Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.196 July 2022
P. 28
Pink Soda A colorful probiotic soda made from Antioxidant Tea An
organic fruit, spices, and herbs. They are made from antioxidant tea made from
pear juice, grapefruit, ginger, and juniper berry, along green tea and black tea
with living bacteria (Bacillus subtilis). It is a balanced contains polyphenols as high
mixture of nature that has a sour, sweet, fizzy taste as 120 mg per 100 ml, which
without any sugar. One bottle gives only 40 kcal. After is three times higher than the
drinking, you will feel refreshed. ordinary tea drinks on the
Fermented Kombucha Tea Kombucha contains good probiotics, market. In addition, the
both yeast and bacteria, which help maintain the balance of the colon drinks are made with natural
and excretory system and eliminate toxins from the body. Tea leaves flavorings, fruits, and flower extracts and are available in six different
contain polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps prevent illness. The flavors, including calming lavender-scented tea for a relaxing evening,
addition of new ingredients to kombucha can also create a novel taste, nostalgic rose-and-vanilla aromatic tea, and relaxing jasmine-scented
as well as new fermented tricks or techniques can enhance the drink’s tea.
properties to benefit consumers’ health. Kombucha has a sour, fizzy Single Origin Blended Coffee is a premium-grade coffee made
taste with a faint alcohol smell. It can be enjoyed anytime, whether alone from coffee beans that come from one single farm. Aside from their
at home or at a party. No wonder Kombucha has continued to be an flavor and aroma, the beans have an intriguing background story
extremely popular drink. regarding their cultivation and production. Furthermore, adding some
Probiotic ShotsThe probiotic drink helps support the secondary ingredients, such as yuzu orange, can improve the
daily digestion system. It is made from apple juice mixed characteristics of the coffee as well as its health benefits.
with red cabbage juice, lemonade, ginger juice, inulin, and Eco-friendly Craft Coffee A special
probiotics (Bacillus coagulans). It has a sweet and a little ground coffee packed in a single-serve
sour flavor and comes in a recyclable eco-friendly plastic sachet lets you drink it anywhere and anytime
bottle. within a second. Just pour in the hot water
Fermented Herbal Tea and dip the bag in. Every ground coffee bag
Various-flavor kombucha tea is is sealed with nitrogen to maintain its
made of herbal plants, roots, fruits, freshness. Also, all the packaging can be
and mushrooms that nourish the recycled, making it very eco-friendly.
body and mind. The ancient medical Barista Drinks Made by Machines Communication via various
spice kombucha, made from forms of digital media has played a large role in people’s daily lives.
fenugreek, tree basil, ginger, and turmeric, for example, will boost This even includes drinks and beverages ordered from automatic
digestion. vending machines and robots, which consumers have been eagerly
Plant-based Milk It has become a new trend with rising plant-based anticipating. The menu has a variety of drinks that are so delicious
consumers along with cow-milk-protein-allergy consumers. There is that it seems like a real barista made them.
almond milk, oat milk, pistachio milk, and quinoa milk to choose from. Robot Coffee Baristas
They are specially formulated to have the appearance, taste, and milk A robot barista making coffee for
foam as close to cow’s milk as possible. The plant-based milk, which you in a cafe is a new experience.
has no sugar and low calories, can also be used to make many kinds Every process, from brewing to
of café drinks, which are popular among vegetarians and keto eaters. serving, is automated and designed
Barley Milk This is an to mimic human body movement.
alternative plant-based milk made Thus, it can maintain the same
from barley milk, sunflower oil, flavor in each cup. Consumers can
shitake mushroom extract, and pick hot or cold drinks, select the
Himalayan pink salt. Upcycled level of sweetness, and pay for their drinks all from one machine.
barley from the beer production
process is used as a new alternative Innovation in Beverage Production
protein source. Barley milk contains Not only has the popularity of drinks changed due to the COVID-19
a lot of vitamin D, 50% of calcium, and less than 60% of sugar content, situation, but product development and innovation of beverages, such
giving it a rich texture with natural sweetness. as vacuum cold pressed, also happened during this time.
Mushroom Tea, Flower Tea, and Local Herbal Tea Mushrooms An increase in healthcare interest also makes fresh vegetables,
are an excellent source of protein, fiber, and many essential nutrients fruits, edible flowers, and Thai herbs on a rising trend when consumers
for the body. Recently, they have been used as a protein source, pay more attention to their health and seek food ingredients that have
replacing meat, and have become a popular ingredient for beverages. medical properties. Hence, new recipes and mixtures, full of bioactive
On the other hand, some edible flowers, like calendula and compounds that are healthy for the body, are created. But whether
hibiscus, have been used as a colorful and nutritious garnish. Some of they will be effective or not depends on the amount consumed, quality
them are even beneficial to the eyes, contain antioxidants, and have a of ingredients, extract or cold-press technique, and proper sterilization,
pleasant aroma. Their pretty colors also make the drinks look nice, which can maintain the drink’s nutritional values.
especially tea. As for the local herbs like kratom leaves and green Traditional Juice Press It is a juice pressing technique using a
chiretta, they are known to have distinctive medical properties rotating blade at a speed of 12,000 rounds per minute. This is a fast
and are consumed in the form of herbal tea by brewing in hot water to press, but it will cause heat and friction, making many important
extract the flavor and essential nature. However, according to Thai law, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients disappear. Therefore, cold-pressing
the last two ingredients can no longer be used in normal is a much better technique that interests a lot of consumers and
beverages without a license, as they are considered herbal products, producers. Also, the new knowledge was shared continuously
not food products. until it became the talk of the town. Cold-pressing is used to extract
juice from fresh vegetables, fruits, edible flowers, and Thai herbs by
pressing or grinding them. This is similar to winemaking methods
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