Page 23 - FoodFocusThailand No.211 OCTOBER 2023
P. 23


                     Domestic Consumption of Processed Seafood              •  Canned seafood: Exports expected to decrease 2.5-
                     Trends                                              3.5% per year on weak consumer spending power in the main
                     Domestic consumption of processed seafood is expected to   trading partners, e.g., the US and Egypt. Annual output of
                     stay flat or slightly increase up to 0.5% per year. Sales will   canned tuna is thus forecast to shrink by between -2.5% and
                     be boosted by rising levels of urbanization, which tends to   -3.5%. Conversely, output of canned sardines should rise at
                     encourage consumers to favor food that is both healthy and   an average annual rate of 3.5-4.5%, as cross-border trade
                     easy to prepare, and this will then lift purchases of processed   recovers and exports to Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Cambodia
                     seafood since this is generally available in forms that are   improve, now that pandemic controls have been loosened.
                     ready to cook or to eat. In addition, the growth will also add   •  Prepared and preserved seafood: Exports expected
                     to  demand  from  restaurants,  hotels  and  related  food   to decrease 1.5- 2.5% per year. Sales will be hurt by the
                     processing industries and analyzing by product group as   increasing difficulty faced by Thai players when competing on
                     follows:                                            price, which is especially affected by the inflationary effects of
                        • Chilled and frozen seafood: The quantity of goods   the labor shortage on wages. As such, exports of prepared
                     distributed to the domestic market is expected to decrease   and preserved shrimp products will shrink by between -1.5%
                     by 1.0% per year as consumers destock chilled and frozen   and -2.5% per year over the next three years, though at the
                     seafood and turn to consuming fresh seafood at restaurants   same time, annual exports of prepared and preserved fish
                     or buyback seafood to cook by themselves. Domestic sales   products should expand by 2.0-3.0% on: growing consumer
                     of chilled and frozen fish are expected to decrease by 3.0%   preference for fish as a healthy and nutritious food and the
                     to 4.0% per year. In contrast, shrimp and squid and cuttlefish   development of new product lines that are easy and convenient
                     products,  which  are  a  small  percentage  of  domestic   to prepare and cook.
                     consumption, are expected to increase 8.0-9.0% per year   However, Thailand's processed seafood industry still faces
                     and 4.5-5.5% per year, respectively.                many  challenges  including,  Uncertainty in the global
                        • Canned fish: The forecast is for domestic consumption   economy, especially for the US and Japan, barriers to trade
                     to rise by 1.0-2.0% per year. Demand will grow on recovery   and the imposition of international standards such as the
                     in purchasing power of canned tuna, which is expected to   rules on IUU fishing. Additionally, the customs advantages
                                                                         enjoyed by Thailand’s competitors such as agreed free trade
                     rise 8.5-9.5% per year because products are wide range and
 Direction of Thai Seafood  easy to eat. In contrast, canned sardines is expected to   agreements (FTAs), due to Thailand does not have an FTA,
                     decrease 2.0-3.0% per year.
 Processing Industry                     Direction of Thai Seafood Processing Industry in 2023-2025

                                     Output                    Consumption                         Export

                                 -0.5 to -1.5%                     +0.5%                         -2 to -3%
                                      per year                     per year                        per year

                     Exports of Processed Seafoods Trends                this puts Thai goods at a relative disadvantage in the EU
                     Exports of processed seafoods are expected to decline at   market when it comes to price. Moreover, shrinking fish
                     an annual rate of between 2.0% and 3.0%. These declines   stocks and dangers from natural disasters effect on the
                     will affect different product groups as described below.  reduction in the size of the maritime catch, as well as the
                        •  Chilled  and  frozen  seafood:  A  global  economic   development of new and alternative seafood products has
                     slowdown and high levels of inflation will cut consumer   coincided with growing concerns among consumers with their
                     spending power in export markets. This is forecast to translate   health and well-being, and with animal welfare.
                     into an annual contraction of between 2.0% and 3.0% in
                     overseas sales, as buyers switch to cheaper alternatives,
                     particularly from China and Ecuador. At the same time, Thai   More Information       Service Info C001
                     players  will  face  increasing  non-tariff  barriers  to  trade,
                     especially when selling into markets in Europe and the US.   เอกสารอ้างอิง / Reference
                     Exports of chilled and frozen seafood are thus forecast to
                     contract annually by between -5.5% and -6.5% for fish     food-beverage/processed-seafood/io/processed-sea
                     products, 0.0% and -1.0% for shrimp products, but +0.5%     food-2023-2025
                     and +1.5% for squid and cuttlefish products.
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