Page 24 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
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             F acto rs sh ap i ng  exp ort      Union will likely continue to dwindle. This decline can be attributed, in part, to the
             opportunities and risks for Thai   elevated baseline, which was a consequence of accelerated stockpiling in the previous
             food products                      year. Furthermore, the fragile state of consumer purchasing power also contributes
             The growth of the global population has   to this downward trend.
             spurred an increasing need for food,   Even though Thailand’s rice export market is poised to benefit from India’s decision
             creating a promising opportunity for   to suspend rice exports, exporters must remain cautious due to several factors. One
             Thailand, commonly hailed as the “kitchen   significant concern is the rising cost of rice production, which has kept Thai rice prices
             of the world”. To welcome this opportunity,   higher than those of neighboring countries. Additionally, the looming El Niño threat
             Thailand stands well-prepared on multiple   in the first half of 2024 presents a potential challenge that exporters must factor into
             fronts. Our agricultural and food industry   their strategies. On the other hand, the outlook for fresh fruit products, including
             is  notably  robust,  characterized  by   chilled and frozen fruits, is notably optimistic. Thai fruit consumption is on the rise,
             expertise in successful food processing,   and the introduction of the China-Laos high-speed rail promises enhanced
             innovation, and substantial potential for   transportation capabilities, further favoring exports. Yet, it’s worth noting that increased
             exports. A testament to this is the   competition for shipping products to China is on the horizon since Vietnam and the
             attendance at THAIFEX-Anuga Asia in   Philippines have successfully expanded their presence in the fresh durian export
             May 2023, where it became evident that   market to China, emphasizing the necessity for Thai exporters to remain adaptable
             investors and food product importers from   and competitive in this dynamic marketplace. Regarding exports of fresh, chilled,
             across the globe, particularly from China,   and frozen chicken to the European Union, these continue to thrive, notably benefiting
             have shown keen interest in our thriving   from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Furthermore, the demand for Thai-processed chicken
             food industry.                     in the Japanese market is making a satisfactory recovery.
               These findings match the analysis by   However, several crucial factors demand close monitoring, including the sluggish
             the  Krungthai  COMPASS  Research   growth of the Chinese economy, rising labor costs, a strengthening Thai baht, and
             Center about where agricultural and agro-  the impact of stricter environmental regulations on key trading partners. In the United
             industrial exports are heading. While the   States, despite a 4.47% decline in the value of food and beverage imports in the first
             study suggests that, in the near future,   half of the year, totaling USD 100 billion, the expectation of economic stability in the
             exports of agricultural products and the   latter half may drive demand for imported consumer goods, particularly during year-
             agro-industry  might  experience  a   end festivals, potentially sustaining the value of food and beverage exports at levels
             contraction, there are notable exceptions   similar to the previous year. A positive trend is observed in health-conscious, eco-
             in products that continue to exhibit strong   friendly, and socially responsible food and beverage products, particularly those made
             growth. Notably, rice and sugar, as well   with plant-based proteins like beans, mushrooms, and jackfruit pulp, where Thai
             as chilled and frozen fresh fruits, stand   entrepreneurs possess a competitive advantage in raw material resources for
             out in this regard. Of particular interest is   production.
             the  surge  in  exports  to  the  Chinese
             market, driven by a heightened demand   Summary of important food export directions in 2023-2024
             for food products like chicken and fruit.   In 2023, the Thai food export landscape underwent a thorough evaluation by key
             Conversely, it is anticipated that exports   entities, including the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Thai Industries,
             to the United States and the European   and the National Food Institute. Their collective analysis forecasts an estimated value
                                                of around 1.5 trillion baht, signifying a notable 2.1 percent growth. Should these
                                                projections materialize, it would mark an unprecedented high in Thailand’s export
                                                records, painting an optimistic picture for the food export industry. Beyond traditional
                                                strongholds like China and the United States, Thai food exports are making inroads
                                                into emerging markets such as South Asia, The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),
                                                Latin America, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). These markets
                                                have shown substantial growth, and with a well-crafted market entry strategy, there’s
                                                considerable untapped potential to elevate the country’s export volume.
                                                   Looking to the future, the prospects for 2024 are bright. The current positive
                                                trajectory implies a steady expansion of Thailand’s overall merchandise exports. This
                                                promising trend has been apparent since August 2023, reflecting the country’s
                                                resilience and adaptability in the face of economic challenges. As Thailand continues
                                                to  diversify  its  export  portfolio  and  tap  into  burgeoning  markets,  it  appears
                                                well-positioned for sustained growth, indicating a promising outlook for the years

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                                                  เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
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