Page 67 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
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                   of various food products, such as canned tomato paste,   quality, with color change (ΔE) rates shown in Figure 3. Using Q
                   extra virgin olive oil, and sodium hypochlorite solutions   for shelf life prediction, they found that baby food containing fruit
                   used as multipurpose disinfectants. It is also applied in   has a shelf life of 30 ºC of 318 days.
                   other industries, including fuel products. (Jafari et al., 2017;   Shelf life evaluation is directly related to changes in kinetic
                   Nicoletti et al., 2009; Shekhar, 2011)            reactions, which are used to monitor the transformations occurring
                                                                     in food products. The three shelf life determination techniques
                                                          (Eq. 1)    presented here effectively explain the mechanisms behind various
                                                                     reactions. This poses a challenge for the food industry to
                      Arrhenius equation. Where A  is the constant factor   appropriately and accurately apply these methods, allowing for
                   (pre-exponential or frequency factor), R is the universal   precise shelf life estimation or prediction. Moreover, these
                   gas constant (8.314 J/mol °K), T is the absolute temperature   techniques help reduce the time and costs associated with shelf
                   (°K) and E  is the activation energy (J/mol).     life studies, enabling the development of safer and higher-quality
                                                                     products. Additionally, they enhance competitiveness in the
                      ที่่�มา / Source:  Bunkar et al. (2014)        market.
                      3. Application of the Q  Value: The use of the Q 10
                   value is a globally accepted method commonly used to
                   predict or assess the shelf life of food products. This method   More Information      Service Info C009
                   is time-efficient and cost-effective, allowing for the
                   estimation of the shelf life of various products without having   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
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