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Trans fatty acids (TFA) can be naturally
found and also produced from industrial
processes. Natural trans-fat is found at
small amounts in products from ruminants
such as milk and meat (especially fatty
meat). Meanwhile, the industrial trans-fat is
generated during the partial hydrogenation
process of vegetable oil or so called
partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs). Trans
fatty acids have become the hot issue
due to their negative impacts on human’s
health especially Coronary Heart Disease
มหาวิทยาลัยหิดล Thailand: Trans -fat Free Country
Institute of Nutrition
Mahidol University
Professor Dr.Visith Chavasit from the Institute of MOPH entitled “Prescribed Prohibited Food to be Produced, Imported or Sold” to
of Nutrition, Mahidol University and his research designate the PHOs and food containing PHOs as prohibited food to be produced,
team on Thailand: Trans-fat Free Country Project, imported or sold. It is expected that the notification will be effective in 2019. Such period
found that certain locally produced and imported is considered to be appropriate enough for the producers and importers to reformulate
foods and ingredients in Thailand were their products. In fact, new technologies, such as oil-blending, are available for them
contaminated with trans-fat. From the 162 to reformulate and develop their products.
samples of foods and ingredients, the most Nowadays, there are convincing scientific evidences confirmed that trans-fat is
common items that were contaminated with one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases, which is the high prevalent of
Trans-fat were: 1) margarine at 0.08-15.32 gram non-communicable diseases. Even though, not many kinds of food are found to be
per 100 gram, 2) fried donut at 0.02-5.14 gram contaminated with trans-fat, law enforcement is considered as an effective measure
per 100 gram, 3) pie at 0.03-4.39 gram per 100 to protect consumers’ health from trans-fat. Such notification will not benefit only for
gram, 4) puff and pastry at 0.01-2.46 gram per the health and quality of life of people, but also for the food exportation.
100 gram, and 5) chocolate wafer at 0.06-6.24
gram per 100 gram. Therefore, excessive
consumption of these foods could lead to health
problems, especially cardiovascular diseases.
Associate Professor Dr.Wantanee
Kriengsinyos, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol
University, revealed that obtaining trans-fat
instead of other fatty acids only 1% of total energy
increased bad (LDL) cholesterol, but decreased
good (HDL) cholesterol, suggesting that high TFA
intake is associated with negative health
outcomes. Studies have shown that consuming
trans-fat replacing only 2% of carbohydrates has
an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, up
to 23%. Trans-fat derived from the industrial ที่มา/Source
process increased the risk of cardiovascular สถาบันโภชนาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ร่วมกับ ส�านักงานพัฒนาการวิจัยการเกษตร (องค์กรมหาชน) (สวก.) สมาคม
disease by as much as 42%, while no such risk
was found in the consumption of natural trans-fat. นิสิตเก่าคณะอุตสาหกรรมเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ (สอก.) และส�านักงานคณะกรรมการอาหารและยา
Therefore, Food and Agricultural Organization of (อย.) กระทรวงสาธารณสุข จัดสัมมนาเรื่อง “ประเทศไทยปลอดไขมันทรานส์” ณ โรงแรมเอเชีย กรุงเทพฯ เมื่อวัน
the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health ที่ 15 มีนาคม 2561 โดยมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อสร้างความเข้าใจสถานการณ์การปนเปื้อนไขมันทรานส์ในอาหารและ
Organization (WHO) recommend to consume ผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารในประเทศไทย ผลกระทบของไขมันทรานส์ต่อสุขภาพ รวมถึงแนวทางการออกกฎหมายเพื่อควบคุม
trans-fat not more than 1% of total energy intake, ปริมาณไขมันทรานส์ในอาหาร
or less than 2.2 grams per day or less than 0.5
grams per serving.
Moreover, Ms.Mayuree Ditmetharoj, Agro-Industry Alumni Association, Kasetsart University in collaboration with Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol
Representative from Thailand’s Food and Drug University, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health with the support from Agricultural
Research Development Agency (Public Organization) hosted a seminar on “Thailand: Trans-fat Free
Administration (Thai FDA), Ministry of Public Country” at Asia Hotel, Bangkok on March 15, 2018. The seminar aims to create public understanding on
Health, mentioned that “In order to protect contamination of trans-fat in food products in Thailand, the impact of trans-fat on consumers’ health, as
consumers, Thai FDA has drafted the Notification well as the legal action in controlling trans-fat food products.
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