Page 71 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 71

                                                                                    STORAGE, H
                  The middleweight champion of



                    Whether car seats, truck tires, electric motors, batteries, or
                 household devices, driven conveyors do not always have to handle
                 heavy pallets weighing 1,200 kilograms (2,645 pounds). For
                 automated applications that move goods weighing up to 250 kilograms
                 (551 pounds), the complete pallet conveyor system  is a suitable
                 expansion solution that stands out for its cost effectiveness, uniform
                 control, ensuring the flow of goods with zero-pressure accumulation
                 and plug-and-play functionality.
                    More and more companies around the world that are seeking to
                 replace  manual  work processes  with  highly  streamlined  and
                 automated material-handling processes are using the conveyor belt
                 for conveying goods weighing up to 50 kilograms (110 pounds) or   With the proven conveyor platform from the world's leading manufacturer
                 the complete pallet conveyor system  for pallets weighing up to 1,200   of material handling and conveying equipment , a high-performance,
                 kilograms. However, some system integrators are unaware that they   demand-driven material-handling solution can be very easily put together
                 can also use the complete pallet conveyor system  to configure   or expanded using a plug-and-play complete pallet conveyor system .
                 tailored conveyors for transporting goods weighing up to 250   The user-friendly developed conveyor system software  for planning, 3D
                 kilograms. This is possible with the proven technology platform  that   visualization, and simulation shortens and simplifies the project planning
                 consists of the 48V roller drive combined with dedicated control   phase and decision-making processes for users.
                 system and power supplies. Unlike the complete pallet conveyor
                 system  variant for heavy pallets, this solution is driven by the 48V   Now with Animated 3D Visualization and Simulation
                 roller drive with a power consumption of 50 watts. It enables customers   The newly developed conveyor system software  features significant
                 to build cost-effective, energy-efficient and safe conveyors, especially   functionality upgrades compared to the previous version. It can now
                 in industrial settings where truck tires, car seats, white goods, and   generate highly realistic 3D models that can visualize the planned material
                 other products must be conveyed with zero-pressure accumulation.  handling through animation and even simulate it based on machine
                                                                       specifications. Additional objects such as robot or production cells and
                 Autonomous Conveyors Combined roller drive with the new   control elements can also be integrated to conduct realistic controller and
                 dedicated control system  for pallet conveying, these drives are the   PLC simulations. These features give system integrators the opportunity
                 core element of zero-pressure accumulation conveyors for moderately   to design and plan system concepts in an even more descriptive way and
                 heavy goods with individually driven conveyor zones. When equipped   virtually put them into operation, making for more informative and simplified
                 with the optional bus interface and combined with the right dedicated   presentations  and  decision-making  processes  for  end-users. The
                 control system , the roller drive also enables users to read out a wide   developed conveyor system software  improves preparations to ensure
                 range of operating data in real-time and visualize it on the screen via   the seamless integration and system startup of the solution.
                 a web interface – an ideal solution for demand-driven maintenance.
                 What's more, the product can be positioned precisely on the conveyor
                 line – a feature that is essential for seamless integration with robots
                 or automated gripper arms. A huge advantage of the dedicated control   More Information  Service Info C014
                 system is the control's adaptability to specific customer needs, thanks
                 to its highly flexible nature. The dedicated control system , for   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
                 example,  enables  the  set-up  of  zero-pressure  accumulation   1   ระบบสายพานลำำาเลำียงพาเลำทแบบโมดููลำ (Modular pallet conveyor platform - MPP) เป็็น
                 conveyors without cumbersome programmable logic controller (PLC)     สายพานที�มีความยืดูหย่�นสำาหรับการลำำาเลำียงพาเลำท ซึ่่�งขัับเคลำื�อนดู้วยมอเตอร์เกียร์ หรือ
                 programming work. It is also possible to build a plug-and-play     ดูรัมมอเตอร์ขั่�นอยู�กับความต้องการในการใช้้งาน จึ่งสามารถสร้างสายพานลำำาเลำียงแบบ
                 complete  pallet  conveyor  system   with  no  PLC  at  all.  System     ไร้แรงดูันสะสมไดู้
                 integrators wishing to deploy a special logic for customer-specific   2   ระบบสายพานลำำาเลำียง (Modular conveyor platform – MCP) เป็็นหน่�งในเทคโนโลำยี
                 applications, however, can also use the dedicated control system      การลำำาเลำียงที�นิยมใช้้ แลำะมีความทนทานมากที�ส่ดู
                 as an input/output (I/O) device. The existing logic for zero-pressure-  3   DC แพลำตฟอร์ม เป็็นแพลำตฟอร์มเทคโนโลำยีที�มีความสามารถในการเก็บรวบรวมขั้อมูลำจึาก
                 accumulation conveying will then be ignored. The connected PLC     สายพานลำำาเลำียง ซึ่่�งช้�วยให้การขัับเคลำื�อนมีป็ระสิทธิิภาพ แลำะการบำาร่งรักษาดูีขั่�น
                 receives all sensor and roller drive information and adjusts the material   4    MultiControl เป็็นระบบควบค่ม แลำะติดูตามการเคลำื�อนที�ขัองสินค้าตลำอดูกระบวนการขันถ�าย
                 handling as required by the user through relevant programming.  5    ลำูกกลำิ�งลำำาเลำียง ร่�น EC 5000 ขันาดู 48 โวลำต์ เป็็นส�วนป็ระกอบสำาคัญในการขัับเคลำื�อนสายพาน
                 Uniform Control of Conveyor Zone At  the same time,   6   Interroll เป็็นผูู้้ผู้ลำิตอ่ป็กรณ์์ระบบขันถ�าย แลำะจึัดูเก็บสินค้า ระบบโลำจึิสติกส์ภายใน แลำะระบบ
                 more complex applications like those using additional 400V drum     อัตโนมัติช้ั�นนำาขัองโลำก
                 motors for turntables can also be integrated and controlled via the   7   Interroll Layouter เป็็นซึ่อฟต์แวร์ที�ทำางานร�วมกับโป็รแกรมออกแบบ AutoCAD ช้�วยให้การ
                 dedicated control system . This means that even mixed conveyors     วางแผู้น แลำะออกแบบระบบการขันถ�ายวัสดู่เห็นภาพช้ัดูเจึนขั่�น
                 with both 400V and 48V drive elements can rely on a uniform control
                 solution that drastically reduces the cabling effort required to connect   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
                 the drives to the PLC, among other advantages. The advantages of   Hans Peter Ott. 2021. The middleweight champion of zero-pressure-accumulation
                                                                         conveyors. Moving magazine 14-16.
                 a standardized modular system for conveyor solutions are obvious.
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