Page 52 - FoodFocusThailand No.169 April 2020
P. 52


              High Pressure Processing (HPP)                        Overcoming Undesired Changes
              High pressure processing (HPP) is a novel post-packaging technology   HPP affects the colour and texture of meat, depending on the pressure
              that effectively inactivates microorganisms without heating.   level that is applied. The meat becomes more gel-structured and
              Commercially it is used in cases where heat treatment is not possible   paler, losing the typical appearance of fresh meat. Colour changes
              or not convenient. Sensitive resources such as vitamins and other   are more significant for fresh red meat than for white meat and cured
              nutritional ingredients are retained. It is also a novel strategy to   meat products. Undesired changes can be limited by changing the
              successfully alter the structure and other quality parameters of meat   process parameters, such as pressure, time and temperature. In
              and meat products, such as colour and water holding capacity.  addition, curing, oxygen removal and the increase of pH by changing
                                                                    the ingredients of a meat product can limit changes in colour.
              Tenderizing Meat
              HPP can tenderize meat, but this depends on the rigor stage, pressure   Europe’s HPP Facilities
              and temperature level applied. For example, pressures below 200   Consumer acceptance of HPP is high in comparison to other non-
              MPa can tenderize pre-rigor meat, whereas tenderization post-rigor   thermal decontamination technologies such as ionizing radiation,
              with HPP can only be achieved by higher temperatures.  leading to an increased number of commercial installations. Some
                                                                    companies have their own facilities, but others share or use toll
              Improved Structure                                    processing. For example, DIL in Germany and Cluster FOOD + i in
              HPP can enhance gel structure and water binding capacity and can   Spain offer HPP toll processing in combination with process and
              therefore be useful in product                                          product development.
              development. Muscle proteins, including
              myofibrillar proteins, are unfolded up to                               Hydrodynamic Shockwaves
              a pressure of 300 MPa. Pressures above                                  Hydrodynamic shockwave (HDS) use has
              this level result in increased denaturation,                            emerged in the recent years as a suitable
              gel formation and agglomeration of                                      option, specifically when a consistent quality
              proteins. For example, in fresh meat, the                               and tenderness of meat cannot be reached
              application of low pressure levels can                                  by the existing technologies. HDS uses
              be used to improve the functional and                                   underwater pressure pulses that
              rheological properties of PSE meat or                                   instantaneously develop shockwaves up to
              turkey meat with low pH.                                                1 GPa pressure in a fraction of milliseconds.
                                                                                      HDS induces mechanical tissue
              Nutrition                                                               disintegration  and  therefore  tenderizes
              Vitamins, protein functionalities and                                   meat. It can also be used to shorten the time
              overall the freshness are retained by                                   to tenderize meat. It is not clear what effect
              using HPP, which is often not the case                                  HDS has on inactivation of microorganisms.
              during heat treatments. Also, HPP can                                   The German Institute of Food Technologies
              be used to develop meat products with                                   DIL developed a first industrial prototype.
              reduced salt content. Salt is typically                                 Due to the continuing design and building
              added to improve protein hydration, but                                 of new process equipment for the generation
              hydration is also improved by HPP                                       of shockwaves, it is expected that the use
              treatment due to protein unfolding. HPP                                 of HDS will become an industrial reality in
              has already been used to reduce cook                                    the near future.
              loss and to improve the texture of low-
              salt beef sausage batters.                                              Examples of HDS Foods
                                                                                      The technique provides tenderness
              Improved Shelf Life                                                     improvement for lower quality cuts such as
              The commercially applied pressure                                       round or flank meat or meat from dairy cattle
              levels range between 400–600 MPa with                                   breeds. HDS allows a quality improvement
              short processing times of 3–7 min at                                    and a reduction of maturation time. Also
              ambient temperatures. In most cases this leads to a 10,000-fold   processing of tougher meat types such as buffalo meat is a viable
              reduction in the majority of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms,   option.
              resulting in an increased shelf life and improved safety. The inactivation
              of microorganisms depends on process parameters such as pressure,   Costs
              temperature and processing time and on product parameters such   The costs for applying HPP depend on the specific product and
              as pH, water activity, salt content and the presence of other   process parameters, especially the filling ratio, but are around 0.10
              antimicrobials.                                       €/kg, if you would apply 600 MPa, 5 min at room temperature for
                                                                    pasteurization. Sterilisation with HPP in combination with high
              Examples of HPP Foods                                 temperature is not implemented yet, but costs are estimated to be at
              The production of liver sausage results in a significantly smoother   least 0.30 €/kg for 600 MPa, 120°C, 3 min. Shock wave costs are
              and homogenous product with an increased liver-taste when replacing   difficult to estimate, as the technology is not ready yet, but fast
              two thermal steps by HPP. In addition, time and energy consumptions   progressing. Optimization of process parameters is required per
              and nutritional value are significantly improved. Other examples of   particular application.
              products currently processed with HPP are: fermented sausages, filet
              American, steak tartar, Carpaccio, hamburger, deli meats infused with
              extra virgin olive oil, poultry strips, oven roasted chicken, meat and   เอกสารอ้างอิง / Reference
              cheese snack products, Serrano ham and chorizo.

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