Page 56 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
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5. Cooling Tunnels: After forming or post-baking, Discover Protein Bar Items on the Global Market
the protein bars need to be cooled rapidly to solidify
and set their shape. Cooling tunnels efficiently lower Protein Bar for Building Muscle Mass
the temperature of the bars, preventing spoilage and Chocolate Peanut Butter: The products are made
ensuring optimal texture. with 100% natural ingredients. The protein bars are
6. Enrobing Machines: For protein bars requiring the ultimate naturally sweetened and flavored
a coating of chocolate or other substances, enrobing protein snacks. Each bar is packed with 20 grams
machines provide a uniform layer, enhancing taste and of high-quality whey isolate, whey hydrolysate, whey
appeal. Precision is crucial to ensure consistent concentrate, and pea protein.
coverage without excess coating, which can impact
both the product’s quality and nutritional value.
7. Packaging Systems: Efficient packaging is Vegan Protein Bars
essential after the bars are formed and cooled. Vegan Fruit & Nut Bars Variety:
Packaging systems are designed to wrap the bars in Wholesome food meets authentic
protective materials to maintain freshness and extend flavors in these tasty and chewy
shelf life. These systems can include flow wrappers, snack bars made from natural
cartons, and case packers. Advanced packing ingredients. They include flavors like
machines also print barcodes and other essential apple pie, blueberry muffin, cashew
information on the packaging. cookie, cherry pie, chocolate chip cookie dough, coconut cream pie, peanut
butter chocolate chip, and peanut butter cookie. These bars are gluten-
The Future of Protein Bar Manufacturing: free, non-GMO, vegan, and dairy-free, with simple ingredients.
Embracing Innovation
The protein bar machine landscape is not static. Keto-Friendly Snack Bars for Brain & Body
Manufacturers constantly seek ways to improve Health
efficiency, product quality, and meet evolving consumer Low-carb: Crafted with simple ingredients and
demands. Here are some key advancements shaping brain-boosting nutrients, it is designed to keep you
the industry in 2024: full, focused, and energized all day long. Each
1. Integration of Smart Manufacturing and IoT gluten-free protein bar packs 12 grams of plant-
Technologies: Advanced protein bar machines are based protein, just 2 grams of sugar, and only 3
increasingly incorporating smart manufacturing and grams of net carbs—perfect for a low-calorie snack
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. These that supports your active and healthy lifestyle.
technologies enable real-time monitoring and control
of the production process, allowing for more precise
adjustments and optimization of production parameters. Plant-based Protein Bar for Your
This results in improved product consistency, reduced Everyday Snack
waste, and efficient resource utilization. Cookies and Cream: This plant-
2. AI-Driven Customization: The future of protein based protein bar features a blend of
bars might involve personalization. AI-driven 5 types of protein: premium pea
technologies are paving the way for customized bar protein, organic rice, soy, pumpkin
creation, catering to individual dietary needs and seeds, and sunflower seeds. It’s
preferences. Imagine using an app to specify your coated with vegan chocolate and
protein requirements, desired flavors, and any allergies contains no added sugar. With low calories and high fiber, it’s a delicious
and receiving a protein bar tailor-made for you! While and nutritious choice.
this technology is still in its emerging stages, it has the
potential to revolutionize the food industry. Advanced machines offer an innovative and efficient solution for
3. Emphasis on Clean Label and Sustainability: producing protein bars at an industrial scale. Their ability to streamline the
Consumers are increasingly concerned about the manufacturing process, ensure consistency, and accommodate a variety
ingredients in their food and the environmental impact of formulations makes them an invaluable asset. By investing in the right
of production. This has led to a growing demand for equipment, businesses can enhance their production capabilities, meet
“clean label” protein bars made with recognizable, consumer demands, and maintain a competitive edge in the growing
natural ingredients. Consequently, protein bar market of health and nutrition products.
machinery is evolving to accommodate the use of these
ingredients while maintaining optimal processing
efficiency. Additionally, there’s a focus on sustainable
packaging solutions, prompting the development of More Information Service Info C007
machines compatible with recyclable and biodegradable
4. Compliance with Regulatory Standards: เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
Additionally, protein bar machine manufacturers are
designing equipment to comply with evolving global machine-in-2024.pdf
food safety standards and regulatory requirements.
This includes implementing hygienic design principles protein-bars
and facilitating thorough cleaning and sanitation
procedures to mitigate contamination risks.
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