Page 66 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 66


             Lesson  Learned  1:  White-colored           Lesson Learned 2: White suspensions found in beverage
             contaminants in canned food                  products
                Q: Complaints from consumers allege that    Q: Distributors received complaints from consumers that they
             white-colored contaminants that resemble     have found white suspended matter in fermented herbal drinks
             parasites, live worms, or mold were found in   and pasteurized fruit juice drinks. Therefore, they want to know
             canned food. Therefore, they would like to know   the causes and ways to prevent and solve such problems.
             the exact cause of this contamination, including   A: It is assumed that white suspended matters found in beverage
             any recommendations on how to prevent and    products may be caused by molds and yeasts that come from raw
             resolve such an occurrence.                  materials and the contents of the beverages. The lax control of the
                A: The presence of contaminants, such as   cultivation process, inadequate herbal fermentation,  and inefficient fruit
             parasites, worms, and mold in canned food, is of   juice pasteurization process may also cause it. This creates favorable
             great concern as it indicates contamination during   conditions for the growth and proliferation of microorganisms in beverage
             the food processing process, such as improper lid   products. Thus,  when  stored  for  a  certain  period  will  cause  the
             sealing and shortcomings in controlling hygiene   occurrence of white suspended matter in beverage products. It may be
             conditions in the production facility. Therefore, it   assumed that the leading cause of mold and yeast contamination is
             can be assumed that foreign matters, such as may   due to the following factors;
             cause it;                                      1. Contamination from the raw material used: If mold, yeast, or
                •  Insect larvae: Presumed to be caused by   spores are found in the raw material, there is a high chance that these
             certain insects, such as beetles or flies, that lay   bacteria will proliferate and contaminate the final product.
             their eggs in improperly sealed cans, where these   2. Airborne contamination: Molds and yeasts can potentially
             eggs then hatch into larvae.                 contaminate food without proper protection and control of the production
                •  Nematodes: Presumed to originate from   environment.
             various food sources. Due to their small size, these   3. Improper pasteurization process: If sufficient heat or time is
             nematodes are difficult to detect visually and require   not applied during the pasteurization process, there is a chance that
             special equipment such as a stereo zoom camera.  mold and yeast will survive and proliferate in beverage products.
                •  Mold: Presumed that the canned foods were   4. Poor personal hygiene: Production workers must strictly follow
             contaminated  with  mold spores  during the   the established hygiene protocols, such as washing their hands regularly,
             processing or packaging process and then further   wearing clean and appropriate protective equipment such as gloves
             developed into fungal colonies that appear white   and hair nets, as well as receive proper training in personal hygiene on
             or light.                                    an annual basis.
                Consuming food contaminated with parasites,   The risk of consuming beverages contaminated with mold and yeast
             worms, mold, or other foreign matters can lead to   might lead to food poisoning with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting,
             a high risk of gastrointestinal health problems, such   diarrhea, stomach pain, and food allergies. This is especially severe for
             as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or even more severe   high-risk consumers with low immune systems, such as the elderly,
             complications depending on these microorganisms’   young children, and pregnant women. Also, mold and yeast also affect
             type and survival rate. Consumers should avoid   the taste, texture, and overall quality of the drink.
             consuming such foods, and if any adverse reactions   Measures to prevent contamination and the growth of mold and
             should occur after consumption, they should see a   yeast in beverages are as follows:
             doctor immediately. Consumers should consider   1. Strict hygiene control in production facilities: Equipment,
             buying quality canned food based on the following   utensils, and all other related equipment involved in the production
             guidelines:                                  process should be cleaned and disinfected hygienically.
                1.  Purchase  canned  food  from  trusted
             manufacturers by considering their trademarks,
             quality symbols, and production standards that have
             been certified by government agencies.
                2. Check the appearance of the cans for dents,
             bulges, or other signs of damage, that may affect
             the quality and safety of the canned food.
                3. Check the expiration date and avoid buying
             expired products.
                4. Store canned food in a cool, dry place and
             keep it out of direct sunlight.
                5. If abnormalities are noticed once the can is
             opened, such as unusual appearance, smell, or
             taste, it should be immediately discarded, and the
             problem should be reported to the manufacturer
             through the available channels.

             66  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  SEP  2023

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