Page 62 - FoodFocusThailand No.186 September 2021
P. 62

            STRONG QC & QAQA

                                                            Accurate Gravimetric

                                                                                     Sample Prep.

                                                             Detects Honey

                                                                 and Oil Fraud

                                                          Fast and reliable methods are necessary to assess the quality
                                                          of foods that may be adulterated before selling, such as honey
                                                          and oil. The automatic balance  can accurately prepare samples
                                                          of challenging consistency for detailed profiling by nuclear
                                                          magnetic resonance, or NMR spectroscopy.

                Food fraud takes many forms but often involves deceptive labeling or   An automated alternative
             the adulteration of foodstuffs with cheaper alternatives. Though examples   To improve the accuracy, reproducibility, and efficiency of their sample
             of deleterious substitutions exist, including diluting expensive products   preparation and analysis workflows by considered a gravimetric
             such as olive oil or spices with allergenic or carcinogenic substances, the   solution from automatic balance  with assistance from proper
             most pronounced effect of food fraud is typically on the customer’s wallet.   specialists. Even at very low target weights, the balance’s accuracy
             In fact, the global cost to consumers is likely tens of billions of USD annually   easily enables dispensing of correct sample and solvent volumes
             across a broad range of food and beverage categories.   for viscous materials such as honey, which concomitantly permits
                Regulatory agencies recommend a variety of methods to detect food   reduced consumption of costly NMR-grade solvents. Its speed
             adulteration. While genotyping can identify improperly labeled meat and   ensures repeatable dosing of volatile compounds such as CDCl .
             fish, molecular analyses such as chromatography and spectroscopy   Together, these features improve the reproducibility of sample
             provide detailed insight into the composition of liquids and beverages.  preparation when materials are limited while minimizing waste
                                                                     disposal and protecting operators from toxins.
             Challenges of manual sample preparation                   In the analyses, the automatic balance  reduced preparation
             A  German  company  is  a  globally  renowned  manufacturer  of  NMR   time for honey and olive oil samples by 50 percent while substantially
             spectroscopy equipment . The company has already developed a series   improving  reproducibility  (Figure  1).  The  improved  workflow
             of ISO 17025 – accredited methods using  H NMR spectroscopy to   represents an efficient, robust means to detect food fraud – protecting
             accurately profile the composition of fruit juices, wine, and honey. It is   consumers’ health, safety and budgets.
             currently refining an application for olive oil. Yet reproducible sample
             preparation, which requires sample dissolution in a deuterated solvent, is
             a barrier to reliable detection of food adulteration. For example, honey’s
             viscosity makes it challenging to weigh small quantities into volumetric   More Information  Service Info C009
             flasks before dissolution in D O and assay. Likewise, olive oil assessment.
             Requires the highly volatile deuterated chloroform (CDCl ) as a solvent.   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
             In each case, the challenging consistencies affect the repeatability of   1  Automated balance Model XPR from METTLER TOLEDO from the USA
             results.                                                2  Mettler-Toledo GmbH from Germany
             62  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  SEP   2021

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