Page 25 - FoodFocusThailand No.202 January 2023
P. 25


                     4 Development Strategies for         new herbal extracts to ensure international approval, and public-private partnership
                     Thailand  to  Become a Global        to establish standard quality requirements for premium-grade foods such as quality
                     Leader in Food Export                grades of premium beef and antibiotic- or hormone-free meat of land or aquatic
                        1. Training of  New-generation,   animals.
                     i n n ovati ve-d ri ven   F o o d         Thailand, with its role as a “Kitchen of the World”, can champion its diversity,
                     Entrepreneurs: 3,500 entrepreneurs   quality, and abundance of raw materials as a strong point in the production and
                     are trained to focus on the production of   processing of its food products. It can also use these highlights to ensure the
                     future foods, such as health and     constant creation of food innovations to expand its market dominance and step
                     biotechnological foods. The training is   up to become a leader in the global food industry.
                     carried  out  in  partnership  with  the
                     network of the Center of Food Excellence
                     to  accelerate  the  food  processing
                     industry development. Research,                       More Information        Service Info C002
                     technology,  and innovation are managed
                     in collaboration with public agencies in   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     the Regional Science Park and
                     universities. Specialized food innovation     crisis_20221121.pdf
                     managers are trained to help liaise
                     between entrepreneurs and researchers
                     in educational institutions to develop
                     innovative food products that can
                     commercially and efficiently compete in     industry_Russia-Ukraine.pdf
                     the market.                 
                        2. Creation of  Future  Food
                     Innovations: an emphasis is mainly
                     placed on research on future food and
                     its commercial feasibility, building of
                     basic  infrastructure  necessary  for              count-trending-in-thailand-qminc#
                     further development of the Thai food
                     industry, improvement of technological
                     competence, and entrepreneur-driven
                     innovations. This specifically aims at
                     SMEs and startups so that they can gain
                     better access to investment.
                        3. Building of  Domestic  and
                     International Business Opportunities:
                     this strategy can be implemented via
                     platforms that are suitable for businesses
                     of all levels, such as the World Food Expo
                     in Thailand, promotion of food tourism,
                     food festivals showcasing the regional
                     potential of  Thai food and tourism,
                     development of digital value chain and
                     its integration with the global production
                     chain, and development of the Window
                     of Thai Food project, which serves as a
                     platform for product showcasing, tasting,
                     offline  promotion,  and  business
                        4.  Building of Basic Infrastructure
                     and  Reduction of  Business
                     Obstacles: these projects include, for
                     example, building of environmental
                     layouts that facilitate the industrial reform
                     according to  Thailand 4.0 policy,
                     promotion of food industry innovation
                     networks for the entire production chain,
                     food traceability systems on every level,
                     risk  evaluation  of  health  foods,
                     encouraged  use  of  locally  sourced
                     ingredients for health supplement foods,
                     standard systems for the verification of

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