Page 59 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
P. 59


                     Humanization of Pets Fuels

                     Demand for Natural Colors

                     in Pet Food

                     The COVID-19 pandemic significantly boosted pet ownership worldwide, as many sought comfort and
                     companionship during isolation. This surge in pet ownership has driven the global pet food market to new
                     heights, with a valuation of USD 131 billion in 2023 . Projected to grow at a compound annual growth
                     rate (CAGR) of 5.6% from 2023 to 2028, the industry is experiencing a profound shift towards natural and
                     organic products. As pets increasingly become cherished family members, pet owners, now often referred
                     to as ‘pet parents’, are demanding higher-quality, natural ingredients in pet food, including natural colors.

                     The Rise of Pet Humanization                        are the main worldwide references for what can be labelled
                     The concept of pet humanization has rapidly evolved, with   as ‘natural’. These definitions typically consider factors like
                     pets now seen not just as animals but as integral family   the  source  and  processing  of  raw  materials,  the  use  of
                     members. Pet parents are committed to providing their ‘fur   additives, and GMO status. While there is convergence on the
                     babies’ with the same level of care and nutrition they would   idea that natural products are minimally processed, there are
                     offer their children. This shift in perception has heightened the   differences in how raw materials and additives should be
                     demand for pet food that mirrors human food in quality,   evaluated.
                     appearance, and nutritional value.                     We offer a wide range of US and European pet food-
                                                                         compliant products for dry, extruded, wet, and treat products.
                     Why Natural Colors Matter                           Our colors are sourced from nature and made from ingredients
                     Colors not only enhance the visual appeal of pet food but   like orange and black carrots, sweet potatoes, annatto, apples,
                     also help mimic the appearance of human food, allowing pet   and carmine. These natural colors not only meet regulatory
                     owners to share meaningful eating experiences with their pets.   standards but also align with the growing consumer demand
                     Celebrating special occasions like birthdays, Halloween, or   for natural pet food products.
                     Valentine’s Day with visually appealing, naturally colored pet   As the trend of pet humanization continues to grow, the
                     treats strengthens the bond between pets and their owners.  demand for natural colors in pet food is set to rise. Pet parents
                        Contrary to the misconception that pets cannot perceive   increasingly seek to offer their cherished companions the
                     color, dogs and cats do see colors, albeit in a limited spectrum.   highest quality care and nutrition, fueling a preference for
                     Pet owners are drawn to food that looks appetizing and   natural ingredients that align with their commitment to their
                     flavorful, believing that visually appealing food is also healthier   pets’ well-being.
                     and tastier for their pets. “Natural colors can brighten and   Thailand has emerged as a leading hub for pet food
                     enhance pet food, making it look fresher, more vibrant, and   manufacturing, ranking among the top five exporters of dog
                     meatier to pet owners, while also compensating for any color   and cat food worldwide from 2021 to 2023, according to the
                     loss due to processing or storage conditions.       Thailand  Pet  Food Association.  With  its  world-class
                                                                         manufacturing facilities and expertise, the country continues
                     Navigating the definition of ‘Natural’              to attract numerous brands seeking OEM partnerships, fueling
                     The  term  ‘natural’  in  pet  food  has  been  the  subject  of   year-on-year growth in the pet food industry.
                     regulatory scrutiny for years. In markets like the USA and
                     Europe, definitions provided by organizations such as the
                     Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and
                     the European pet food industry trade association (FEDIAF)    More Information        Service Info C007

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