Page 66 - FoodFocusThailand No.221 August 2024
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              Table 1   Examples of risk assessment of foodborne pathogens in seafood for   microorganisms, such as viruses and
                      the Australian population                                      parasites, is also necessary to aid in
                                                                                     the planning of more thorough
                                                                                     analyses and preventative actions.
                                                                                     However, analytical techniques for
                                                                                     identifying certain microbes require
                                                                                     advanced instruments or technology,
                                                                                     which could pose a limitation for
                                                                                     manufacturers lacking access to such
                                                                                     instruments or analysts with
                                                                                     specialized knowledge in related
                                                                                     areas. Thus, in conjunction with a plan
                                                                                     for monitoring target microorganisms
                                                                                     using cutting-edge technology, the
                                                                                     manufacturers may set up a
                                                                                     preliminary  plan  for  monitoring
                                                                                     common microorganisms using
                                                                                     simple procedures or rapid detection
                                                                                     techniques. It is possible to use the
                                                                                     external laboratory analysis services.
                                                                                     However, it often has certain
                                                                                     limitations in terms of waiting time for
                                                                                     test results and the environment
                                                                                     during transportation needs to be
                                                                                     managed to prevent the changes in
                                                                                     microorganisms. Utilizing external
                                                                                     laboratories has the benefit of
                                                                                     relieving the production facility of the
                                                                                     responsibility for managing or request
             other microorganisms with the same risk level as previously   accreditation in accordance with microbial laboratory or
             described,  a greater number of  V. cholerae  cases were   microbial analysis requirements.
             reported. As a result, manufacturers must focus more on   The manufacturers will find the aforementioned guidelines
             prevention and monitoring of V. cholerae contamination than   for microbial risk assessment in food manufacturing plants
             the other microbes.                                  helpful for identifying target microbial populations related to
               Viruses contribute to the risk associated with  oyster   their products and production processes, planning sample
             products. Nonetheless, two risk levels were identified based   submissions for microbial analysis, and monitoring. By
             on the raw materials’ water sources. Regulating water sources   following these guidelines, food manufacturers can also
             is necessary to control the risk of contamination in oysters and   gather analysis results and establish a database for
             avoid or lessen the risk of contamination in production plants.   proactively preventing microbial risk in food products.
               L.  monocytogenes  is  a  contributing  factor  to  the  risk
             associated with cold-smoked seafood. Cold-smoked seafood
             is different from other types of seafood products due to its
             production process. Since the pathogenicity of this type of   More Information       Service Info C010
             bacterium depends on the strength of the consumer’s immune
             system, consumers with varying immune responses are at
             varying risk. Therefore, risk management can be accomplished
             by including cautionary statements for target customers on   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional information
             product labels or by putting safety precautions in place to
             prevent, minimize, or eliminate this pathogen to the safe level   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
             for all group of consumers.                            • Bevilacqua, A., De Santis, A., Sollazzo, G., Speranza, B., Racioppo,
               The manufacturers will be able to classify microorganisms     A., Sinigaglia, M., & Corbo, M. R. (2023). Microbiological risk
             according to risk level and develop a plan for prevention,     assessment in foods: Background and tools, with a focus on risk
                                                                      ranger. Foods, 12(7), 1483.
             reduction, or elimination of such microorganisms to a safe level   • Ross, T., & Sumner, J. (2002). A simple, spreadsheet-based, food
             for consumers if a risk assessment is carried out, as in the     safety risk assessment tool. International journal of food
             example presented in Table 1. This plan will include the     microbiology, 77(1-2), 39-53.
             selection and monitoring of  the appropriate target    • Microbial Risk Assessment: Guidance for Food. Available online:
             microorganisms in accordance with the type of product and     on 4 July 2024).
             consumer  group. A  precise  identification  of  the  target

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