Page 75 - FoodFocusThailand No.183 June 2021
P. 75
In terms of severity, NCDs is the first priority in terms of both The data about fat consumption of Thais showed that in average, Thais
the number of death and burden of disease. The data from World consume fat 45.6 g/person/day. Children (6-14 years old) have the trend to
Health Organization (WHO) showed that the trend of people in the consume high-fat food decreases from 12.0% to 7.9% after the action of Ministry
world to die from NCDs has been increasing from 38 millions in of Public Health on January 2019. The average of trans fat amount in food
2012 (68% of total deaths) to 41 millions in 2016 (71% of total products was in the range of 0.09-0.31 g/serving size, which less than the daily
deaths). recommended amount by FAO and WHO.
NCDs is the group of diseases. Cardiovascular disease is the The data about sodium consumption of Thais in 2009 showed that Thais
disease that causes the highest number of deaths in the world (17.9 consumes sodium up to 3,246 mg/person/day, which higher than the global
millions = 44%), follow by cancers (9.0 millions = 22%), chronic recommended amount (2,000 mg/person/day). Although the amount of snack
respiratory disease (3.8 millions = 9%) and diabetes (1.6 millions and fast food consumption has been decreasing, the amount of ready-to-eat
= 4%). The data also showed that people who died from NCDs food has been continuously increasing.
was in the age range of 30-69 years old, which is called premature The data of NCDs problem showed that food ingredients is one of the keys
death. The premature death is high up to 15 millions and 85% of factors that make consumers high at risk of NCDs, not only energy but also
those number occurs in low-income and middle-income countries. sugar, fat and sodium. Therefore, food industry has become a part to solve of
NCDs problem not only causes loss of health but also have the relieve NCDs problem by improving the formula or launching the new products,
adverse effects on economy and social. The data from 2007 showed which can help to reduce the risk of NCDs. The launching of new formula and
that Thailand had the lowest rate of death from NCDs among new products usually needs the broad knowledge about food science,
countries in South and East Asia (SEARO). However, the rate of technology and nutrition to design the product, which is delicious, long shelf-life,
death from NCDs of Thailand had been increasing since 2014. convenience for consumption and good for health.
Cerebrovascular disease causes the highest death in Thailand In addition of food product, food ingredients also have been launched to
(44.3 deaths out of 100,000 people). The death from cerebrovascular response to the health concerns of consumers such as rare sugar. Rare sugar
disease occurs in males more than females. is rarely to be found in natural, such as allulose and tagatose. Nowadays, rare
The two major risk factors of NCDs are inappropriate food sugar is quite expensive. Allulose is a very promising ingredient due to its
consumption and not enough physical activity. According to the two similarities to sugar in both taste and texture. Many researches have been
major risk factors, NCDs are preventable. For example, people can studying the process to produce these rare sugar to get the more cost-effective
choose appropriate food for health. The appropriate food for health manner.
is the food with variety, contains five groups of nutrients and Not only the improvement of nutritional value of food product to reduce
appropriate amount. However, the data about food consumption the risk of NCDs, but the use of natural extract with biological activities also
of Thais showed that Thais consume too much of sugar, fat and helps to reduce the risk of NCDs. The biological activities are the inhibitory
sodium. In average, Thais consume sugar 25.5 teaspoons/day. effects against lipid digestion, the inhibitory effects against carbohydrate
This amount is 4 times more than the amount that recommendation digestion and anti-diabetic activity.
amount from WHO (6 teaspoons/day). The data also showed that In Thailand, there is a number of new launched products aim to reduce the
Thais drink beverage with added sugar about 3 glasses/day and risk of NCDs. Those products are not only reduce sugar and fat, but also reduce
males drink beverages with added sugar more than females. sodium to reduce the risk factor of NCDs. Moreover, government applies the
Children with the age of 6-14 are the group that drinks beverage new policies such as Sugar Tax; therefore, R&D needs to work on the
with added sugar per week at the most. The popular beverage with improvement of the products. Sugar Tax is also more restricted every other
sugar added for Thais is milk tea with tapioca pearl, which contains year; therefore, it is the challenge of food production to improve nutritional value
sugar more than 6 teaspoons/glass. The data also showed that of the product to reduce risk of NCDs to consumers. However, it is a responsibility
Thais consume milk tea with tapioca pearl about 6 glasses/month. of consumers to choose the variety of products with suitable for themselves.
Food and
Right now, if you ask about the first priority health problem of the
world, everyone would say that Coronavirus or COVID-19 is the
most important health problem. However, the severity of
COVID-19 that causes people with infection to death is having
non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Therefore,
we all cannot ignore the problem of NCDs.
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