Page 56 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
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               2. Wet method: This involves dissolving the protein source,   extraction. 3.3 Pulsed electric field (PEF)-assisted
            followed by precipitation based on differences in pH levels. The   extraction: This technology uses high-voltage electrical
            solvents used include water, organic solvents, acids, and bases. This   energy in short pulses to enhance protein extraction from
            method is considered a chemical extraction process and is suitable   plants  and  microorganisms. The  process  involves
            for legumes, oilseeds, grains, and leafy greens. Examples include:   applying pulsed electric fields to plant or microbial cells,
            2.1 Enzyme-assisted extraction: Uses enzymes to digest and break   creating temporary pores in the cell walls (electroporation).
            down cell walls. This extraction method has relatively high costs and   This allows proteins inside the cells to be more easily
            energy use but is efficient. 2.2 Supercritical water extraction: Utilizes   released into the solvent. It can be used to extract
            conditions with temperature and pressure above the critical point for   proteins from all types of plants. 3.4 High hydrostatic
            extraction, which is a solvent-free and environmentally friendly   pressure (HHP)-assisted extraction: This technique
            process. 2.3 Reverse micelles (RM) extraction is a technique used   uses extremely high pressure (over 100 MPa) to enhance
            to isolate and purify substances, particularly proteins from natural   protein extraction efficiency without the need for high
            sources such as plants. The principle of reverse micelle extraction   temperatures, which is a key factor that damages protein
            involves two main steps: Forward Extraction: The reverse micelle   quality. It can be applied to a variety of plants, both those
            solution is brought into contact with the protein source (e.g., plant   with hard and soft cell walls, because high pressure can
            tissues). The proteins migrate from the source into the micelle because   break down all types of cell walls.” It is applicable to a
            the micelle’s internal environment is suitable for protein solubilization.   wide range of plants, including those with both hard and
            Backward Extraction: The solution obtained from the first step is then   soft cell walls, as the high pressure can disrupt all types
            altered in conditions, such as changing the pH or concentration of   of cell walls (Figure 5).
            the solution, which causes the proteins to be released from the micelle.   However, choosing the appropriate extraction
            This method allows for precise protein extraction. 2.4 Aqueous two-  method for different plants and the specific nutrients
            phase systems (ATPS) extraction: When the substance to be   desired from the extraction can help increase yield,
            separated is introduced into an aqueous two-phase system, proteins   improve quality, and reduce the cost of producing plant-
            will partition into one of the phases depending on their physical and   based animal feed. While the plant-based pet food
            chemical properties, such as size, charge, and hydrophilicity. After the   industry  remains  challenging,  it  shows significant
            proteins have partitioned into the desired phase, the two phases can   potential and is expected to grow in the future.
            be separated by centrifugation or letting them settle out (Figure 4).
               3. Emerging Technologies for Plant Protein Extraction: These
            methods offer rapid, efficient extraction while preserving protein
            quality. For example: 3.1 Microwave-assisted extraction: This      More Information        Service Info C006
            technique has gained popularity in recent years due to its speed,
            energy saving, and higher protein yield compared to traditional
            methods. Microwaves cause molecular vibrations, which enhance   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
            protein release. It is particularly effective for plants with high protein   1   Yoosefzadeh-Najafabadi, M., Rajcan, I., & Vazin, M. (2022).
            content, such as soybeans and sunflower seeds. 3.2 Ultrasound-    High-throughput plant breeding approaches: Moving along
            assisted protein extraction: This method uses high-frequency sound     with plant-based food demands for pet food industries.
            waves (ultrasound) to improve protein extraction from plants. The     Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 991844.
                                                                          Olivry, T., Pucheu-Haston, C. M., Mayer, U., Bergvall, K., &
            pressure and temperature generated by cavitation break down cell     Bexley, J. (2022). Identification of major and minor chicken
            walls, releasing intracellular proteins. It is suitable and effective for     allergens in dogs. Veterinary dermatology, 33(1), 46-57.
                                                                          Fu, Q., Zhao, J., Rong, S., Han, Y., Liu, F., Chu, Q., ... & Chen,
            plants with hard cell structures, such as various seeds, soybeans,     S. (2023). Research advances in plant protein-based products:
            and sunflower seeds. Ultrasound is also effective for plants with high     Protein sources, processing technology, and food
            oil content, as it reduces oil viscosity, facilitating easier protein     applications. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
                                                                         71(42), 15429-15444.
                                                                       4   Li, P., & Wu, G. (2024). Characteristics of Nutrition and
                                                                         Metabolism in Dogs and Cats. In Nutrition and Metabolism of
                                                                         Dogs and Cats (pp. 55-98). Cham: Springer Nature
                                                                       5   Dodd, S. A., Adolphe, J. L., & Verbrugghe, A. (2018). Plant-
                                                                         based diets for dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary
                                                                         Medical Association, 253(11), 1425-1432.
                                                                       6   Alves, A. C., & Tavares, G. M. (2019). Mixing animal and plant
                                                                         proteins: Is this a way to improve protein techno-functional
                                                                         ities?. Food Hydrocolloids, 97, 105171.
                                                                       7   Wehrmaker, A. M., Draijer, N., Bosch, G., & van der Goot, A.
                                                                         J. (2022). Evaluation of plant-based recipes meeting nutritional
                                                                         requirements for dog food: The effect of fractionation and
                                                                         ingredient constraints. Animal Feed Science and Technology,
                                                                         290, 115345.
                                                                       8   Thakur, S., Pandey, A. K., Verma, K., Shrivastava, A., & Singh,
             ภาพที่่� 5  เทคโนโลยีีใหม่่สำำ�หรัับก�รัสำกัดโปรัตีีนพืืช (ก�รัสำกัดด้วยีไม่โครัเวฟ ก�รัสำกัด    N. (2024). Plant-based protein as an alternative to animal
                                                                         proteins: A review of sources, extraction methods and
                    ด้วยีอััลตีรั�โซนิก และก�รัสำกัดด้วยีสำน�ม่ไฟฟ้�)    applications. International Journal of Food Science &
             Figure 5 Emerging Technologies for Plant Protein Extraction     Technology, 59(1), 488-497.
                    (Microwave-assisted extraction, Ultrasound-assisted extraction,   Golder, C., Weemhoff, J. L., & Jewell, D. E. (2020). Cats have
                    and Pulsed electric field extraction)                increased protein digestibility as compared to dogs and
                                                                         improve their ability to absorb protein as dietary protein intake
             ที่่�มา/Source:Thakur et al. (2024)                         shifts from animal to plant sources. Animals, 10(3), 541.

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