Page 86 - FoodFocusThailand No.199 October 2022
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                                                             Pack Manufacture

                                                                                  Packaged Goods Manufacture

                     Raw Material


                                     Recover + Reuse


             towards a more circular economy will bring significant benefits.   make valuable products is a vital pillar of the circular
             These include reducing pressure on the environment,   economy. Planetarians have developed a technique that
             improving supply security of raw materials, increasing   “processes animal feed into meat, without the need for
             competitiveness and innovation, and employment growth.   animals,” helping meet the increasing global demand for
             Additionally, consumers in a circular economy have access   protein. Planetarians’ technology provides a way to produce
             to more durable and innovative products, with all the resulting   alternative meat without the need for rearing livestock. In
             financial savings.                                   2018, Planetarians produced a high-protein sunflower crisp
                                                                  snack, which quickly sold out. Other innovations include a
             Example of Opportunities in Circular Economy         jerky-like bar made from peas, soy-based BBQ boneless
                1. Danish potato processing cooperative KMC, which   ribs, and a steak made from defatted sunflower seeds.
             produces a variety of potato starch ingredients for the food   Both examples addressed the way which brings circular
             industry, has been a pioneer in adding value to its side streams.   economy  to  the  current  production  line  or  takes  the
             Since introducing potato-based feed proteins for the   opportunities from the waste or byproduct with circular
             agricultural sector in the 1980s, KMC has advanced and   economy to create a new product.
             refined the residuals of potato starch production. In 2005, KMC
             began transforming residual potato fibers into a valuable
             protein-rich food additive for the food industry. Splitting and   More Information      Service Info C010
             refining the side streams from potato starch production helps
             maximize the output of each potato for the economic benefit   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
             of the potato growers. At the same time, using potato fibers
             allows the food industry to increase the nutritional value of its     overview
             products efficiently.                                  Global-distributors-invest-in-digital-transformation-circular-
                2. Planetarians is an ingredient technology company that     economy-practices-and-servitization-to-combat-challenging-
             transforms unavoidable by-products into alternative meat using     business-climate-Sage-research-reveals.html
             a process called Solid State Fermentation. The process uses     beverage/
             fungi to turn waste carbohydrates from the vegetable oil,
             brewing, and distilling industries into protein. Using waste to

             86 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  OCT   2022

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