Page 71 - FoodFocusThailand No.183 June 2021
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majority of the 5 leading causes were NCDs: the predominant cause revealed that 5.71% had obesity, 84.37% of diabetic participants had
of death in the male population was cerebrovascular disease family history of diabetes, and 66.66% of the participants with chronic
(accounting for 11.1% of all male deaths) while the other 4 causes respiratory disease also had family history of the same disease. These
were ischemic heart disease (7.8%), road accident (7.4%), liver cancer participants consumed sugar- and fat-laden foods 6.01 times per day
(6.5%), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (6.0%). Among while the frequency in a normal population would be at 5.68 times a day.
the female population, the primary cause of death was also They also consumed high-sugar drinks 1.89 time per day in contrast to
cerebrovascular disease (accounting for 14.6% of all female deaths), 1.76 time per day in a normal population. 74.28% added more salt in
followed by diabetes and ischemic heart disease. In a cross-section their meals, and just 22.86% engaged in extracurricular physical exercise
comparison, cerebrovascular disease was the most prevalent cause at school, with an average walking time of 33.57 minutes per day. It can
of death in both genders. be concluded from the study that unhealthy eating habits, such as high-
In the global scenario, NCDs account for half of the world’s fat or high-sugar diets, and lack of exercise contribute to NCDs. Mindful
ailments and burdens of treatment. Furthermore, half of the NCDs- eating behavior and regular exercise should be taken into consideration
related deaths are attributed to cardiovascular diseases, which to ensure a better health.
generally affect the middle- and low-income population. It can be said
that NCDs are a world-class murderer. Early Signs of NCDs
The illnesses of each NCDs group may show the following symptoms:
Risk Factors 1. Diabetes: abnormally frequent urination, weight loss with unknown
Five behavioral risk factors of NCDs are smoking, alcohol, unhealthy reason, slow healing wounds, easy fatigability and exhaustion, and dark
diet, lack of physical activity, and air pollution. They contribute to patches around the neck and the groin.
abnormal physiological changes, such as hypercholesterolemia, 2. Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases: easy fatigability,
hypertension, hyperglycemia, overweight, and obesity, which acute weakness in the limbs, numbness of the fingers, hands, or toes,
consequently trigger cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, left-sided chest and arm pain, impaired speech, and mouth twisted to
chronic respiratory diseases, and mental issues. one side.
Hypertension is developed when the systolic blood pressure 3. Emphysema: chronic cough, easy contraction of and slow recovery
exceeds 140 mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure is over 90 mmHg from colds, fatigue and loss of breath, frequent bronchitis, chest tightness,
(in the population of over 18 years). and wheezing.
Hyperglycemia refers to when a fasting plasma glucose is higher 4. Cancer: irregular excretory system, chronic and non-healing
than 7.0 mmol/L or 126 mg/dL. wounds, abnormal bleeding, fast-growing lump or boil, and chronic cough
Overweight occurs when a person’s body mass index (BMI) or hoarseness.
exceeds 25 kg/m², and if it is over 30 kg/m², the person is considered 5. Hypertension: frequent wake-up headache, dizziness, blurred
to have obesity. vision, frequent nosebleed, tiredness, easy fatigability, and palpitation.
Hypercholesterolemia is developed when the total cholesterol is 6. Metabolic syndrome: a pear-shaped visceral fat distribution, weak
more than 15.0 mmol/L or 190 mg/dL. knees due to extra weight, and reduced capacity to maintain physical
Behavioral Contributors to NCDs
1. Metabolic syndrome is caused by overeating of foods, especially Guidelines for NCDs Prevention
starch- and fat-laden ones, and lack of physical exercise. If not properly NCDs are related to lifestyle habits such as eating, sleeping, and
spent, the surplus energy extracted from ingested food will turn into exercising. The prevention of NCDs can be achieved through modifying
fat deposition in different body sites. your lifestyle behaviors and taking a good care of your health:
2. Hypertension is triggered by the consumption of excessively 1. Eat healthy foods, vegetables, and high-fiber, non-sugary fruits
salty, sweet, and fatty foods with intense flavors. such as guava, dragon fruit, or rose apple.
3. Diabetes occurs when there are high blood glucose levels and 2. Engage in more physical activities and exercise regularly, at least
insulin resistance, in which insulin is unable to transfer blood glucose 150 minutes per week.
into cells where it can be used up for energy. 3. Eat moderately in accordance with your daily energy requirement.
4. Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases are caused by 4. Relax and manage your stress levels.
high-fat diets and lack of physical exercise, which result in high blood 5. Get sufficient hours of sleep.
lipids and fat deposits in vessels or arteries, especially the ones that 6. Avoid excessively salty, sweet, or fatty foods.
lead to the brain or the heart. When an artery or a vessel is clogged, 7. Control your weight and keep your BMI under 23 kg/m² to avoid
the blood will not flow to these two vital organs, thus inducing a stroke increased risks of diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease.
or a cardiac arrest. 8. Avoid smoking.
5. Emphysema is attributed to heavy smoking. 9. Avoid alcohol.
6. Cancer is caused by the ingestion of carcinogens, most of
which are present in, for example, charred, burnt, or chemically Summary
processed foods. Other contributing factors are smoking and alcohol. NCDs are triggered by unhealthy daily lifestyles, and the recommended
In a research that assessed the connection between the nutritional prevention is to change your behavior patterns. Moderate your food
conditions in adolescence and the incidence of NCDs, 300 primary intake, keep your emotions in check, and exercise regularly. Leading a
and secondary students from 3 schools in Georgia were studied. healthy life and enjoying a hobby can be mentally beneficial and relaxing.
Among these participants, 70% had NCDs (32 diabetic participants, These diseases are chronic and can incur enormous long-term financial
36 with chronic respiratory diseases, 1 with coronary artery disease, burden. Due to their insidious nature, NCDs usually show noticeable
and 1 with cancer). The average age was 14.21 years (10-19 years) symptoms in advanced age. Thailand is approaching a complete elderly
while the average body weight and BMI were 55.25 kilograms and society, so healthy lifestyle and avoidance of health risk factors will mitigate
20.44 kg/m², respectively. The collected data included the participants’ the burden of caregiving of the elderly with chronic NCDs and help usher
dietary information, physical activities, and body sizes. The finding Thailand into a healthy and complete aged society.
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