Page 72 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
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            This step is essential to ensure smoothness and uniformity   3. The Development of Ready-to-Use Sauces from
            of the finished sauce.                              Popular Dishes The trend of developing ready-to-use sauces
               3. Packing and Sterilization Process: Popular ready-to-  from popular dishes is rising as consumers seek novel and
            use sauce packaging includes plastic bottles, glass bottles,   unique options. This includes creating ready-to-cook sauce
            and retort pouches, filled using aseptic techniques. The   products from various regional Thai dishes packaged in retort
            preferred sterilization method is retort sterilization, which   pouches. For instance, Northern dishes like Nam Ngiao and
            employs pressure and heat within a closed steam system.   Hang Lay Curry, Northeastern dishes like Nam Tok and Korat
            Following sterilization, the product is cooled using chilled water   Noodles, Central dishes like Choo Chee Curry and Sour Curry,
            to prevent the formation of thermophilic bacteria, which thrive   Eastern dishes like Stir-Fried Curry Powder and Tom Khem,
            in heat. This procedure is crucial in determining the product’s   and Southern dishes like Kua Kling, Crab Curry, and Hor Mok.
            shelf life. Typically, most ready-to-use sauces have a shelf   These products can effectively target consumers in international
            life of 12-18 months at room temperature.           markets . Meanwhile, ready-to-use sauces from popular stir-fry
                                                                dishes are also gaining traction in online markets. Examples
            Keep an Eye on the Hot Trends of Ready-to-Use       include Fried Rice Sauce, Spicy Stir-Fry Sauce, Morning Glory
            Seasoning Sauces                                    Stir-Fry  Sauce,  Shrimp  Paste  Sauce,  Five-Spice  Sauce,
            Natural ingredients, health trends, and sustainability are key   Creamy Tom Yum Sauce, Ready-to-Eat Pad Thai Sauce, Thai
            considerations when developing ready-to-use sauces. There   Jim Jaew Grilled Sauce, and Dry Boat Noodle Sauce. There
            is also a tendency toward sophisticated recipe sauces. Here   has also been development in ready-to-use sauces inspired
            are some recommendations for creating sauces that fit certain   by international culinary cultures, such as spaghetti, kimchi,
            principles, as follows:                             and teriyaki. Additionally, renowned and celebrity chefs have
               1. Health-conscious Ready-to-Use Sauces Currently,   created various fusion sauce recipes. One notable example is
            entrepreneurs are introducing basic seasoning and sauces   the “Variety Stir-fry Sauce” that gained popularity online from
            that reduce fat, sodium, or sugar content, as well as sauces   the Netflix film “The Hunger Games.” Roza has employed
            that do not contain food additives such as preservatives,   cross-industry marketing strategies to generate excitement and
            monosodium glutamate, and artificial colors. This trend is   interest in their brand .
            expanding into ready-to-use sauces. Therefore, developing   Consumers expect ready-to-use sauces to help create
            formulations for ready-to-use sauces that prioritize consumer   delicious dishes comparable to those made with various basic
            health is a great opportunity to enhance competitiveness.   seasonings. Therefore, producers must research and develop
            However, manufacturers must consider the quality and taste   sauce ingredients to achieve the most palatable flavors for
            of the food, which may change due to reducing certain types   consumers. Producers must also control various factors at each
            of seasonings. Furthermore, manufacturers can develop   production stage to ensure the products meet the required
            ready-to-use sauces by adding beneficial ingredients and   standards and have an appropriate shelf life. Additionally,
            adjusting nutrients to be more suitable for the body. For   packaging development should focus on convenience and an
            example, the innovation of Thai holy basil stir-fry sauce   appealing image, as these are key marketing tools to boost
            (Omebauce) was developed in response to the discovery that   product sales. Promoting products through online marketing
            stir-fried dishes frequently include significant amounts of fat,   channels is also an effective strategy to quickly build brand
            which can have a negative impact on health. As a result, the   recognition.
            innovation is in achieving an optimal omega-fatty acid balance.
            When utilizing basil sauce for stir-frying meat, it is discovered
            to have a more favorable ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty
            acids than conventional holy basil stir-fry sauce .           More Information        Service Info C009
               2.  Ready-to-Use  Sauces  Using  Agricultural
            By-products In industrial food production, there are inevitably
            leftovers that affect production costs. Entrepreneurs can turn   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
            these leftovers into value-added products by developing     สุุกััญญา พัันธ์์พัุ�ม. (2560). ปััจจัยที่่�ม่อิิที่ธ์ิพัลต่�อิกัารต่ัดสุินใจเลือิกัซื้ื�อิซื้อิสุ
            various ready-to-use sauce recipes. For example, the Royal     ผััดสุำาเร็จรูปัขอิงผัู�บริโภคในเขต่กัรุงเที่พัมหานคร. สุืบค�น 17 พัฤษภาคม
                                                                   2567, จากั
            Project Foundation conducted research to add value to surplus     1594613767.pdf
            green bell peppers that exceeded market demand, with   2
            irregular shapes and blemished skin. These were developed   3   ไพัโรจน์ วิิริยจาร่ และคณะ. (2561). กัารพััฒนาผัลิต่ภัณฑ์์ซื้อิสุพัริกัจากั
            into a unique-tasting bell pepper sauce, such as the “Imitated     พัริกัหวิานโครงกัารหลวิง: ซื้อิสุหวิาน ซื้อิสุเผั็ด และซื้อิสุเล่ยนแบบนำ�าพัริกั
            Nam Prik Num Sauce from Green Sweet Peppers,” by finding     หนุ�ม. สุืบค�น 17 พัฤษภาคม 2567, จากั
            the appropriate proportions of green sweet peppers and     full/rpf/2561/rpf245-61.pdf
            suitable ingredients. They underwent a sterilization process   4   พัรดรัล จุลกััลปั์ กัมลที่ิพัย์ เดชะปัรากัรม และพััชร่ ไพัโรจน์. (2560).
            using steam under pressure, resulting in an imitated Nam Prik     กัารพััฒนาผัลิต่ภัณฑ์์ซื้อิสุมะขามปัรุงรสุสุำาเร็จรูปัจากัมะขามหวิาน
            Num sauce with a shelf life of up to 1 year . Additionally,     ต่กัเกัรด. สุืบค�น 17 พัฤษภาคม 2567, จากั
            degraded sweet tamarinds, leftovers from the sweet tamarind     mation/paper/file/psru_agricul_2560_2.3(1.10).pdf
            processing process, have been transformed into ready-to-use   6
            tamarind sauces suitable for both dipping or stir-frying .ข�อิด่ขอิงซื้อิสุผััดสุำาเร็จรูปั
            72   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUN  2024

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