Page 70 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
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                                                                  bonds. Reagents breaking water-water interactions and/or
                                                                  disulfide bonds can verify this. Although this method is widely
                                                                  used, it remains unclear which reactions are the most
                                                                  important in creating the fiber structure of plant-based meat
                                                                     3. Morphological analysis: This technique is used to
                                                                  analyze the macrostructure from a microscopic image of the
                                                                  fiber structure obtained from several processes, such as
                                                                  biopolymer blending, extrusion, and shear cell technology.
                                                                  These techniques can reveal different fibers in imitation meat
                                                                  products along the shear direction. Therefore, a study on the
                                                                  morphology of plant-based meat products is also investigated
                                                                  by many instruments, i.e., microscopy, light reflectance,
                                                                  fluorescence polarization, x-ray tomography, etc.
                                                                     3.1 Microscopy is the study of the surface of imitation
                                                                  meat products using various types of microscopes, including
                                                                  light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and
                                                                  confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM).
                                                                     3.2 Light reflectance analysis is a sample analysis
                                                                  method based on the theory of light reflection and refraction.
                                                                  According to the intensity of the sample reflection, the
                                                                  intensity of light reflection will deviate following the shape of
               2) The Top-down strategy involves imitating the meat   the object lit, such as the fiber arrangement at different levels
            structure on a large scale without a hierarchical model. It   in the product after being extruded.
            involves combining various biopolymers, such as soy protein   3.3 Fluorescence polarization spectroscopy studies
            and wheat gluten, to directly form imitation meat through simple   food materials using a polarized light to stimulate fluorescent
            processes, including extrusion, mixing, freezing, and shear cell   molecules. Tryptophan is a natural fluorescent probe often
            technology, to create meat alternative products.      used in meat science to determine meat structure. Similarly,
                                                                  this technique has been used to evaluate the anisotropy of
            Texture Evaluation Techniques for Meat Analogue       extruded materials, where a moisture content of 60% was
            Products                                              found to be suitable for the polarity level of measurement.
            There are several techniques for evaluating the structure and   3.4 X-ray tomography (XRT) analysis is an examination
            texture of plant-based meat products, including optical,   using X-ray images to detect differences in material density.
            mechanical, dielectric, and imaging methods. Each technique   Mostly, the XRT is used to distinguish bones, lean meat, and
            provides different information, i.e., surface or morphological   fat in meat analysis, but it can also examine the trapped air
            assessment of food products using light reflectance,   during the formation of imitation meat structures. This is
            fluorescence polarization spectroscopy, microscopy, and X-ray   because the extrusion process causes an expansion of the
            tomography (XRT), etc. Meanwhile, texture evaluation can be   product due to the water evaporation and the presence of
            determined by dielectric and mechanical analyzers, such as   air pockets, which may affect the fiber properties in the final
            texture analyzers (TPA), etc. Therefore, the measuring methods   products.
            are dependent on the evaluated product characteristics, and
            multiple methods are used to obtain reliable and precise results.
            Texture evaluation of plant-based meat products is divided into
            3 methods, as follows:                                        More Information        Service Info C010
               1. Mechanical analysis: This technique is used to analyze
            the hardness or softness of the alternative meat products by
            quantitative measurement tools, such as Warner-Bratzler Shear   เอกสารอ้างอิง/References
            Force (WBSF) or texture profile analyzer (TPA profiles),   Damez, J.L., & Clerjon, S. (2008). Meat quality assessment using
            including springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and     biophysical methods related to meat structure. Meat Science, 80(1),
            chewiness. In addition, there are other instruments used to     132–149.
            analyze physicochemical changes in imitation meat products,   Dekkers B., Boom, R., & van der Goot, A.J. (2018). Structuring
            i.e., dielectric analyzer (DEA), mechanical analyzer (DMA),     processes for meat analogues. Trends in Food Science &
                                                                    Technology, 81(2–3), 25-26.
            differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD),   Hadi, J., & Brightwell, G. (2021). Safety of Alternative Proteins:
            and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, etc.    Technological, Environmental and Regulatory Aspects of Cultured
               2. Chemical analysis: This technique is used to analyze     Meat, Plant-Based Meat, Insect Protein and Single-Cell Protein.
            molecular bonding interactions in food products. The fiber     Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10(6), 1226.
            products obtained from the protein extrusion process occur   Yao, G., Liu, K. S., & Hsieh, F. (2004). A new method for characterizing
                                                                    fiber formation in meat analogs during high-moisture extrusion.
            from protein-protein interactions with various bonds, such as     Journal of Food Science, 69(7), 303–307.
            covalent bonds, hydrophobic-hydrophilic reactions, and disulfide

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