Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.214 JANUARY 2024
P. 45
Table 1 The application of hurdle technology with fruits and vegetables
Raw materials Hurdle technology
Fresh-cut apples 1. Coat with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and aloe vera coating
2. Soak in the anti-browning agent (ascorbic acid or calcium chloride solution)
3. Pack in polypropylene packaging, sealed and stored at low temperature (5 C).
Papaya Sachets containing antimicrobials, including cinnamon, oregano, and lemongrass, to reduce
the growth of microorganisms, yeast, and mold
Mango 1. Store at low temperature
2. Coat with a film made from chlorine dioxide, which has antimicrobial properties
Tomato 1. Store at low temperature
2. Coat with chitosan to control respiration rate and ethylene gas
Plum and strawberry 1. Store at low temperature
2. Use modified atmosphere and control humidity packaging to reduce water loss and gas
Fresh-cut rocket 1. UV-C radiation treatment (5-20 kJ/m )
2. Ozone gas (2-5 ppm for 10 minutes)
3. Pack in polypropylene trays and sealed
4. Store at low temperature
Source: Giannakourou and Tsironi (2021)
Hurdle technology is one of the food preservation will produce a synergistic effect for destroying the targeted
processes that can extend the shelf life of agricultural virus, like SARS-CoV-2. The result showed that
products. It is commonly used for quality control and to fumigation with ozone gas alone at 3,500 ppm for 2 hours
maintain nutritional value. This technology can reduce the reduced SARS-CoV-2 as high as 7 Log. Whereas spraying
severe effect when using only one method. Hurdle technology only sodium hypochlorite solution at 3,000 ppm for 45 sec
relies on the controlling factors that affect microorganisms’ can reduce the virus by 6-8 log. An interesting result
growth, both internal factors of the fresh fruit and external was observed when applying sodium hypochlorite spray
factors from the environment, through the combination of at 3,000 ppm, followed by ozone fumigation at 900 ppm,
various food preservation methods shown in Table 1. with a holding time of 12 hours, which can reduce the
virus to a level where the virus is destroyed. This condition
Combination of ozone gas and chemicals does not affect the quality of durian fruit stored in the
treatment to reduce virus contamination in refrigerator at 13 C for 8 days. Moreover, it extends a 3-4
exported durian day delay in ripening. Therefore, hurdle technology can
The synergistic effect was created using suitable food potentially reduce the COVID-19 virus for the fruit export
preservation methods. For example, using a sodium industry and maintain sensory quality, which can be applied
hypochlorite solution and ozone gas fumigation can reduce to durian and other types of fresh fruit.
viral contamination and delay the ripening of durian. Hurdle technology can prolong the shelf life of fresh fruits
It must consider various related environmental conditions, and vegetables, slow down the ripening process, and
such as ozone concentration, holding time, surface maintain the nutritional value and the original taste. This
characteristics, and size. Durian has been an important technology is another approach to preserving food without
Thai export for a long time. Due to China’s Zero-COVID ultra-processing, such as high temperature or excessive use
policy, Thai durian exports must be strictly inspected to of chemicals and additives to provide food safety. Moreover,
prevent contamination from the virus. In 2022, Thailand applying hurdle technology also increases product value
exported 734,501 tons of durian or a value of more than and opportunities for transport, creating market
3,598 million US dollars. Chinese officials use the Real-Time competitiveness.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) COVID-19 test
method to investigate SARS-CoV-2 residues by sampling
fruit boxes from refrigerating containers. If the COVID-19
virus is detected, the entire lot of exported durians will be
rejected, causing damage to the Thai economy and export
industry. More Information Service Info C005
Many studies have revealed that ozone gas has a
high potential as a disinfectant and has oxidizing agent’
properties. Combining ozone with chemical substances
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