Page 60 - FoodFocusThailand No.207 JUNE 2023
P. 60
when compared to the previous formula that only uses maintain moisture in the product. A higher proportion of flour and
0.3% phosphate content in the recipe that used broiler starch will be used for economy-grade sausages.
chicken as its primary raw material.
2. By-products, such as the skin, gizzards, heart, 9 Production Techniques to Produce any Sausage
and meat obtained from carcass chicken meat (CCM). Grade and Ensure a Good Texture
All of which can be substituted for chicken meat or 1. Raw materials such as meat, fat, etc. (e.g., offals) should
chicken fat. However, an analysis must be conducted be packed in small bags, making them flat for chilling and storage
to establish the protein, fat, and water content before in order to ensure the thorough cooling of the raw materials. The
being used as raw materials to stabilize the formulation optimum temperature of the raw materials before being used for
of raw materials need to be modified. the production process should be between -2 and 4 °C.
3. Other ingredients include soy protein, milk, 2. If offals are to be included in the ingredient, they should be
and starch proteins. These components need to be thoroughly cleaned to reduce the amount of the initial microbial
further developed by manufacturers in order to find load.
the optimal replacement ratio. It is because using such 3. Producers must strictly inspect for physical contamination
ingredients if included in too high a quantity, may in the raw materials before starting production to help maintain
interfere with the sensory properties and result in the emulsion quality and ensure consumer safety.
reduced consumer acceptance. 4. The best way to thaw frozen raw materials before production
3.1 Soy Protein: Soy proteins suitable for is to thaw at a refrigerated temperature between 0-5 °C. If raw
replacing sausage meat are concentrated soy protein materials are thawed at room temperature, it will result in the rapid
(protein content of more than 70%) and isolated soy multiplication of bacteria.
protein (protein content of more than 97%). Soy protein 5. The bowl chopper must continuously be cooled with ice first
has a suitable emulsifier property which helps stabilize to prevent the temperature from rising during mixing.
the emulsion process and results in better water 6. Pre-blending (mixing) the minced chicken meat with salt
retention and can be used either in powder form or and polyphosphate for about 2-3 hours before chopping will help
minced and mixed with cold water to form a gel before improve the quality of the emulsion.
being used as a substitute for meat in the mixing 7. Over-chopping will cause the emulsion temperature to rise
process. and cause emulsion breakage; therefore, the emulsion
3.2 Milk Protein: especially sodium caseinate, is temperature should be controlled not to exceed 15 °C (some
an emulsifier widely used in meat products, while factories set emulsion temperature at 10-12 °C).
calcium and potassium caseinate is used when 8. After cooking, a suitable quality emulsion should yield at
producing low-sodium sausages. Milk protein has a least 95 percent—any result lower cooked yield than this standard
protein content of 94% and has an advantage over will affect the acceptance of the product.
soy protein because it does not clump during heating. 9. Avoid using pressure during cooking, as it will affect the
When milk protein is added to the meat before the product’s texture and damage the casing.
salting process, the milk proteins will enclose the free Regardless of the sausage grade, product quality must always
fat particles during the mincing process, thus resulting come first, especially in this era where consumers are willing to
in a more stable emulsion texture. pay higher prices for better-quality products. Manufacturers must
3.3 Flours and Starch: Flours obtained from always adhere to strict cleanliness and safety protocols for
cereal grains (maize, wheat, rice) and tubers consumers as a priority, provide correct and quality labeling
(potatoes, cassava) can also be used as ingredients according to ingredients uses, and comply with the related
to increase the content of sausage products, absorb food laws.
water loss from the cooking process, as well as help
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เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
Naveena, B.M., Muthukumar, M., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R., Sen, A.R. and
Kondaiah, N. (2001). Value Added Chicken Products: An
Entrepreneur Guide. Hind Publications.
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