Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.206 MAY 2023
P. 28
3. Plant-based Foods: Some consumers avoid eating 7. Mood Foods: Nowadays, people encounter more stress
animal products to stay healthy and look for non-animal and anxiety regardless of gender or age. Therefore, food with
products instead. However, they still prefer the flavors and added functional ingredients that help relax and balance mood
textures of animal products. Therefore, plant-based meat/ becomes more important and meets consumers’ needs.
foods gain more attention from consumers who are looking 8. Foods for Sustainability: Climate change is causing
for similar plant-based products or substitute animal products. environmental crises in many countries. Consumers and
4. Alternative Proteins: Consumers typically rely on producers have been more concerned about sustainability in
animal products as a source of protein, and seafood is one of terms of production, manufacturing, transportation, or even
the favorite protein sources for consumers. So health- the effect after consumption.
conscious consumers look for an alternative source of protein, 9. Innovative Food for Personalized Nutrition:
creating more demand for alternative seafood products as According to the megatrend of technology and data analysis
they meet sustainability and are also healthy. from big data, this leads the development of personalized
5. Immunity Boosting Foods: Immune system became nutrition. Many studies showed that different consumers may
more important during COVID-19 pandemic, it is inevitable for not respond the same way to the same food. Therefore, the
consumers to look for food to boost their immune and support design of personalized nutrition can help consumers to get
health. Therefore, foods with functional ingredients especially the most benefits from the foods.
beta-glucan and probiotics as studied become popular and According to the above information, future food is the trend
play a vital role to support the immune system. of food for the future that is not only concerned about food
6. Clean Label: This trend results from health-conscious safety, traceability but also environmental-friendly and good
consumers who want healthy food. However, they are not sure for health. The Thai government has a support plan for future
about the functions and safety of the ingredients because food based on BCG Model (Bio-Circular-Green Economy).
many ingredients are listed on the packaging label, and some The value of future food was estimated to be high up to 270
are specific names that are difficult to understand. Nowadays, billion USD in 2023 with about 10% growth rate. In 2025, the
there is no definition of a clean label from any organization. value is estimated to be high up to 310 billion USD, which is
The meaning widely understood is foods with natural 51% higher than the value in 2020. The important exported
ingredients, free of chemicals and synthetic ingredients. food of Thailand includes foods and drinks for health, organic
Consumers are looking for products with natural ingredients, products, innovative products, and medical foods. Therefore,
familiar ingredients, and a short list of ingredients on the the Thai food industry should pay more attention to this
packaging. The United States predicted the value of natural megatrend that drives future food to serve consumers’
foods of up to 120 billion USD. The same trend is happening demands.
in Europe, Australia, and Asia as consumers seek natural
ingredients and avoid food additives, even though they were
widely used in the past, like synthetics sweeteners.
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