Page 76 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
P. 76


              Approaches  to  Reducing  Beany  Flavor                              of Lipoxygenase. Antioxidants like BHA, BHQ, tocopherols,
              in Legume Flour                                    and others.
              The removal of the beany flavor in flour derived from legumes   Approach 3: Creating pH conditions that are unfavorable
              can be achieved through the use of heat and chemicals to   for the activity of the Lipoxygenase enzyme. It has been
              inhibit the activity of the lipoxygenase enzyme, including   reported that Lipoxygenase functions optimally in a pH range
              removing fat from the flour. However, legume flour that has   of 6.5-9, which is neutral to alkaline. Therefore, adjusting the
              undergone a deodorization process should be subjected to   pH to an acidic condition (pH below 6.5) may result in the
              quality testing in various aspects to confirm that the method   denaturation of the Lipoxygenase enzyme. In practice, this
              used is effective and that the flour can still be utilized. The   can be done by adjusting the flour to an acidic condition as a
              approaches to reducing the beany flavor in flour are as   method to inhibit the activity of the Lipoxygenase enzyme.
              follows:                                              3. Fat Removal from Flour
                 1.  Inhibition  of  Lipoxygenase  Enzyme Activity                    Fat removal reduces the amount of precursors that cause
              by Heat                                            beany flavors. This can be achieved by extracting the fat from
                 Lipoxygenase is a protein that undergoes denaturation   the flour using solvents, possibly through prolonged soaking
              when exposed to heat. The level of heat used to inhibit the   followed by centrifugation. The residue from sedimentation is
              enzyme’s activity is at temperatures of 60°C and above,   then dried. The selection of an appropriate solvent is a key
              requiring conditions that ensure thorough heat exposure.   factor affecting the efficiency of fat extraction.
              Common methods used include:  (1) Flour heating –     Another approach to fat removal is using mixed solvents.
              applying heat directly to the flour by placing it in an oven or   For example, improving the beany flavor in bambara groundnut
              immersing it in a water medium. (2) Seed steaming – heating   flour  using  a  combination  of  two  organic  solvents,  one
              the legume seeds by steaming with hot steam, then grinding   non-polar solvent such as chloroform, hexane, or diethyl ether,
              the seeds into flour. (3) Seed heating – directly heating the   and one polar solvent such as methanol or isopropanol ,
              legume seeds before grinding them into flour.      showed significant differences in fat removal efficiency
                 Previous research has studied the heating of low-fat   (p<0.05). The  combination  of  chloroform  and  methanol
              soybean flour in a vacuum oven at 90°C for 30 minutes   was found to be the most effective in removing fat from
              under vacuum pressure . It was found that the heat-treated   the flour.
              flour had a Lipoxygenase activity (LOX) of 10.8 x 10³ U/ml,
              reduced from 25.1 x 10³ U/ml. Additionally, when soybean
              seeds were steamed at 95°C for 1 hour and then dried at
              30°C for 48 hours to reduce moisture before being ground
              into flour , the resulting soybean flour had an LOX value of   More Information     Service Info C011
              106 U/g, reduced from 279 U/g. Furthermore, efforts to
              improve the bean flavor of fava bean flour by heating the
              seeds with a microwave at 950 watts for 1-4 minutes was
              found to reduce LOX (Lipoxygenase) activity by approximately   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                                                                     Huang, Y., Hua, Y., & Qiu, A. (2006). Soybean protein aggregation
              66% .                                                  induced by lipoxygenase catalyzed linoleic acid oxidation. Food
                 2.  Inhibition  of  Lipoxygenase  Enzyme Activity                 Research International, 39, 240–249.
              with Chemicals                                       2   Shin, D. J., Kim, W., & Kim, Y. (2013). Physicochemical and
                 Approach 1:  The use of chemicals with chelating     sensory properties of soy bread made with germinated, steamed,
              properties that facilitate the formation of bonds with iron,     and roasted soy flour. Food Chemistry, 141, 517-523.
              leading to the stability of complex compounds. Since the   3   Jiang, Z., Pulkkinen, M., Wang, Y., Lampi, A., Stoddard, F. L.,
              Lipoxygenase enzyme contains iron within its molecular     Salovaar, H., Piironen, V., &  Sontag-Strohm, T. (2016). Faba bean
              structure, which plays a role in extracting hydrogen atoms     flavor and technological property improvement by thermal pre-treat
                                                                     ments. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 68, 295-305.
              from fatty acids and adding oxygen to them, leading to the   4   Kudre, T. G., and Benjakul, S. (2013). Effects of binary organic
              formation  of  hydroperoxides,  these  hydroperoxides                 solvents and heating on lipid removal and the reduction of beany
              further break down into fatty acid radicals. Using chelating     odour in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean) flour. Food
              agents  helps  remove  iron  from  the  Lipoxygenase                      Chemistry, 141, 1390-1397.
              structure, thus inhibiting lipoxygenase enzyme activity. Food   5    Achouri, A., Boye, J. and Zamani, Y. (2006).  Identification of
              additives classified as chelating agents are reported to     volatile compounds in soymilk using solid-phase microex
              reduce beany flavors, such as EDTA, propyl gallate, citric     traction-gas chromatography. Food Chemistry. 99, 759-766.
                                                                     Baysal, T., & Demirdoven, A. (2007). Lipoxygenase in fruits and
              acid, etc.                                             vegetables: A review. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40,
                 Approach 2:  Using  antioxidants  to  bind  with  free             491-496.
              radicals that would otherwise lead to the formation of   7   Maestri, D. M., Labuckas, D. O., & Guzman, C. A. (2000). Chemical
              hydroperoxides.  Since  the  Lipoxygenase  enzyme  can              and physical characteristics of a soybean beverage with improved
              trigger the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and     flavor by addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Grasesy
              hydroperoxides, using antioxidants can inhibit the activity      Aceites, 51(5), 316-319.

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