Page 81 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
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                       7. Reporting and Alerts: AI can generate real-time reports   3. Central Processing Unit (CPU) or AI Processors
                    and issue alerts when abnormalities occur or when values   The CPU or AI processors serve as the core of AI technology,
                    deviate from predefined limits.                      responsible for analyzing data from sensors and making
                                                                         decisions regarding environmental adjustments. AI processors
                    Factors Affecting the Preservation of Vegetables     can utilize general-purpose processors, such as a Central
                    and Fruits                                           Processing Unit (CPU), Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), or
                       1. Temperature: Managing and controlling the appropriate   specialized AI processors like Neural Processing Units (NPUs)
                    temperature is crucial for preserving fruits and vegetables. AI   to ensure rapid and efficient data processing.
                    can regulate the temperature to prevent spoilage of fruits and   4. Embedded Control Systems Embedded control
                    vegetables.                                          systems are small computers that manage the operations of
                       2. Respiration Rate: Vegetables and fruits with high   various devices within a controlled environment. These systems
                    respiration rates tend to deteriorate faster. Controlling the   can either be pre-configured or work in tandem with AI that
                    environment using IoT technology can slow respiration and   learns from real-time data. They control the functioning of
                    ripening, such as by adjusting carbon dioxide and oxygen   sensors and automated machinery in the storage environment.
                    levels, etc.                                            5. Data Storage and Processing Systems AI-powered
                       3. Relative Humidity: Sensors can regulate the relative   controlled environments require a data storage system capable
                    humidity in storage rooms to reduce weight loss in fruits and   of recording sensor data. This enables AI to analyze the data
                    vegetables.                                          and perform machine learning. The data can be stored on local
                       4. Atmospheric Gases: Controlling the ratio of gases,   servers or cloud systems for deep data analysis and learning.
                    such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, in storage environments   6. Networking and Communication Systems AI needs
                    plays a key role in slowing the respiration rate of fruits and   to connect with devices via networking systems, which may
                    vegetables.                                          use wireless communication technologies such as Wi-Fi or
                    Applications of IoT and AI in Fruit and Vegetable    Zigbee or wired connections like Ethernet. This ensures rapid
                    Storage                                              data communication between sensors, controllers, and
                    IoT plays a vital role in connecting sensors in storage rooms   processors for efficient system operations.
                    to data management systems. Data collected from sensors   7. AI and Machine Learning Software The software that
                    is transmitted to AI for analysis, which then adjusts the storage   governs AI operations is responsible for processing data,
                    environment in real-time. For instance, if a sensor detects an   analyzing conditions, and making decisions to adjust
                    elevated temperature, the system will activate cooling   environmental controls. This software can be installed on
                    equipment to maintain optimal conditions. AI can also predict   various devices or hosted on the cloud, allowing it to evaluate
                    the deterioration of produce based on historical data, helping   and optimize processes based on changes in the environment.
                    businesses plan product distribution with precision.    From the information provided, it can be concluded that the
                    Implementing AI requires various equipment for processing   integration of all these technologies enables AI-controlled
                    and controlling the storage environment. The key devices   environments  to  function  efficiently.  The  system  can
                    used include:                                        automatically and swiftly respond to environmental changes,
                       1. Sensors  Sensors are devices used to detect    ensuring optimal conditions with minimal human intervention.
                    environmental  data  and  transmit  it  to AI  technology  for
                    analysis. Various types of sensors are commonly used in   Case Study: Mango Storage Using IoT and AI
                    controlled storage environments, including:          Technology
                       • Temperature Sensors: For monitoring the temperature   Mangoes are a vital fruit for Thailand’s economy, but they face
                    within the room.                                     the challenge of rapid deterioration during storage. This is
                       • Humidity Sensors: For detecting the moisture levels in   because mangoes are classified as climacteric fruits, meaning
                    the air.                                             their respiration rate significantly increases as they ripen,
                       • Gas Sensors: For measuring oxygen, carbon dioxide,   leading to quick spoilage and a short storage life. To address
                    and other relevant gases.                            this  issue,  the  concept  of  Intelligent  Storage  has  been
                       • Pressure Sensors: For monitoring the air or liquid   implemented to control the storage environment. Mangoes
                    pressure in the system.                              require precise control of temperature, ideally around 13°C,
                       2. Controllers Controllers receive data from sensors and   and relative humidity between 85-90%. IoT technology
                    transmit it to AI systems to adjust conditions within the storage   continuously monitors and stabilizes the storage environment,
                    room. These controllers work in conjunction with mechanical   while AI analyzes the collected data to regulate respiration
                    devices, such as:                                    rates and slow down the ripening process. This results in an
                       • Cooling Systems: To regulate the refrigeration system,   extended storage life for mangoes compared to traditional
                    maintaining suitable conditions for produce storage.  storage  methods  without  the  use  of  intelligent  storage
                       • HVAC Systems: To control air circulation and filtration   systems.
                    within the storage room.
                       • Humidifiers/Dehumidifiers: To adjust humidity levels in
                    the storage room.
                       • Gas Control Systems: To manage and control the levels
                    of  various gases in  the storage  room,  ensuring optimal   More Information        Service Info C012
                    conditions for produce preservation.

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