacturers maintain and
                  Thai Ministry of Public Health has announced that Hemp-   manage the production costs. We would call that “Nitrogen
                                                                            Doser is the key of hot filling production.”
                  Cannabis had been completely unlocked from being a           The market value of energy drinks in Thailand in 2022 is
                  drug. However, it is still considered a controlled drug   more than 30,000 million Thai Baht. Many giant companies
                  except for cannabis extracts with a THC value of more     have  admitted  that  they  are  innovating  and  studying  a
                                                                            complete system of Hemp-Cannabis from cultivation to
                  than 0.2%.                                                extraction in order to be added in energy drink products, including
                                                                            healthy  vitamins  water.  We  expect  to  see  ready-to-drink
                     This unlocking creates opportunities for food and beverage   Hemp-Cannabis products launched in Thailand’s market no
                  entrepreneurs to develop beverages with Hemp-Cannabis extract to reach   later than Q this year. Hemp-Cannabis fans can’t wait to taste
                  more consumers. This year, we expect to see Hemp-Cannabis in ready-  the products for sure.
                  to-drink form launched into the market in Thailand, such as “Cannabis
                  Energy Drink,” which was launched earlier in many countries.

                                                                                   More Information        Service Info C002

                                                                            ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
                                                                            1   Cryogas ได้้พััฒนาเครื่่�องหยด้ไนโตรื่เจนที่่�สามารื่ถควบคุม Heat loss

                     In the product development direction, what should the manufacturer
                  do to extend the product shelf life and quality of Hemp-Cannabis energy
                  drinks in ready-to-drink packagings such as aluminum cans, glass bottles,
                  or PET bottles? It is inevitable by dosing with liquid nitrogen for oxygen
                     The technology of liquid nitrogen doser has been introduced into the
                  production process in many countries to improve the product’s efficiency
                  and increase the value of the working principle. The liquid nitrogen doser
                  installation is carried out during post-filling and before capping. Packages
                  are conveyed through conveyors to the packing process through the filling
                  machine and later to the nitrogen dosing process. Using a drop of less than
                  0.5 g/can, liquid nitrogen floats on the surface of the liquid product. It
                  evaporates 700 times as nitrogen gas, making the headspace filled with
                  other gases was replaced with nitrogen gas immediately before closing the
                  cap that has a limited time by the line speed of the filler machine.

                  Case Study: Oxygen Reduction in Beverage Products
                  in the USA
                  Liquid nitrogen dosing in the hemp-cannabis energy drink can extend the
                  product shelf-life up to 63-85 days and reduce oxygen up to 90-95%
                  compared to the traditional gas flush. The benefits of liquid nitrogen dosing
                  are in addition to extending product life; it also allows manufacturers to
                  reduce the cost of packaging. To control the heat loss effectively in doser

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