Page 35 - FoodFocusThailand No.183 June 2021
P. 35


                  End-To-End Traceability             Efficiency Boost
                  While we touched  on the  idea  of     It’s no secret that when deployed and developed properly, a machine or automation system
                  traceability a little in the point above, it’s   can perform work faster and better than human laborers, at least in some cases. A machine never
                  the lion’s share that’s really going to   tires, never gets bored and can never slack off—unless it has a malfunction. That’s not to say
                  make  a  difference. Automation  and   modern technologies will be used to replace workers outright, but instead, they might be deployed
                  modern analytics tools can be deployed   alongside them to help them work faster, better and safer.
                  to  track  products  and  goods  from   Take Amazon, for instance, which has deployed an army of AI and automation robots inside
                  inception  to  fulfillment.  Because  the   their warehouses to improve the efficiency of their order fulfillment process. It has the added
                  systems in question are designed to track   benefit of speeding up the entire system, so customers get their items faster. It also improves
                  and monitor on their own with little to no   safety and performance for the workers, effectively eliminating unsafe tasks or rote work.
                  input, you can tap in anywhere along the   Automation can provide benefits across the board for the food and beverage industry. It will
                  chain to seek the information you need.  be interesting to see how technological developments unfold.
                     Have a contaminated shipment that
                  was discovered too late? You can use
                  the modern analytics and automation
                  tools at your disposal to find exactly
                  where they are shipped or headed. This
                  way you can head off a massive health
                  problem before it even starts.
                     This,  in  turn,  can  help  alleviate
                  compliance costs and stressors, as well
                  as improve the overall performance of
                  the supply chain and various key
                  processes. You could, for example, see
                  how long a particular stop or touchpoint
                  along the supply chain is taking and use
                  the information provided to speed up
                     End-to-end traceability and all the
                  data that comes with it is about more
                  than just watching where food comes
                  from, where it is handled and where it
                  goes. You can use the data provided to
                  build an accurate profile and predictive
                  system for future gains.

                  Improved Worker Safety
                  Automation systems, AI and modern
                  robotics are often used to control rote,
                  repetitive  and sometimes even
                  dangerous tasks. In this way, you can
                  save human laborers from the dangers
                  of a particular activity or even the
                  monotony of busy work. It frees them up
                  to  handle  more  important  demands,
                  which is another benefit.
                     Of course, increased safety and
                  protection for your loyal workforce can
                  also  work  to  alleviate  operation  or
                  maintenance costs in the long run. It can
                  lead to faster and more widespread
                  adoption of new standards and
                  regulations for your workforce at large
                  as well. Traditionally, such a change
                  might require additional training, new
                  equipment or even better protection for
                  your workers.
                     In the case of automation, you can
                  simply update the existing hardware and
                  software to be compliant and save the
                  trouble of maintaining everything else,
                  such as updating safety gear for your
                  workers, which would no longer be

                                                                                                  JUN   2021 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  35

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