Page 46 - FoodFocusThailand No.217 APRIL 2024
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                                                                  Prepare Thoroughly before  Apply Novel
                                                                  Ingredients into Functional Foods
                                                                  For  the  application  of  functional  ingredients  not  yet
                                                                  specified in the standards of the Food and Drug Administration
                                                                  (FDA) in the research and development of functional food
                                                                  and beverage products, it is necessary to analyze their
                                                                  various properties before commercial use. For example,
                                                                  when using ingredients without certified by the FDA, it is
                                                                  required to specify the extraction method and analyze the
                                                                  amount of active components in the extract. These extracts
                                                                  should then evaluate the biological activities related to the
                                                                  product claims, such as reducing body fat, lowering blood
                                                                  sugar levels, boosting immunity, or inhibiting cancer cells.
                                                                  Afterward, the ingredients must assess the toxicology and
                                                                  safety to analyze their potential toxicity to the body. These
                                                                  assessments typically involve in vivo tests; if the extract is
                                                                  safe, it can be developed into functional food and beverage
                                                                  products  and  undergo  clinical  trials  in  humans.  Upon
                                                                  completion of all testing, the evidence can be submitted to
                                                                  the FDA to request permission to sell the ingredient or
                                                                     Analyzing components, biological efficacy properties,
              Variety of  Functional  Food and Beverage           and safety in the use of ingredients and products is crucial
              Products                                            for the development of functional food products. Therefore,
              Currently, many functional food and beverage products are   choosing testing services from reputable organizations  is
              on the market. They may be divided according to the function   essential to obtain comprehensive information and
              of the product, such as:                            convenient permission requirements before introducing the
                 - Functional food and beverage products with sleep   products to the market.
              support, including cereal snacks under the “Dream Bar”
              brand, “Yogi” tea brand, “Som” canned drinks brand, “Pod”
              chewing gum brand, “Nightfood” ice cream brand, and milk
              product brand “Dairy Home: Bedtime Milk”.                   More Information        Service Info C007
                 - Functional food and beverage products with weight
              control benefits, such as frozen food under the “Lean
              Cuisine” brand, chocolate bars under the “Slim Fast” brand,   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
              tea under the “Lipton” brand, protein drinks under the “Koia”   a   สถาบัันวิิจััยวิิทยาศาสตร์์และเทคโนโลยีแห่่งปร์ะเทศไทย (วิวิ.) เป็น
              brand, and crispy chicken breast with herbs under the “Eat     ห่น่วิยงานให่้บัร์ิการ์ทดสอบัสาร์สกัดและ/ห่ร์ือผลิตภััณฑ์์ ทั�งการ์วิิเคร์าะห่์
              Me Eat Clean” brand.                                  ด้านคุณภัาพและปร์ิมาณสาร์สำาคัญในสาร์สกัด ร์วิมถึงการ์บัร์ิการ์
                 - Functional food and beverage products that help     วิิเคร์าะห่์ทดสอบัเฉพาะด้าน เช่่น การ์ทดสอบัสาร์ต้านอนุมูลอิสร์ะ
              promote energy, like energy drinks under the “Monster”
              brand, cereal snacks under the “Gatorade” brand, protein     การ์ทดสอบัการ์ออกฤทธิ์ิ�ด้านร์ะบับัภัูมิคุ้มกัน มะเร์็ง และร์ะบับัขัับัถ่าย
              drinks under the “Muscle Milk” brand, ready-to-eat soups     เป็นต้น นอกจัากนี� ยังมีบัร์ิการ์พัฒนาสูตร์ผลิตภััณฑ์์ พร์้อมทดสอบั
              under the “LUHV” brand, and energy snack bars under the     ควิามปลอดภััยในร์ะดับัสัตวิ์ทดลอง ซึ่ึ�งสามาร์ถนำาห่ลักฐานดังกล่าวิไป
              “ProEngy” brand.                                      ยื�นขัอขัึ�นทะเบัียนสาร์สกัดและ/ห่ร์ือผลิตภััณฑ์์กับัทาง อย. ได้
                 - Functional food and beverage products that help   a    Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR)
              reduce stress, such as the “Yogi” tea brand, the “Sunday     is a scientific research institute that provides services for ingredients
              Scaries” gummy products brand, the “Good Day” chocolate     and/or products evaluation. These services include analysis of the
              brand, the “Zenify” canned drinks brand, the “MegaFood”     quality and quantity of important substances in the extract, as well
              chewing gum brand, and the “Twinings” tea brand.      as specialized analysing services such as antioxidant, immunity,
                 - Functional food and beverage products that help     anti-cancer, and digestive system functionality evaluation.
              nourish the brain, like breakfast cereal brand “Kellogg’s”,     Additionally, the institute offers product formula development
              tea brand “Teaonic”, cereal snacks brand “Creative”, snacks     services and is equipped to in vivo safety test. This evidence can
              brand “IQ Bar”, and beverages brand “Peptein”.        be utilized for applying for the permission of ingredients and/or
                 -  Functional  food  and  beverage  products  that                             products with the FDA.
              promote digestive health include cereal snacks by the
              ‘GoodBelly’ brand, snacks and fruit juices by the ‘Farmhouse   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
              Culture’ brand, yogurt milk by the ‘Califia Farms’ brand,             1   Henry, C.J. (2010). Functional foods. European Journal of Clinical
              yogurt by the ‘Dutchie Bio’ brand, and drinks by the ‘Activia’     Nutrition, 64, 657-659.
              brand.                                              2   Boye, J.I. (2015). Nutraceutical and Functional Food Processing
                                                                    Technology. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons.
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