Page 21 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
P. 21


                          (1) Permissible contaminants found in products shall     (8.1) Additional information shall be displayed in proximity
                     not exceed the maximum levels specified in the notifications   of the food’s name, as the case may be, as follows:
                     of the Ministry of Public Health regarding standards for     (A) Cocoa butter shall display the name “Cocoa Butter”
                     contaminants in food, adhering to the most recently enforced   or “Press Cocoa Butter” if its characteristics conform with the
                     Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.414) B.E.2563   established quality and standard requirements.
                     (2020), issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979) Re:     (B) Cocoa mass or cocoa liquor shall display the name
                     Standards  for  Contaminants  in  Food.  Depending                                      “Cocoa Mass” or “Cocoa Liquor”.
                     on  contamination  risks. The  conditions  are  as  follows                                        (C) Cocoa powder shall display the name of “Cocoa
                     (see Table 2):                                      Powder”, “Fat-reduced Cocoa Powder”, or “Highly Fat-reduced
                        (2) Types and amounts of pathogenic microorganisms   Cocoa Powder” according to types of product.
                     shall follow the notification of Ministry of Public Health     (D) Cacao powder shall display the name of “Cacao
                     regarding prescription of quality requirements, standard   Powder”, “Fat-reduced Cacao Powder”, or “Highly Fat-reduced
                     requirements, principles, conditions, and methods of analysis   Cacao Powder” according to types of product.
                     for pathogenic microorganisms in foods, adhering to the most   In case of cocoa powder mixed with cacao powder, the
                     recently enforced Notification of the Ministry of Public Health   name shall be displayed according to (C). It may closely be
                     (No.416) B.E.2563 (2020), issued by virtue of the Food Act   accompanied with the type and percentage of the cacao powder
                     B.E.2522 (1979), Re: Prescription of Quality Requirements,   content as per the following examples: cocoa powder (mixed
                     Standard Requirements, Principles, Conditions, and Methods   with 25% cacao powder), cocoa powder mixed with 25% cacao
                     of Analysis for Pathogenic Microorganisms. The conditions   powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder (mixed with 25% cacao
                     are as follows (see Table 3):                       powder),  or  fat-reduced  cocoa  powder  (mixed  with  25%
                          (3) Yeast and mold shall be less than 100 CFU per 1   fat-reduced cacao powder).
                     gram of cocoa powder or cacao powder.                  9. This notification came into force on and from the day
                        4. Use of food additives and processing aids shall follow   following the date of its publication in the Government Gazette,
                     the notification of the Ministry of Public Health regarding food   the 30  of June B.E.2566 (2023), onwards.
                     additives. Hexane residue used as a processing aid (whose   10. Producers, importers, or sellers of commercial cocoa
                     boiling point is 62-82 °C) shall not exceed 1 mg/kg, but it   bean products, whose permits were issued before the
                     must be absent in pressed cocoa butter.             enforcement date (June 30 , 2023), are allowed to continue
                        5. Use of flavoring agents shall follow the notification of   producing, importing for sale, or selling until June 30 , 2025,
                     the Ministry of Public Health regarding flavoring agents. Only   or  up  to  two  years  from  the  enforcement  date. As  an
                     appropriate amounts, sufficient to give flavor, are permitted.   exception, if cocoa bean products that were granted food serial
                     The use of chocolate or milk flavoring agents is prohibited,   numbers before the notification’s enforcement date have
                     and cocoa butter does not allow the use any flavoring agents.  already made quality, standard, and labeling adjustments
                        6. Producers or importers of cocoa bean products for   corresponding to the notification No.442, the original declaration
                     sale shall follow the notification of the Ministry of Public Health   of  food’s  ingredients  and  details,  as  per  the  previous
                     regarding production processes, production equipment, and   notification, shall be considered automatically adjusted in
                     food storage.                                       accordance with the notification No.442. Nevertheless, if
                        7. Packaging of cocoa bean products shall follow the   manufacturers  or  importers  desire  to  amend  the  food
                     notification of the Ministry of Public Health regarding food   ingredient declaration, they shall do so by applying for the
                     packaging.                                          amendment of product’s detail at the FDA Office or at the
                        8. Labeling of cocoa bean products shall follow the   Provincial Public Health Offices so that such information
                     notification of the Ministry of Public Health regarding labeling   corresponds with the new notification.
                     of  prepackaged  foods  and  shall  display the  following
                     additional information:

                                                                                  More  Information       Service Info C001

                                                                         กฎหมายที่่�เก่�ยวข้้อง / Relevant Regulation
                                                                         ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข (ฉบัับัท่� 442) พ.ศ. 2566 ออกตามความใน
                                                                           พระราชบััญญัติอาหาร พ.ศ. 2522 เร่�อง ผลิิตภััณฑ์์ท่�ได้้จากเมลิ็ด้โกโก้
                                                                           ลิงวันท่� 16 พฤษภัาคม พ.ศ. 2566 ส่บัค้นได้้จาก https://ratchakitcha.soc.
                                                                         Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.442) B.E.2566 (2023)
                                                                           Issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E.2522 Re: Cocoa Bean Products,
                                                                           dated the 16th of May B.E.2566 (2023), available at https://food.fda.

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