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        The innovation in logistics and technology will      down to 24, resulting in improved freshness, increased customer
        enable growers, suppliers and retailers to build faster   satisfaction, and a 25 per cent reduction in shrink. The value created
        and more flexible, precise and transparent supply    by these benefits was shared equally between the retailer and the
        chains. But how will they achieve this and, what do
        these players have to do to take advantage of this   What is in it for the fruit and vegetable business?
        opportunity?                                         A lot, especially when it comes to products with very short shelf-life,
                                                             such  as  berries,certain  mushrooms  or  salads,  which  will  profit
           In the past, the relationship between retailers and fresh produce   significantly  even  from  a  slight  reduction  in  turnover  times.  If
        suppliers has often been confrontational, shaped by regular and   collaborative approaches to better managing the fruit and vegetable
        tough  negotiations. Taking  the  opportunity  to  place  one  such   supply chain is to work, several key steps need to be taken. Firstly,
        relationship on a different footing, two businesses – a retailer and   each partner needs to ensure the relevant capabilities are in place
        a supplier – jointly developed a strategic partnership with the   in terms of organization, processes and information technology.
        objective of producing mutual benefits. Their hope was that this new,   Secondly, it is essential to priorities the right collaboration partners,
        collaborative effort would create additional value all along the supply   as it means they can focus their efforts wherever they will have the
        chain, with both partners benefiting.                greatest impact. Thirdly, both partners must establish a world-class
           Once the retailer and supplier had set aside their long tradition   collaboration setup, ranging from the partnership’s clear objectives
        of negotiation, they were able to start the process of building a   to insightful data sharing mechanisms.
        relationship based on trust. They set out on this journey by first   A second approach to speeding up the supply chain is to reduce
        ensuring full, end-to-end visibilitay across both partners’ businesses   standing times: every moment that produce spends not moving
        when it came to all of their supply chain activities. This enabled them   towards the end consumer, it loses freshness. Reducing downtime
        to work together to detect where the existing inefficiencies were   during transportation by truck, rail or air would improve quality and
        located, and then to systematically correct the root causes.  freshness at point of sale. There are a number of challenges that
           As a result, the retailer has reduced idle times in the ordering   stand in the way of achieving this ambition, however. This is the case,
        process by transmitting orders marginally earlier, so they can be   for example, with regard to the main transport routes out of several
        factored into the supplier’s earlier pick-and-pack iteration. Volume   major producing countries, such as those in Iberia. While a reduction
        forecasts are now being shared early in the process to bring forward   in the standing time could in theory be realized by using autonomous
        certain  process  steps.  Regular  formal  and  informal  exchanges   transport, at present no viable solution appears set to achieve this
        between both partners have driven the alignment and information   goal in the near term. These problems arise due to the hurdles
        sharing to save time, as inefficiencies have been eliminated.  currently presented by legislation, the lack of standardization across
           These efforts have reduced the order lead time from 48 hours   borders, and the low degree of interconnectedness between
                                                             competing companies.

        Case Study:

        Fresh Produce Supplier and

        Retailer Collaboration

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