Page 90 - FoodFocusThailand No.227 February 2025
P. 90
Machinery Maintenance:
A Key to Efficient and Smooth Production
Efficient and safe manufacturing processes are essential pillars of the food industry. To maintain consistent
food quality and safety, manufacturing machinery, including packaging equipment, metal detectors,
and sterilizers, requires regular inspections and maintenance. These practices enhance efficiency,
reduce contamination risks, and minimize operational disruptions. Proper maintenance not only extends
the operational lifespan of machinery but also lowers costs associated with unexpected repairs.
The Roles of Machinery in the Food Machine Maintenance
Industry Whether scheduled, predictive, or reactive, maintenance is vital for
Food processing machinery is crucial for optimizing optimizing machinery functionality and ensuring operational readiness.
product quality and reducing contamination risks, It helps minimize long-term operational issues through the following
both of which are vital for protecting consumer health approaches:
and safety. Well-maintained equipment ensures 1. Scheduled maintenance: conducted on a fixed schedule, it includes
smooth, standardized production. The primary roles tasks such as replacing damaged parts and inspecting lubrication systems
of food processing machinery include: to prevent potential complications.
1. Contamination prevention: packaging 2. Predictive maintenance: this method utilizes technologies like
machines prevent external contamination, while metal sensors or analytical systems to forecast and identify irregularities,
detectors identify and remove unwanted contaminants. such as abnormal temperatures or mechanical vibrations.
2. Preserving food quality: equipment like 3. Reactive maintenance: addressing unexpected malfunctions is not
sterilizers maintains strict quality control by regulating a primary maintenance strategy, but it is essential during emergencies to
temperature and preventing the growth of spoilage- quickly resolve issues, minimize disruptions, and restore operations.
causing microorganisms and pathogens. Additionally,
food processors can adjust manufacturing speed and Benefits of Machine Validation and Maintenance
temperature to ensure optimal product outcomes. 1. Increased manufacturing efficiency: effective maintenance ensures
smooth production, minimizes machine downtime and enhances productivity
Machine Validation while reducing costs associated with disruptions.
Machine validation ensures that equipment operates 2. Reduced maintenance costs: preventive and predictive maintenance
according to established standards, optimizing averts severe machinery damage, significantly lowering repair expenses.
manufacturing efficiency and minimizing risks. Proper upkeep also extends the machinery’s lifespan, reducing the need
The process involves the following steps: for frequent repairs or replacements.
1. Initial validation: conducted on new or recently 3. Assurance of food safety standards: adequate maintenance
repaired machines, it verifies key parameters minimizes contamination risks, ensuring compliance with food safety
such as conveyor speed or sterilizer temperature to standards and consistent product quality.
ensure proper functionality. Machine validation and maintenance are essential cornerstones of
2. Periodic validation: performed monthly or the food industry, ensuring product safety and quality. Leveraging advanced
annually according to a fixed schedule, it ensures technologies can optimize food production and reduce potential losses
the machine maintains standardized and effective caused by mechanical failures. Regular and thorough inspections not
functionality throughout its lifespan. only extend machinery lifespan but also enhance product safety and lower
3. Specific validation: implemented when there long-term manufacturing costs.
are changes in manufacturing processes or raw
materials, such as sourcing new raw materials or
modifying production processes.
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