Page 56 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 56


              mucus defensins, probiotics contribute to maintaining the   Benefits  of  Prebiotics  from  Rice  in  Cancer
              barrier’s function and reducing inflammation. SCFAs-  Prevention
              producing probiotics or SCFAs induce goblet cell   Rice bran is produced as a by-product in the rice milling
              differentiation,  mucus  production,  and  high  intestinal   process. It contains many nutrients, including starch, soluble
              epithelial cell integrity.                         dietary fibre, insoluble dietary fibre, lipids, proteins, vitamins,
                 3. Probiotics promote the fermentation of dietary fibre,   minerals and non-digestible polysaccharides (oligosaccharides,
              undigested carbohydrates, and mucus, producing anti-  resistant starch), as well as bioactive compounds such as
              cancer compounds such as short-chain fatty acids   phenolic acids and phytic acid. Previous studies revealed that
              (SCFAs), including butyric, acetic, propionic, and caproic   rice bran has the potency component as a prebiotic with cancer
              acids. These SCFAs serve as an energy source for   chemoprevention, including cellulose, hemicellulose,
              colonocytes and promote the apoptosis of cancer cells.   arabinoxylan  (A.X.),  β-glucan,  rice  bran  polyphenols,
              Probiotics like Lactobacillus fermentum NCIMB 5221 and   feruloylated arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (FAXO). In
              Bifidobacterium lactis enhance SCFA production. Butyric   addition, rice bran arabinoxylan compound directly exerts
              acid is mainly produced by bacteria such as Clostridium   immunomodulating effects, which include up-regulating natural
              leptum and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, along with other   killer (NK) cell activity, augmenting phagocytic cellular
              genera like Clostridium, Fusobacterium, Eubacterium,   functions, modulating cytokines production, and promoting T
              Coprococcus, and  Roseburia spp. Some Lactic Acid   and B lymphocyte proliferation, leading to increasing anti-
              Bacteria (LAB) species, like Eubacterium hallii, Eubacterium   cancer property.
              limosum, and Anaeripes caccae, can convert acetate or   Moreover, defatted rice bran (DRB) shows prebiotic
              lactate into butyrate. Under normal conditions, butyric acid   activities and chemopreventive effects in terms of fighting
              is the primary energy substrate for colonocytes and   chronic inflammation, combating cell proliferation and
              strengthens the intestinal barrier by promoting healthy cell   preventing tumourigenesis in the azoxymethane (AOM)- and
              production  and  proliferation.  In  addition,  butyric  acid   dextran sodium sulphate (DSS)-induced colitis-associated
              increases the immunogenicity of cancer cells, regulates   colorectal cancer (CRC) model in rats. DRB helps to increase
              apoptosis-related proteins, boosts the antioxidant activity   the  production  of  beneficial bacteria  (Alloprevotella,
              of glutathione S-transferase (GST), and stimulates the   Prevotellaceae UCG-001,  Ruminococcus, Roseburia,
              production of antibacterial peptides. It inhibits histone   Butyricicoccus) and decreases the production of harmful
              deacetylation and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, potentially   bacteria present in the faeces, mucosa and tumours of the
              silencing genes involved in cell proliferation, division, and   colon. In addition, DRB promoted the production of SCFAs
              apoptosis.                                         (acetate, propionate, butyrate) in the cecum. Furthermore,
                 4. Probiotics induce apoptosis in the large intestine,   DRB restored the loss of goblet cells and improved the
              inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria by lowering   thickness of the mucus layer in the colonic tissue. DRB
              intestinal pH, and bind and deactivate carcinogenic   supplementation helps reduce CRC symptoms’ progression,
              compounds, thereby reducing the risk of CRC development.   such as colon shortening, disease activity index (DAI),
                 5. Probiotics regulate the activity of enzymes in   histopathological changes, total aberrant crypt foci (ACFs),
              metabolising carcinogens and control the composition of   and tumours. In addition, DRB supplementation suppressed
              bacteria that produce toxic aromatic amines, thus further   the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory
              decreasing the production of harmful compounds.    mediators by inactivating the NF-κB signaling pathway and
                 6. Probiotics modulate the immune response, produce   showed a negative effect on the proliferation of cancer cells.
              anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer substances, and interact   These results suggest that rice bran and DRB could be
              with immune cell receptors to inhibit inflammation and   used as a prebiotic dietary supplement to modulate gut
              stimulate tumour cell apoptosis. They can reduce intestinal   microbiota dysbiosis, attenuate chronic inflammation, and
              inflammation locally and systematically, crucial for   cancer cell proliferation, and delay tumourigenesis in AOM/
              controlling tumour promotion and progression. This   DSS-induced colitis in rats. Therefore, further research is
              process involves immune elements like antigen-presenting   encouraged on the use of rice bran and DRB in various foods
              cells (APCs), T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells,   and beverages to promote health-promoting bacteria in the
              which are essential for an anti-cancer immune response.   colon and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, which has an
              Probiotics help differentiate immune cells such as dendritic   impact on cancer prevention in the global population.
              cells and  T and B lymphocytes, stimulating anti-
              inflammatory substances, antioxidants, and anti-cancer
              components. Probiotics interact with Toll-Like Receptors
              (TLRs) on intestinal epithelial and immune cells, initiating
              immune responses and inducing anti-inflammatory            More Information        Service Info C006
              cytokines. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei,
              and Bifidobacterium spp. influence gamma-interferon
              levels and stimulate T and B lymphocyte activity, producing   Scan QR code for
              immunoglobulin A (IgA) transferred to the mucus layer to
              protect the intestinal epithelium.                   references.

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