Page 40 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
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            planning and provision of necessary resources, including   loaded and transported. For example, frozen foods must be
            equipment and techniques for quality control as well as the   transported at a specific temperature to keep the core
            skills and abilities of the employees in problem-solving and   temperature below -18°C.
            result analysis, the production process control quality   • The products must be handled properly and subjected
            management system requires information support and    to close supervision throughout transportation in order to
            supervision. This is done to avoid potential contamination or   avoid damage or cross-contamination.
            loss in food production. In addition, the production control for   Training guidelines for employees working in
            maintenance of food quality and safety also covers the following   food quality control systems
            areas.                                                Effective food safety and quality control can be achieved by
               • Evaluation of the production environment’s suitability,   planning training and personnel development initiatives that
            sanitation measures that impact the site’s hygiene management,   will empower employees to implement food safety and quality
            and prevention of cross-contamination of the process or   control plans and increase their awareness of and
            products from the environment (e.g., the production room’s   comprehension of the process. This is done in order to create
            cleanliness, the possibility of cross-contamination  from   finished goods that adhere to hygienic requirements and
            personnel or equipment).                              standards. The training guidelines for employees working in
               • Use of production equipment and inspection control in   food quality control systems are as follows.
            accordance with applicable standards: To lower the risk of   • Hygiene compliance training: To lower the risk of food
            contamination, a control program for cleaning and disinfecting   contamination, employees must wear appropriate personal
            tools and equipment on a regular basis and suitably must be   protective equipment, such as head covers, face masks, and
            in place.                                             gloves.
               • Process monitoring, tracking, and recording are achieved   • Training and updates on international standards:
            by  managing  working  conditions,  keeping  an  eye  on   Employees need to be made aware of the new requirements
            predetermined  conditions,  defining  the  proper  inspection   and given proper training on quality control procedures.
            frequency and accurately collecting data.                Guidelines for food safety and quality control are
                                                                  important, and they must be followed at every step of the
                   Product quality inspection: To ensure that the   food production process, including raw material selection,
                   product  quality  and  safety  satisfy  the  specified   production process control, packaging and storage, and
                   standards, the products must be inspected in   transportation. In a highly competitive market, these
            compliance with the specifications after production is finished.   guidelines can contribute to support the creation of high-
            The  inspection  may  include  working  conditions  affecting   quality and safe food items, customer confidence, and
            physical appearance of the products such as color, taste, and   business reliability. They also reduce product recalls or legal
            smell; chemical inspection such as pH, total dissolved solids   lawsuits, ensuring long-term viability of businesses. In order
            (Brix), concentration, and other chemical values; microbiological   to maintain quality and safety, the food producers should
            inspection, especially testing for pathogenic microorganisms   establish and implement a quality system that covers a variety
            and allergen; and radioactive substances inspection. In order   of areas, such as adhering to hygiene practices and
            to communicate and foster understanding, the manufacturer   recommendations and producing food products in
            must also give this information to customers, partners, or other   accordance  with  international  standards,  regulatory
            relevant parties.                                     requirements, and customer requirements.
                                                                     • Good Hygiene Practices (GHPs) / Good Manufacturing
                                                                  Practices (GMPs), cover every step of the production
                    Packaging and storage:  To prevent of         process in terms of sanitation and good hygiene in production,
                    contamination and maintain quality of food products,   including efficient management of production areas and
                    the packing procedures must comply with the   processes.
            applicable standards and measures. For example, using airtight   • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), a
            containers and protecting against moisture and air. In order to   system for an analysis of potential hazards in food production
            prevent dead stock, it is also necessary to control the product’s   aiming to reduce the risk of food hazards in the production
            storage conditions in a suitable environment and to implement   process and products through the identification of critical
            effective inventory control. This is due to the fact that food   control points and application of control measures to prevent,
            storage has a significant effect on its quality. On the other hand,   reduce and eliminate hazards to an acceptable level.
            cross-contamination can be avoided through the design of   • ISO 22000 / FSSC 22000 system, the food safety
            packaging to restrict the passage of air, moisture, and light.   management systems that focus on quality control and safety
            However, the storage condition must be appropriate for each   management at each step of the production process, from
            type of food product in order to extend the shelf life and prevent   raw materials to production to distribution, while also
            quality deterioration.                                protecting against food terrorism and commercial
                    Transportation: Food quality is significantly    The key to the success of any business is understanding
                    impacted by transportation conditions, particularly by   the nature of the products and overseeing the entire
                    temperature and environmental control. To ensure   operational process. This ensures that the end products meet
            that products retain their quality and safety until they are   the needs and expectations of the customers or consumers
            delivered to customers, control measures can be put in place   and that the business can increase customer satisfaction
            to prevent damage or deterioration during transportation. The   and  encourage repeat  purchase  behavior by  fostering
            following control measures can be taken into consideration in   confidence and trust among producers, consumers, and
            distribution and transportation.                      stakeholders in the food and beverage industry.
               • Products that need to be stored at a specific temperature
            range are frequently subject to temperature control before being
            40   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  OCT  2024                           More Information        Service Info C003

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