Page 58 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 58


                                                                      preserved. For example, lycopene in tomato juice
                                                                      remained the same when treated with a hydrodynamic
                                                                      cavitation process at 35-62  C for 10 min. Moreover,
                                                                      this process also increases phenolic compounds,
                                                                      proanthocyanin,  and  antioxidants.  Several  studies
                                                                      indicate that the hydrodynamic cavitation process can
                                                                      inhibit  heat-resistant  enzymes,  which  affects  the
                                                                      deterioration of fruit juice. The activity of the pectin methyl
                                                                      esterase enzyme was inhibited by 30-40% when using
                                                                      the hydrodynamic cavitation under the pressure of 4 bar
                                                                      for  4  min  at  a  temperature  of  40-70  C  as  well  as
                                                                      peroxidase enzyme reduced more than pasteurization
                                                                      under pressure of 5 bar at a temperature of 33  C for 15
                                                                      min. In addition, heat-sensitive substances, vitamin C,
                                                                      have less degradation. The hydrodynamic cavitation
                                                                      application in food products is shown in Table 1.
                                                                         3. Inhibition of the microorganism’s growth
                                                                         Hydrodynamic cavitation is a new technology capable
            particle size in fruit juice providing more homogeneity as well as the   of destroying microbial cells and sterile due to the
            precipitation and separation is reduced. For example, tomato juice   synergistic effect of mechanical, thermal, and chemical
            treated with hydrodynamic cavitation at 45-59  C under the pressure   reactions. When the air bubble collapses, it results in
            of 3-0.3 bar for 4 min showed high stability when stored at a low   severe cell damage, such as the loss of cytoplasm and
            temperature (5  C) for 14 days. Moreover, using a hydrodynamic   membrane rupture. Hydrodynamic cavitation can reduce
            cavitation process can destroy fat particles and reduce the size of   the total plate count in some beverages, such as
            fat globules in dairy products. This condition prevents the separating   sugarcane juice, raw milk, peanut milk, orange juice,
            during storage and can be better absorbed through the intestinal in   and cranberry puree. Moreover, this technology can also
            the human body, whereas the high-temperature short-time (HTST)   destroy Escherichia coli, which are microorganisms
            pasteurization did not affect this. In addition, the hydrodynamic   indexed in food safety as well as Staphylococcus aureus
            cavitation process also improves the viscosity in liquid containing   and Bacillus cereus as pathogenic microorganisms in
            suspended particles and provides a good mouthfeel.        dairy products.
               2. Prevention the chemical changes                        Hydrodynamic cavitation technology has potentially
               The change in food quality and sensory characteristics of liquid   improved the quality of liquid foods and various types of
            food, especially fruit juice, is mainly caused by enzymes such as   beverages in terms of nutrition, physical appearance,
            polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD), and pectin methyl   and chemical properties. Moreover, it can inhibit the
            esterase (PME) which induces flavor undesirable and browning   growth of harmful microorganisms. So, this technology
            appearance, Hydrodynamic cavitation technology is often used in   is safe and has the possibility of upscaling to the food
            combination with the heating process or only directly heat generated   industry.
            to  improve  product  efficiency.  Compared  to  the  traditional
            pasteurization process, the thermal effect of hydrodynamic cavitation
            technology is relatively low, indicating that nutrients can be   More Information        Service Info C006

             Table 1  Application of hydrodynamic cavitation technology in food product
                Liquid food          Hydrodynamic cavitation condition                    Food quality

              Sugarcane juice   Orifice plates (plate 1) at 2 mm., plates 2 and 3 at 1 mm.  Increased acidity, while the viscosity and lightness
                                Inlet pressure: 2.5-3.5 bar                  decreased.
                                Treatment times: 10- 40 min
              Peanut milk       Plates at 5 mm.                              Particle size and fat globule size were significantly
                                Pressure: 12 bar                             reduced while consistency increased.
              Tomato juice      Inlet pressure: 5-15 psi                     Total phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid were
                                Treatment times: 5-30 min                    retained. No change in soluble sugar content.
              Orange juice      Inlet pressure: 5-15 bar                     The pectin methyl esterase enzyme was reduced
                                Treatment times: 5-20 min                    at 70%.
             Source: Arya et al. (2023)

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