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            ปนเปื้อน ไม่ว่ำจะเป็นครำบน�้ำมัน ฝุ่น
            ควัน แมลง ที่อำจจะติดมำจำกร้ำน         ImportancE of hose connection
            ย�้ำสำยที่ไม่มีมำตรฐำน อีกทั้งกำรย�้ำสำย
            ส�ำหรับงำนอำหำรต้องใช้ข้อต่อเฉพำะ                          and fitting crimping
            ที่มีมำตรฐำน  เพื่อป้องกันปัญหำ
            กำรหลุด รั่ว หรือสำยขำดในบริเวณ            for food and beverage industry
            ที่ข้อต่อย�้ำกับสำย กำรย�้ำสำยให้ได้
            หลำยอย่ำงที่ต้องค�ำนึง เช่น สภำพของ  Hoses are equipment that we often use in food and beverage production
            ตัวสำยยำง แกนย�้ำ ปลอกย�้ำ หรือ            line, but most of users do not give priority to them. We use hoses for many
            วิธีกำรย�้ำสำย กำรค�ำนวณแรงบีบอัด  reasons. Transferring product or material from one to another process is
            ต่ำงๆ เป็นต้น นอกจำกนี้ ลักษณะและ  one of them and very important to food and beverage factories, especially
            รูปร่ำงภำยนอกเองยังเป็นส่วนส�ำคัญ  in terms of safety. If hoses are not suitable for your product, not food grade,
                ในกระบวนกำรผลิตอำหำรและ       or not food certified, they may cause contamination problems to products.
            เครื่องดื่ม  สิ่งส�ำคัญที่ต้องค�ำนึงถึง             Not only hoses are concerned but also fitting connectors which are used
                                              for connecting flexible hoses to machines or pipes are also critical. If food
            ก็คือ  ควำมปลอดภัยของผู้บริโภค               and beverage factories use improper, low standard, or unsanitary fitting that
            ในทุกๆ อุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ในกำรผลิตอำหำร  could have a gap between hose and fitting, the risk of it being a microbial
            และเครื่องดื่ม ผู้ผลิตต้องให้ควำม-  accumulation spot could really be found. This also lead to a difficult and
            ส�ำคัญทั้งหมด                     expensive cleaning needs, eventually.

                                                    To select proper fitting connectors for food and beverage production lines, following
                                                 factors should be concerned:
                                                          Material:  Fitting  material  for  food  and  beverage  lines  should  not  cause
                                                       contamination, or become corrosive. It should be easily washed and cleaned. Stainless
                                                       304, 316 or 316L (L for Low carbon) are mostly used to produce food grade fitting.
                                                       However, pricing of stainless 304, 316 or 316L (L for Low carbon) fitting connector
                                                       are likely more expensive that regular fitting connectors. Again, one of the popular
                                                       issues found when selecting fitting connectors is that many users do not know how
                                                       to select or match the proper fitting connector material to each objective
                                                          Design: Design of food grade fitting should have easy access for sanitary, avoid
                                                       gap which might cause microbial collection, and be easy to clean. Food fitting design
                                                       should not be threaded.
                                                          Roughness: Surface of fitting is very important for food and beverage industry
                                                       because smooth surface is easily cleaned, and decreasing chance of contamination.
                                                       According to 3A (Triple A) standard, US sanitary standard for machine and equipment
                                                       for food and daily product, roughness (Ra) of food fitting must not more than 32 μ-in
                                                       and less than 20 μ-in for medical grade (for injected medicine or vaccine).
                                                          Crimping Standard: Mostly in Thailand, we can do hose crimping in any hydraulic
                                                       shops, which have high risk of contamination either from oil, dust, smoke or bugs.
                                                       To prevent leakage, loosing, or tear of hose and fitting, we need to have high standard
                                                       and high quality control process which is also difficult. We need to consider many
                                                       factors such as hose condition, fitting part for crimping, or crimping method, crimping
                                                       force, etc., Also appearances are as important as quality nowaday.
                                                          The most important thing for food and beverage manufacturer is to provide the
                                                       best and safe product to customer, so manufacturer should be assured that material
                                                       and tools used in production lines are in working condition and safe to both workers
                                                       and products.

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