Page 115 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 115


                        There are two types of lactose-free   incubation time. However, tests for enzyme activity and degree of hydrolysis can
                     products in the market. The first is   only be done at the end of the production, which may be risky for companies. Moreover,
                     plant-based dairy-free products, such   sterile equipment is more costly than conventional equipment.
                     as soybean, coconut, oat, etc, which
                     are naturally lactose-free. The second   Advanced Technologies in Dairy-based Lactose-free Ice Cream
                     is dairy products with lactose removed.   Development
                     Many studies agreed that individuals   1. Filtration Technologies
                     would miss out on key nutrients for   Lactose hydrolysis doubles the sweetness of milk, which may not suit consumers
                     bone  mass  maintenance,  such  as   who prefer fewer sweet profiles. Filtration is an alternative to remove lactose without
                     calcium, vitamin D, and protein, and   the added sweetness. It is widely applied in the dairy industry, and the membrane
                     bone formation, such as vitamin A,   used depends on the particle size of the component. The particle size of lactose is
                     potassium, zinc, and magnesium when   about 1.18 nm; hence, it is suitable for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. However,
                     dairy is eliminated from one’s diet. Due   most studies have not achieved 100% removal of lactose. Previous studies showed
                     to the nutrient benefits, more    that 90% of lactose was removed from sheep whey when using a polysulfone
                     companies are looking into developing   ultrafiltration membrane, while 87% of lactose was removed from milk while retaining
                     dairy-based lactose-free ice cream.   100% of the protein in both studies. Moreover, some studies utilized ultrafiltration
                                                       and nanofiltration to remove lactose in a milk product. It is then concentrated by
                     Traditional Method of Lactose     reverse osmosis, along with the return of minerals to the UF retentate when it is
                     Removal in Dairy-based            removed during ultrafiltration. The residual lactose is hydrolyzed with a lactase
                     Ice Cream                         enzyme to obtain a lactose-free product. Manufacturers find hydrolyzed milk’s
                     Lactase enzymes (β-galactosidase)   sweetness advantageous to ice cream development as it can reduce the amount of
                     are added to the product to hydrolyze   sweetener added. However, the ice cream’s softer texture as a result of increased
                     lactose. Being a cold-adapted enzyme,   monosaccharide content, decreased total solids, and lower freezing temperature
                     β-galactosidase has higher substrate   may be an advantage or disadvantage, depending on the company. Another issue
                     solubility, reaction rate, and a lower   is the fouling of membranes, which is mainly caused by protein. The frequent cleaning
                     probability of microbial contamination.   of the membranes will incur large maintenance costs.
                     Therefore,  making  it  suitable  for   2. Chromatographic Separation
                     lactose hydrolysis. Lactose hydrolysis   Chromatographic separation using different separation mediums is a new and
                     can occur through batch or aseptic   recent technology in the dairy industry. Chromatography separates components
 The Next Development in Dairy-Based  processes, as depicted in Figure 1.   based on different affinities and residence times in the column. Strong cation exchange
                        1. Batch (Pre-hydrolysis)
                                                       columns can be used to separate lactose as the formation of lactose-cation complexes
                        In a batch process, a high dosage
                                                       slows the flow of lactose, separating it from the other milk components. However,
 Lactose-Free Ice Cream  of β-galactosidase is added to the ice   large space requirements and high operational costs limit its practicality. Previous
                     cream mixture and incubated in cold
                                                       studies achieved successful lactose adsorption using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
                     conditions of 4-8  C for a short duration.
                                                       (MIPs), showing potential for scalability. In the industry, Valio Ltd. (Finland) developed
 Production Technology   Pasteurization  is  carried  out  after   a patent-protected process for the chromatographic separation of lactose from milk
                     hydrolysis to ensure that the enzyme
                                                       after successful research on the chromatographic separation of lactose from whey.
                     is inactivated in the final product. This
                                                       Despite accomplishing bulk removal of lactose from milk chromatographically, lactose-
                     is an advantage of the batch process,
                     as the  absence  of enzyme activity   free milk combines chromatography, membrane separation, and enzymatic hydrolysis
                                                       to retain a slight sweetness in the milk.
                     would help with regulation and labeling
                     laws in some countries. However, as
                     lactose is broken down into galactose
                     and glucose, Maillard browning of the
                     ice cream mix will occur during
                     pasteurization, giving an undesirable
                     taste to the ice cream. Moreover, the
                     space constraints and discontinuity of
                     the production must be considered by
                        2. Aseptic (Post-hydrolysis)
                        In an aseptic process, sterile
                     β-galactosidase  is  added  post-
                     pasteurization, with lactose hydrolysis
                     occurring during a 24-hour aging stage
                     at < 4  C, before whipping and freezing
                     at -5  C. A lower dosage of lactase
                     enzyme can be used due to the longer
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