Page 29 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
P. 29


                          En h an ce man ag emen t             Conduct market research The company should conduct a survey on the
                          efficiency Using centralized food    demand for central kitchen services in the targeted area and competitors
                          production provides faster           in the market, including challenges and opportunities that may arise, to
                   customer service and efficient resource   develop an efficient business plan.
                   planning.  When  the  central  kitchen      Develop a business plan Entrepreneurs must create plans and analyze
                   receives raw materials at one point, it     budgets pertaining to revenue sources, estimated operating costs and
                   effectively helps reduce transportation     expenses, funding, profitability, as well as financial aid or cooperation from
                   costs  compared  to  distributing  raw   investors to establish and conclude a concise business plan.
                   materials to each branch individually.      Apply for the necessary permits Regulatory requirements are another
                   Moreover, branch stores do not need to      matter that entrepreneurs must focus on and apply for licenses related to
                   inspect the raw materials again since they   food production, sanitation, and business operations, as well as compliance
                   passed the central kitchen’s standard   with food safety regulations and health checks of the necessary personnel. Thailand
                   inspection.  This is in addition to an   has established a Ministerial Regulation on Sanitation of Food Distribution Places,
                   efficient distribution system, either by
                   using their own transportation or service
                   providers, and most importantly, the
                   delivery time can be better managed and
                          Create flexibility for menu
                          items The central kitchen can
                          adjust its menus to suit the needs
                   of diverse consumers or support seasonal
                   changes. The system can help source
                   in- and off-season raw materials or place
                   orders directly from local sources for a
                   lower cost.
                          Promote food safety  Large
                          kitchens often implement food
                          safety standards that require the
                   presence of a quality control operator to
                   conduct inspections of raw materials
                   received from the suppliers. An efficient
                   quality control process is required in each
                   production step, and an inspection of the
                   final  products  before  delivery  to  all
                   branches is required to ensure product
                   quality consistency. Additionally, each
                   branch requires a little space for storing
                   raw materials as they are typically
                   delivered daily, mitigating food spoilage.

                   Processes for the planning and
                   designing of an efficient central
                   A central kitchen is a powerful tool that
                   supports  food  businesses’  cost
                   advantages, production efficiency, and
                   consistency of food quality. The steps for
                   planning and designing an efficient central
                   kitchen system are as follows:
                          Create the company’s vision
                          Entrepreneurs should start by
                          surveying the market
                   requirements, target group, the format of
                   the central kitchen, the type of food, or
                   the uniqueness of the food to create an
                   advantage over competitors, including
                   determining the related budget and period
                   needed to create a central kitchen.

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