Page 44 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
P. 44
1) Reducing pH value of the intestines similar to herbal remedies and natural compounds such as
2) Competing for receptors with pathogens and competing curcumin, echinacea, and resveratrol.
for nutrients from pathogens • Probiotics by Age Group:
3) Secretion of antimicrobial substances Newborns: Preterm infants are a special-risk and fragile
4) Toxin inactivation group due to their immature immune systems and
5) Stimulating the body’s immune system, such as underdeveloped gut microbiota. Therefore, using multispecies
Bifidobacterium, which helps increase T lymphocytes and probiotics is preferred over single strains to prevent various
Natural Killer (NK) cells, leading to an improved immune conditions such as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in infants.
system (Figure 2) The European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
The immune system can be enhanced with beneficial Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) recommends using
microorganisms, such as Lactobacillus, which convert sugar Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG together with
into lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. These substances can Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium lactis, and
help inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the Streptococcus thermophilus to prevent NEC in infants.
intestines, similar to both living and dead probiotic Adults: Probiotics benefit health by controlling gut
microorganisms. The colonization of probiotics to the surface microbiota, boosting the immune system, reducing the risk
of intestinal epithelium cell and the release of substances of gastrointestinal infections, enhancing nutrient absorption,
stimulates the cells, affecting their function, such as and reducing lactose intolerance. Probiotics containing
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that stimulate the secretion of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium can be used.
mucus, boost the immune system, enhance vaccine Elderly: Aging is associated with changes in gut
responses, and fight infections. Moreover, some strains of microbiota diversity and composition, as well as complications
Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) help close gaps between cells to from chronic diseases and individual health conditions.
prevent certain proteins from passing into the intestinal Therefore, the use of probiotics is relatively diverse
mucosa, thereby promoting the growth of the intestinal cell depending on the desired outcomes. For example,
division, and helping to treat various inflammatory conditions Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 helps boost the immune system
in the intestines (Figure 3). Therefore, whether plants, animals, and balance gut microorganisms, Lacticaseibacillus
or humans, a good immune system is essential for survival. rhamnosus GG regulates blood lipid levels, stimulates the
Maintaining balance and regularly enhancing the immune immune system, and balances gut microbiota. Meanwhile,
system by consuming “probiotics” is crucial for the immune Lacticaseibacillus casei DN-114 001 can help prevent
system to function at its best. infections, along with Bifidobacterium longum Bar33 and
Lactobacillus helveticus Bar13, which can also prevent
Alternative Probiotics for Boosting the Immune gastrointestinal infections.
Numerous current research studies are investigating the Personalized Probiotics
viability of probiotic bacteria in food products. For example, A new approach to health care or personalized medicine,
the development of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum which differs from using general probiotics, involves analyzing
(L. plantarum), coated with alginate along with beetroot fiber individual gut microbiome data using Molecular genetics
for preservation of acidified foods at low temperatures. The technology. Subsequently, this data is used to assess the
enhancement of probiotic quality to tolerate digestion and patterns and diversity of gut microorganisms, which can then
acidity in the stomach, and heat resistance in the body, by be used to indicate the health status of that individual. This
encapsulating probiotic bacteria cells with surface coating is because everyone has different gut microbiome patterns
materials such as alginate, sucrose, whey protein isolate, and based on genetics, lifestyle, and dietary habits. Once the
shellac, combined with freeze-drying. Additionally, studies are data is obtained, specific strains of probiotic bacteria are
modeling the growth and viability of probiotics to predict the selected to restore this imbalance to normalcy. These
growth of probiotics in food products to achieve the desired probiotics are called “Next-Generation Probiotics (NGPs).”
quantities, making sure consumers efficiently receive probiotic After receiving personalized probiotics, there is a follow-up
bacteria into their bodies. Considerations for probiotic of the gut microbiome data to improve long-term treatment
supplementation may include: and assess the efficacy of NGPs for optimal health outcomes
• Synergistic effects accurately.
Using probiotics with other biologically active substances Probiotics play a role in balancing the gut, inhibiting the
that have synergistic effects helps to stimulate the immune growth of harmful pathogens, and increasing neurotransmitter
system. For example, consuming probiotic-enriched food secretion such as serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-
products supplemented with vitamins and minerals for at least aminobutyric acid (GABA), which affect brain function and
3 months during the winter and autumn seasons may reduce mental health. Therefore, choosing to consume foods with
the incidence and severity of infections and flu in healthy adults beneficial microorganisms like “probiotics” is crucial for
by stimulating the immune system at the cellular level. maintaining balance in the body and reinforcing the internal
Additionally, probiotics combined with prebiotics may enhance immune system, resulting in good physical and mental
the efficacy of treating Multiple sclerosis, a group of health.
autoimmune disorders, to control the immune system response
and reduce inflammation. This approach provides efficacy
44 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND MAY 2024 More Information Service Info C004
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