Page 65 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
P. 65


                        (3) Product development: Texture analysis
                     plays a crucial role in developing or improving
                     products to satisfy consumer preferences, such
                     as improving the softness of bread, spreadability,
                     and elasticity of cheese.
                        (4) Equipment and process design: The
                     results of food texture analysis can be used as
                     a guideline when designing equipment and
                     machinery to achieve desired texture
                     characteristics, such as grinders, mixers, food-
                     forming machines, and fryers.
                        (5) Study of food transformation
                     processes: Food texture analysis can provide
                     information to investigate how chemical and
                     physical characteristics change during processing
                     and storage, assisting manufacturers in creating   รููปที่่� 2  ผลการทดสอบเนื้้�อสัมผัสของโยเกิร์ตจากเคร้�อง Texture Analyzer
                     more efficient manufacturing, storage, and         หลังจากเติมอินืู้ลินื้ในื้ผลิตภััณฑ์์
                     packaging techniques.                       Figure 2 Texture analysis of inulin-fortified yogurt using a texture analyzer
                        (6) Consumer acceptance evaluation:
                     Texture analysis helps assess customer     itself, which is related to the chemical bonds of its internal molecules—
                     satisfaction and predict product acceptance.  springiness—the food’s capacity to recover after deformation from the
                                                                first press—gumminess—the energy required to separate semi-solid food
                     Food Texture Analysis                      until it’s ready to be swallowed—and chewiness—the energy required to
                     Food texture testing can be divided into two   chew solid food until it’s ready to be swallowed. TPA analysis is, therefore,
                     categories: objective tests and sensory tests.   crucial equipment that aids in the development of food items to better
                     In objective tests, the relationship between force   satisfy consumer demands and regulate the production process for
                     and deformation, force and time, or stress and   effectiveness and reliable quality.
                     strain is measured using a texture analyzer,
                     which yields precise and repeatable findings in   Case  Study:  Effect  of  Inulin  Addition  on  Textural
                     a controlled environment. The test results can   Characteristics of Dairy Products
                     be used to analyze textural properties such as   Texture analysis plays an important role in dairy product development
                     firmness, hardness, tenderness, and toughness.   because the texture analysis results can describe the texture characteristics
                     In contrast, panelists who participate in sensory   such as firmness, firmness, crispness, adhesion, cohesion, stability,
                     testing evaluate the texture of food by rating their   fracture, spreadability, elasticity, and malleability, which all affect the product
                     experiences in terms of touch, taste, and noises   quality and consumer acceptance.
                     produced during chewing. Due to the variation   A texture analyzer has been used to study the effect of inulin, a prebiotic,
                     in panelists’ experiences, this method may be   on textural properties and nutritional value in developing dairy products
                     less accurate than objective testing; nevertheless,   such as stirred and set yogurt, freeze-dried yogurt, Greek yogurt, yogurt
                     its reliability can be raised by expanding the   ice cream, and mozzarella cheese. The results showed that the addition
                     panel’s size or providing panelists with more   of inulin had different effects on the textural characteristics of each product,
                     training.                                  as follows:
                        The food industry frequently uses texture   - Stirred and set yogurt: increased firmness and stability (Figure 2)
                     analyzers in texture analysis due to their user-  - Freeze-dried yogurt: increased firmness and crispness
                     friendliness,  accuracy,  repeatability,  and   - Greek yogurt: increased spreadability and firmness
                     reliability. Texture analysis methods include   - Yogurt ice cream: increased firmness but reduced adhesion
                     compression tests (Figure 1a), penetration or   - Mozzarella cheese: increased firmness
                     puncture tests (Figure 1b), shear tests (Figure   In addition to the objective test, the sensory test also showed that
                     1c), tensile tests (Figure 1d), extrusion tests,   inulin-fortified dairy products were also acceptable to panelists, reflecting
                     and adhesion tests. A common technique is the   the importance of texture analysis in developing high-quality products that
                     compression test, particularly Texture Profile   satisfy consumer needs.
                     Analysis (TPA), which simulates human molar
                     chewing using two compressions.
                        The analysis findings can be used to                    More Information        Service Info C009
                     characterize the food’s texture attributes, such
                     as fracturability—the first pressure that breaks
                     the food’s internal structure without causing it to   เอกสารูอ้างอิง / References
                     separate—hardness—the maximum force that    •  ปานื้มนื้ัส ศิิริสมบูรณ์. (2554). เทคโนื้โลยีเนื้้�อสัมผัสของผลผลิตเกษตรและอาหาร.
                     happens during the first press, also known as     กรุงเทพฯ: สถาบันื้เทคโนื้โลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง คณะวิิศิวิกรรมศิาสตร์
                     firmness—adhesiveness—the food’s ability to   •
                     stick  to  surfaces  like  teeth  or  containers—  •
                     cohesiveness—the food’s ability to stick within   •

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