Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.211 OCTOBER 2023
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                                                                  to culture and breed. Tilapia flesh is white and has good
                                                                  taste; they can be cooked by many culinary techniques. One
                                                                  hundred grams of tilapia flesh contains about 20% of protein,
                                                                  2% of fat, and low calories (about 100 kilocalories). Moreover,
                                                                  their flesh also contains healthy unsaturated fatty acids, such
                                                                  as omega-3 (about 0.15 %) and omega-6 (about 0.12 %).
                                                                     Tilapia can be cultured in either earthen pond culture or
                                                                  cage culture in the natural reservoirs. The culture period
                                                                  ranges typically from 4 – 6 months from small size (5 – 30
                                                                  grams of fish to the market size). The market size is ranged
                                                                  from 700 grams to 1 kilogram of fish. Tilapia’s price ranges
                                                                  from 45 – 80 Thai baht per kilogram of fish, depending on
                                                                  the  location  and  economic  situation. The  typical  feed
                                                                  conversion ratio of tilapia is 1.5, which means using 1.5
                                                                  kilograms of feed to produce 1.0 kilogram of fish. The
                                                                  production cost of one kilogram of fish ranges from 40 – 50
                                                                  Thai baht per kilogram. In addition, there are three factors
              Overview of Aquatic Animal Production and           influencing the profit of the production: (1) fish quality, (2)
              Consumption in Thailand                             feed quality, and (3) environmental quality.
              Food fishes are the product of the fishery. In addition, the   The profitability of aquaculture depends on fish and feed
              fishery has two types of activity: (1) capture fishery and (2)   quality and the environment. Feed is the major cost of the
              culture fishery. Fisheries and aquaculture play a significant   production costs (about 60% of the production cost). Feed
              role in food security and the economy of Thailand. However,   has been involved from hatchery and nursery to grow-out.
              Thailand is one of the natural and water resources richness   Agricultural commodities, such as cereal grains, tuber crops,
              countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The yield from capture   and oilseeds, have been used as the feed ingredient for
              fisheries is not increased to satisfy the increasing demand   aquaculture feed production. The commodity price has a
              for consumption. As a consequence, aquaculture is a solution   direct effect on the feed production cost.
              and has long-term potential for increasing fisheries production
              for both local consumption and export, as well as for achieving   Environmental  Impacts  on Aquatic Animal
              country incomes from high-value cultured aquatic species,   Production and Fisheries
              such as white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). Aquaculture in   The negative environmental phenomena, such as global
              Thailand can be divided into two categories: (1) Inland   warming or greenhouse effects, has the impact to agricultural
              freshwater  aquaculture  and  (2)  Coastal  aquaculture.   commodity production. Moreover, the global temperature
              Aquaculture, manly earthen pond or cage culture, has been   could  increase  the  water  body  temperature.  As  a
              practiced in Thailand. The three main aquaculture products   consequence, the chances of disease infection have been
              are shrimps (389,500 tonnes or 40% of the production),   increased and affected to aquaculture production.
              finfish (377,100 tonnes or 38% of the production), and   The global population has been estimated to be 10 billion
              mollusks (about 223,500 tonnes or 22% of the production).  in 2050. Consequently, the demand for food and protein will
                 A variety of food fishes or economical aquatic animal   increase by about 52% of the current production. Therefore,
              species  are  popular  in Thailand,  such  as  Nile  tilapia   all food industries might need to increase their production
              (Oreochromis niloticus),  hybrid  catfish  (Clarias  spp.),   and capacity (about 52%). Although aquaculture has lower
              snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis), giant freshwater   carbon  dioxide  emission  (carbon  footprint  of  about  3
              prawn (Macobrachium rosenbergii), white-legged shrimp   kilograms CO /kilogram) than most livestock, such as swine
              (Penaeus vannamei), Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), etc.   production (6 kilograms CO /kilogram of pig) and cattle beef
              All the food fishes species contain essential nutrients for   production (30 kilograms CO /kilogram of beef). However,
              humans, such as unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and   the increasing aquaculture production still requires the
              omega-6), vitamins, and minerals. In this case, Nile tilapia   bioresources  and  creates  the  environmental  impacts.
              are shown in this article. Tilapia is one of the most important   Suppose  the  global  tilapia  production  increases  from
              species in the world (third highest production for fish), as   4,525,400 tones to 6,878,608 tones in 2050. The carbon
              well as in Thailand (first highest production for fish). Tilapia   dioxide will be released to 20,635,825 tonnes. In sustainability
              production  in  Thailand  came  from  inland  freshwater   aspects, this issue might probably be of concern to every
              aquaculture and was about 377,100 tonnes/year (sharing   food producer, as well as Thailand aquaculture.
              38% of the production). The world tilapia production was
              reported at about 4,525,400 tones/year. Tilapia is a versatile
              and tolerant freshwater fish that can adapt to live in both
              freshwater and brackish water. They grow fast and are easy   More Information       Service Info C002

             28  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  OCT  2023

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