Page 61 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 61


                   Low Oxygen Pickup in Beer Filling:

                   State-of-the-art Filling Technology

                   the Answer to Familiar Challenges

                                                                           This factor lies between two and three for normal containers
                                                                        and filling temperatures. Modern filling machines achieve
                                                                        measurement values for dissolved oxygen that in agitated
                                                                        containers even lie below those taken upstream of the filler. In
                                                                        comparison, measurements in unagitated containers yield
                                                                        information on the efficiency of the essential foaming prior to
                                                                        closure  or  on  the  construction  and  configuration  of  the
                                                                        undercover gasser on a can seamer.
                                                                           This comparison reveals that on modern filling systems the
                                                                        filling process as such is only accountable for 10 to 20% of the
                                                                        total oxygen content in a filled and sealed container. Oxygen
                                                                        pickup during filling is always to be seen in relation to the inert
                                                                        gas consumption required for this process. Whereas in the past
                                                                        such low oxygen pickup was impossible even with high
                                                                        consumption levels – or was possibly considered unnecessary
                                                                        – considerable improvements have since been made.
                                                                        Development of  Sustainable  Technologies for
                                                                        Outstanding Beer Quality
                                                                        In beer production breweries obtain reliable quality with a low
                   Brewers are all too aware of the fact that beer is   oxygen content with the help of cutting-edge technology. First
                   probably the beverage that reacts most sensitively   and foremost, this makes the use of additives such as bisulphite
                   to oxygen. What is known as the oxidation off-flavor   or ascorbic acid as oxygen scavengers superfluous. So, the
                   occurs if there is too much oxygen pickup. Trend beers   world’s leading manufacturers of filling and packaging systems
                   made using the rediscovered cold or dry hopping      for the beverage and liquid food industries  has developed
                   technique quickly alter their taste with oxygen pickup.   filling technology that gives it low oxygen filling on a scale
                   Standard light beers are also especially sensitive to   unprecedented in this form .
                   oxygen, however. Dark beers, on the other hand, often   Less oxygen, Lower CO  Consumption
                   display considerable flavor tolerance to an oxygen   The new plant engineering lets less oxygen into the beer – and
                   content of above and beyond 0.1 mg/l.                in doing so consumes not more but less CO  than its
                                                                        predecessor. During bottle filling a new hollow probe filler
                                                                        enables greatly reduced CO  consumption on the one hand
                                                                        and even lower oxygen pickup on the other. The container is
                      Avoiding or reducing oxygen pickup is the most important   first evacuated through the vacuum channel and then purged
                   step in achieving the longest possible flavor stability. To this   with CO  gas. The container is then pressurized to filling
                   end, tanks are pressurized with inert gas, for instance, and   pressure with the inert gas as usual. This makes an extremely
                   often cleaned in the presence of this gas to prevent any loss   low total oxygen pickup of 20 ppb possible at a CO  consumption
                   of it. If the inert gas is CO , only acidic cleaning is possible on   of 160 g/hl. Further reducing the CO  consumption to 110 g/hl
                   retention of this gas. If N  is used, the amount of dissolved N 2   for example – half of what was usual to date – also facilitates
                   in the beer must be observed to achieve an undisrupted filling   a very low oxygen pickup of 40 ppb. The required total oxygen
                   performance and not generate any untypical foam structures   pickup can therefore be selected as needed, meaning that a
                   for  the  consumer. Alternatives  such  as  argon  would  be   range of automatic product type conversions can be set with
                   prohibitively expensive.                             maximum CO  savings for an especially oxygen-sensitive,
                      Almost 40 years ago, master brewers Uhlig and Vilachá   cold-hopped beer, a dark beer insensitive to oxygen or even
                   from the Polar Brewery in Caracas, Venezuela, developed a   for  totally  different  filling  products  such  as  soda  pop,  for
                   formula that, using an oxygen measuring device for dissolved   instance.
                   oxygen and by determining the temperature and head space   Lots of breweries have to buy in their carbon dioxide for
                   and filling volume, was also able to establish the total packaged   their production. Due to rising prices, this is a growing cost
                   oxygen (TPO) with high precision. For this purpose, the   factor. The lower the consumption for the filled bottle, the more
                   containers are brought into a state of gas equilibrium by   efficient the production process – and the lower the oxygen
                   agitation. This method has the great advantage that all process   pickup, the better the product quality. So, the filling system has
                   steps in beer production and filling can be monitored by a single   been developed by a combination of both of these issues.
                   mobile device; with it, even gas-in-gas measurements are now   Furthermore, digital and automated systems synchronize the
                   possible, with only an additional piercing device with an inert   filling processes and thus considerably boost efficiency.
                   gas supply needed for measurements taken from bottles or
                   cans. The dissolved oxygen of a beverage in a state of gas
                   equilibrium in a bottle or can must then be multiplied by a
                   calculated factor to obtain the TPO.                          More Information        Service Info C007
                                                                                                  SEP  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  61

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